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* School Seal & Motto

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School Seal

The monogram of the Virgin Mary and symbols that evoke her victories form the greater part of Our Lady of Victories Catholic School of Quezon City-High School’s coat of arms. The school that forms Christ in men has no surer guide than Christ’s own Immaculate Mother, who first formed Him in her own virginal womb. Top left, the symbol of Mary’s name stands large. Top right, the lion, the symbol of Christ “Lion of the Tribe of Juda”who calls to our students to gather to the standard of the cross. On the chevron, four full stars signifying four historic battles spiritual and military in which our Queen, beautiful as an army arrayed for battle, came to the aid of her sons and scattered their enemies. These miraculous victories of La Naval  (1646), Vienna (1683), Lepanto (1571), and the crushing of the Albigensian heresy were all won through the rosary, turning the tide of history for centuries to follow. The spangled star refers to the victory of Our Lady yet to come: the conversion of Russia, in which the young men of Our Lady of Victories Catholic School are so certain that it is boldly proclaimed with the others. Especially dear to every Filipino must be the miraculous victory of La Naval, depicted by the ships at the bottom of the shield. This is Our Lady of Victories Catholic School, proudly Catholic, proudly Marian, proudly Filipino!




“Wisdom is mightier than all”-wisdom 10:12
(used in the Mass of a Martyr)


True wisdom, which deeply ponders and savors the things of God, judges all things in the light of the highest of all principles, God Himself. Its realization is nothing other than Jesus Christ, Wisdom Incarnate, being formed in the souls of each of His children. It is this identification with Christ that has given  understanding to confessors, fortitude to the martyrs, and been the life-blood of the Church. The sons of Our Lady of Victories Catholic School will build their convictions on doctrine and virtue, learning from their Mother that true Wisdom is ultimately a gift of God. In whatever field of study, they will see that all they learn is but a small glimmer of light from that Eternal Wisdom, Who is their final goal.

Primary Color: Blue: Rich and royal professing a triumphal pride in the victories of our glorious Queen; joy in conquests past and faith in those yet to come.

Secondary Color: White: Symbolizing the immaculate purity of the Holy Virgin, the model for those who are true sons, determined to arm themselves against the Enemy’s corruption by purity of mind, heart, and body.




“Wisdom is mightier than all”

-wisdom 10:12





2 Cannon Rd., New Manila, Quezon City1112

Tel.: (63)(02)721-7343

Email Address: olvcs.manila@gmail.com