Volume 1, Chapter 13

August 1976
Mass at Lille
Mass at Lille was an event of considerable importance. Firstly,
it constituted in the most dramatic manner possible the response
of the Archbishop to his suspenion, the terms of which forbade him
to celebrate Mass. Secondly, it enabled him to put his case to an
audience of millions around the world. Thirdly, it was clearly as
a result of the impact made by this Mass that the Pope felt obliged
to receive the Archbishop despite repeated Vatican claims that this
would never be done until he made an act of submission to the "Conciliar
Church." Fourthly, the reporting of this Mass and its background
provides one of the clearest instances of the extent to which the
Catholic and secular press is prepared to go to misrepresent the
Archbishop. Fortunately, I was present at the Mass with some friends
and can thus provide a first-hand account of what took place. I
also have the complete text of the Archbishop's controversial sermon
and have had access to a professionally made recording which includes
every word.
Among the allegations
made concerning the Mass at Lille is that it was intended by the
Archbishop as an act of public defiance, a huge public demonstration
against the authority of the Holy See. Nothing could be further
from the truth. Lille is, of course, in the Archbishop's own native
region of France. He had been asked by some of his friends and relations
to offer Mass there on 29 August and had agreed. It was to be a
semi-private occasion for two or three hundred people at the most.
But the media got to learn of the proposed Mass and began building
it up into an act of contestation, a trial of strength between the
Archbishop and the Pope. Then, as a result of this publicity, traditionalists
from further afield got to know about the Mass and began to make
inquiries about its venue as they wished to attend. This posed the
organizers and the Archbishop himself with a problem as they had
not made arrangements to cope with a congregation of more than a
few hundred. The Archbishop 's decision was unequivocal-the arrangements
that had been made were to stand and those from further afield were
to be discouraged from coming. That this was indeed the case is
also something to which I can add my personal testimony. After learning
of the proposed Mass I had thought it might be appropriate to arrange
for a few hundred British Catholics to go to Lille as a gesture
of solidarity with Mgr. Lefebvre in the face of the Vatican sanctions.
But I did not want to do this without being certain that there would
be a public Mass with sufficient space for everyone wishing to attend.
I arranged for a phone call directly to the Archbishop at Ecône
and his personal reply was quite definite: the Mass was to be private,
he did not want anyone from outside Lille to come, and anyone planning
to do so should be discouraged. This was only one week before the
Mass was scheduled to take place.
During the
week before the Mass it became clear to the organizers that several
thousand of the faithful were going to arrive whether the Archbishop
wanted them to or not and so, at the last minute, they decided to
hire the vast auditorium of the International Fair in Lille. This,
they reckoned, would be more than sufficient to cope with any number
that might arrive. This was reported in the British secular press
on Saturday, 28 August, and so I made a last-minute decision to
attend and, just before midnight, I left London's Victoria Station
on the boat train with just one friend.
We met a few
more traditionalists on the boat and arrived at Lille early on Sunday
morning. On our way to the Inter- national Fair we were most impressed
by the zeal and organization of the Lille Catholics. Stewards with
arm-bands were strategically posted along the route to indicate
the way and coaches had been laid on for those who felt unable to
walk. There were very few police in evidence -a dozen or so traffic
police at the most. When we reached the perimeter of the large grounds
in which the Fair is situated a steady stream of cars had already
begun to arrive. However, when I entered the huge auditorium I feared
that an error of judgment had been made. A local paper which I had
bought at the station gave the seating capacity as 10,000 and there
was clearly room for several thousand people to stand. Under the
circircumstances a congregation of 4,000 would have been a remarkable
gesture of support for the Archbishop-but such a number would have
appeared lost in this vast hall. I could already envisage the line
the press-the Catholic press in particular-would take. The headlines
would read: HALL ONLY HALF FULL FOR LEFEBVRE MASS. However, as the
time for the Mass drew nearer the line of cars and procession of
pedestrians grew more and more dense and, having waited outside
for a friend coming by car, I found that at about 10:45 all the
seats had been taken, the standing space was packed and it appeared
that I would not be able to get into the auditorium. I managed to
insert myself into a jam-packed mass of people which was literally
inching its way along a corridor towards the auditorium. A number
of young stewards did their best to persuade those inside to cram
themselves up even more closely to allow a few more in. At least
one report claimed that the stewards were Gestapo types wearing
jackboots! I can testify that all those I saw were extremely inoffensive
looking young men wearing leisure suits and that I did not notice
a single jackboot anywhere in the congregation! A Soviet paper reported
the presence of thousands of Italian fascists although, newspaper
reporters apart, there did not appear to be a single Italian present.
The Archbishop's
enemies have also spared no effort to publicize the fact that the
journals of extreme right-wing political groups were being sold
outside the auditorium; including Aspects de la France-the
journal of Action franscaise. What the papers did
not point out is that on at least three occasions before the Mass
an announcement was made that the Archbishop did not want any literature
sold outside the auditorium and that if this was done it would be
in opposition to his wishes. 'When this matter was raised during
a press conference given by the Archbishop on 15 September 1976
(the full text of which was published in ltineraires of December
1976) he made the following points: he was displeased at the fact
that Aspects de la France had been sold outside the auditorium at
Lille; he did not read this journal; he did not know those who produced
it; he had never met Charles Maurras;1
he had not even read his works; and he was thus ignorant of his
political philosophy.
It needs to
be appreciated that political attitudes in France cannot be assessed
on the basis of attitudes in English-speaking countries. In France
political feeling tends to be more polarized, more extreme, and
far more deeply felt than in England. It can only be understood
in the light of the French Revolution and subsequent history -particularly
the inter-war period and the German occupation. At the risk of a
serious over-simplification, it is reasonable to state that up to
the Second World War Catholicism in France tended to be identified
with right-wing politics and anti-Catholicism with the left. Since
the war, and especially since Vatican II, the official French Church
has veered sharply to the left and has adopted all the postures
identified with the Liberal consensus which is accepted throughout
the West, e. g. on the virtues of the Viet Cong and the evils of
capitalism. Thus, a large proportion of right-wing Catholics was
predisposed to support any religious movement opposed to the policies
of the French hierarchy. The political views of some of the French
Catholics who support the Archbishop would certainly be odious to
many English-speaking traditionalists - although such views are
more understandable (if not acceptable) within the French context.
However, if they wish to support the Archbishop (and not necessarily
for the right reasons) there is nothing he can do about it. His
own alleged right-wing political philosophy is nothing more than
straight-forward Catholic social teaching as expounded by the Popes
for a century or more. Those familiar with this teaching need only
read his book A Bishop Speaks to see at once that his so-called
"political" utterances are no more than paraphrases of
teaching contained in papal encyclicals. The French hierarchy has
replaced this social teaching with diluted Marxism to such an extent
that anyone adopting the Catholic position is now automatically
accused of fascism. Whenever the Archbishop is accused of intermingling
the traditional faith and right-wing politics a demand should be
made that chapter and verse be provided to substantiate the allegation.
The almost invariable Liberal response will be to ignore such a
demand but, if a reply is given, it will be found that what is being
objected to is the consistent teaching of the Popes.
What should
be quite obvious is that Mgr. Lefebvre cannot prevent anyone who
wishes to support him from doing so.
It is quite
certain that there is no formal link whatsoever between Mgr. Lefebvre
and any political party in any country. He has a right to his own
political views, so have his priests, so have those who support
him. But support for the Archbishop does not involve adherence to
any political standpoint, only to the traditional faith, the traditional
liturgy, and the social teaching of the Popes.
The congregation
at Lille certainly represented a balanced cross-section of French
society. In its 31 August issue, Le Monde, which has never
attempted to disguise its hostility towards the Archbishop, commented
on the make-up of the congregation in terms which coincided exactly
with my own impression. Contrary to reports that the atmosphere
of the Mass was political rather than religious, the report affirmed
that for the vast majority of those present it was "an act
of piety, a gesture of solidarity with a bishop who was the object
of sanctions, a gesture of fidelity to the traditional Church… Men
were in a definite majority, there were large numbers of young people,
and entire families with their children ...the general impression
was of a normal parish congregation with a far from negligible proportion
of workers."
The same report
adds that everyone from Lille seemed to know what was going on.
The duty clerk in the ticket office at the station told Le Monde
's reporter: "I'm broken-hearted at not being free to go to
the Mass. I'm 100 per cent behind Mgr. Lefebvre. I haven't put a
foot inside my parish church for ages because of the clowning that
goes on there; they don't get so much as a sou (cent) out of me
any more." On the way to the Mass his taxi driver also declared
himself to be a strong supporter of Mgr. Lefebvre.
The extent
of the Archbishop's support in France was made clear in an opinion
poll published earlier in the month by the newspaper Progres
de Lyon and reported in The Times on 14 August. It revealed
that while 28 per cent of Catholics approved of the Archbishop's
stand only 24 per cent opposed it, the rest being indifferent or
unwilling to express an opinion. In typical fashion, the London
Universe (England's largest-circulation Catholic weekly) withheld
the figures from its readers and informed them that the poll had
revealed that the great majority of French Catholics "are more
concerned about matters other than Mgr. Lefebvre." Similarly,
among the glaring inaccuracies in its report on the Mass at Lille
it claimed that there were 200 riot police on duty at the Mass -there
was not a riot policeman in sigh t- and that the sermon carried
hints of anti-semitism when, in fact, there was not a single phrase
in the whole sermon referring to the Jews, even indirectly.
The Mass at
Lille was celebrated with immense fervor and great dignity .A report
in Le Monde remarked on Mgr. Lefebvre's serenity and tranquil
dignity despite the strain he must have been undergoing since his
suspension. The volume and quality of the congregational participation
in the sung parts of the Mass -with more than twelve thousand Catholics
from at least six countries singing una voce, with one voice,
and broadcast to millions on TV and radio, provided the most effective
possible rebuttal to the nonsensical claim that the traditional
Mass provides an obstacle to congregational participation.
The complete
text of the sermon will not be given here. Most of it is simply
a restatement of points made in other sermons contained in this
book and it is extremely long - about 8,500 words. Under the circumstances,
particularly the overcrowding in the hall, a much shorter sermon
might have been far more effective. But the Archbishop, clearly
affected by the emotional nature of the occasion and the frequent
applause from the congregation, probably went on for a much longer
time than he had intended. He makes no secret of the fact that his
sermons are not written before-hand. He begins with a few ideas
of what he would like to say and carries on from there, with the
result that he sometimes makes remarks which had not been planned
and which, perhaps, he might rather not have made. However, lest
it be alleged that this sermon has been omitted to cover up some
of the controversial passages in it, these passages will be quoted
in full, together with some other important passages.
The Archbishop
began his sermon as follows:
Dear Brethren,
addressing a few words of exhortation to you, I should like first
to dispel some misunderstandings. And to begin with, about this
very gathering.
can see from the simplicity of this ceremony that we made no preparations
for a ceremony which would have gathered a crowd like the one
in this hall. I thought I should be saying Holy Mass on the 29
August as it had been arranged, before a few hundreds of the faithful
of the Lille region, as I have done often in France, Europe, and
even America, with no fuss.
all of a sudden this date, 29 August, through press, radio and
television, has become a kind of demonstration, resembling, so
they say, a challenge. Not at an: this demonstration is not a
challenge. This demonstration is what you wanted, dear Catholic
brethren, who have come from long distances. Why? To manifest
your Catholic faith; to manifest your belief; to manifest your
desire to pray and to sanctify yourselves as did your fathers
in faith, as did generations and generations before you. That
is the real object of this ceremony, during which we desire to
pray, pray with all our heart, adore Our Lord Jesus Christ Who
in a few moments will come down on this altar and will renew the
sacrifice of the Cross which we so much need.
I should
like also to dispel another misunderstanding. Here I beg your
pardon, but I have to say it: it was not I who called myself head
of the traditionalists. You know who did that not long ago in
solemn and memorable circumstances in Rome. Mgr. Lefebvre was
said to be the head of the traditionalists. I do not want to be
head of the traditionalists, nor am I. Why? Because I also am
a simple Catholic. A priest and a bishop, certainly; but in the
very conditions in which you find yourselves, reacting in the
same way to the destruction of the Church, to the destruction
of our faith, to the ruins piling up before our eyes.
Having the
same reaction, I thought it my duty to form priests, the true
priests that the Church needs. I formed those priests in a "Saint
Pius X Society," which was recognized by the Church. All
I was doing was what all bishops have done for centuries and centuries.
That is all I did -something I have been doing for thirty years
of my priestly life. It was on that account that I was made a
bishop, an Apostolic Delegate in Africa, a member of the central
pre-conciliar commission, an assistant at the papal throne. What
better proof could I have wanted that Rome considered my work
profitable for the Church and for the good of souls? And now when
I am doing the same thing, a work exactly like what I have been
doing for thirty years, all of a sudden I am suspended a divinis,
and perhaps I shall soon be excommunicated, separated from the
Church, a renegade, or what have you! How can that be? Is what
I have been doing for thirty years liable also to suspension a
I think,
on the contrary, that if then I had been forming seminarians as
they are being formed now in the new seminaries I should have
been excommunicated. If then I had taught the catechism which
is being taught in the schools I should have been called a heretic.
And if I had said Mass as it is now said I should have been called
suspect of heresy and out of the Church. It is beyond my understanding.
It means something has changed in the Church; and it is about
that that I wish to speak.
The next passage
to be cited evoked a great deal of unfavorable comment, principally
because of the use of the word "bastard," particularly
with reference to priests emerging from the reformed seminaries.
Liberals were quick to seize upon this passage to imply that the
Archbishop had intended to be personally offensive to these young
priests. Nothing could be further from the truth. A careful reading
of the controversial passage will show that the Archbishop was making
a valid analogy and using the word with great precision. Unfortunately
the word "bastard " sounds far more offensive in English
than in French and for this reason I could wish that the Archbishop
had found some other term for making his point.
As the text
will make clear, he first takes up an image met with frequently
in the Old Testament, and often phrased in terms far more blunt
than those of the Archbishop, that the infidelities of the Jewish
people constituted adultery. Israel was the spouse of Yahweh; when
the Jews strayed to the "high places" to participate in
pagan cults this constituted an adulterous liaison. The great temptation
facing Catholics since the French Revolution has been to enter into
an adulterous liaison with Liberalism, the pervading spirit of our
times. Since Vatican II, large sections of the Church have succumbed
to this temptation, none more evidently than the French hierarchy.
Similarly, an attempt has been made to unite (in a clearly adulterous
manner) Catholic and Protestant worship and doctrine. Thus many
of the young priests emerging from our seminaries today (and I have
personal experience of this) are a confused mixture of Liberalism
and Protestantism, with possibly some vestigial Catholicism. Such
is their confusion that they could not name their spiritual ancestry
if asked, and to term them doctrinal bastards is blunt but accurate.
Anyone who has attended a typical celebration of the New Mass will
hardly need to be told that to call it a bastard rite is, if anything,
an understatement. The controversial passage reads as follows:
union desired by these Liberal Catholics, a union between the
Church and the Revolution and subversion is, for the Church, an
adulterous union, adulterous. And that adulterous union can produce
only bastards. And who are those bastards? They are our rites:
the rite of Mass is a bastard rite, the sacraments are bastard
sacraments-we no longer know if they are sacraments which give
grace or which do not give grace. We no longer know if this Mass
gives the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ or if it does
not give them. The priests coming out of the seminaries do not
themselves know what they are. In Rome it was the Archbishop of
Cincinnati who said: "Why are there no more vocations? Because
the Church no longer knows what a priest is." How then can
She still form priests if She does not know what a priest is?
The priests coming out of the seminaries are bastard priests.
They do not know what they are. They do not know that they were
made to go up to the altar to offer the sacrifice of Our Lord
Jesus Christ, to give Jesus Christ to souls, and to call souls
to Jesus Christ. That is what a priest is. Our young men here
know that very well. Their whole life is going to be consecrated
to that, to love, adore, and serve Our Lord Jesus Christ in the
Holy Eucharist.
adulterous union of the Church with the Revolution is consolidated
with dialogue. When the Church entered into dialogue it was to
convert. Our Lord said: "Go, teach all nations, convert them."
But He did not say to hold dialogue with them so as not to convert
them, so as to try to put us on the same footing with them.
and truth are not compatible. We must see if we have charity towards
others, as the Gospel says: he who has charity is one who serves
others. But those who have charity should give Our Lord, they
should give the riches they possess to others and not just converse
with them and enter into dialogue on an equal footing. Truth and
error are not on the same footing. That would be putting God and
the Devil on the same footing, for the Devil is the father of
lies, the father of error.
must therefore be missionaries.
must preach the Gospel, convert souls to Jesus Christ and not
engage in dialogue with them in an effort to adopt their principles.
That is what this bastard Mass and these bastard rites are doing
to us, for we wanted dialogue with the Protestants and the Protestants
said to us: "We will not have your Mass; we will not have
it because it contains things incompatible with our Protestant
faith. So change the Mass and we shall be able to pray with you.
We can have intercommunion. We can receive your sacraments. You
can come to our churches and we can come to yours; then it will
be all finished and we shall have unity." We shall have unity
in confusion, in bastardy. That we do not want. The Church has
never wanted it. We love the Protestants; we want to convert them.
But it is not loving them to let them think they have the same
religion as the Catholic religion.
The next passage
to be quoted was the most controversial in the whole sermon. It
contains a reference to Argentina, about 150 words long out of a
sermon of about 8,500 words, and it is the passage which was seized
upon by Liberals, secular and Catholic, to categorize the entire
speech as political and even to go as far as to compare Mgr. Lefebvre
with Hitler! This is what the Archbishop said:
will be no peace on this earth except in the reign of Our Lord
Jesus Christ. The nations are at war -every day we have page after
page of the newspapers about it, we have it on radio and television.
Now because of a change of Prime Minister they are asking what
can be done to improve the economic situation, what will strengthen
the currency, what will bring prosperity to industry, and so on.
All the papers in the world are full of it. But even from an economic
point of view Our Lord Jesus Christ must reign, because the reign
of Our Lord Jesus Christ is the reign of the principles of love,
indeed of the commandments of God which give society its balance,
which make justice and peace reign in society .It is only when
society has order, justice, and peace that the economy can prevail
and revive. That is easily seen. Take the Argentine Republic as
an example. What state was it in just two or three months ago?
Complete anarchy, brigands killing right and left, industries
totally ruined, factory owners seized and held to ransom, and
so on. An incredible revolution, and that in a country so beautiful,
so balanced, and so congenial as the Argentine Republic, a Republic
which could be extraordinarily prosperous and enormously wealthy.
Now there is a government of principle, with authority, which
brings back order into life and stops the brigands murdering;
and lo and behold! the economy is reviving, workers have employment,
and they can return to their homes knowing that no one is going
to knock them on the head because they will not strike when they
do not wish to strike. That is the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ
that we want; and we profess our faith, saying that Our Lord Jesus
Christ is God.
Before making
any comment on this passage I will quote an explanation which the
Archbishop gave himself when questioned upon it during a press conference
on 15 September 1976.2
Let it be noted once again that the passage in question is one of
about 150 words in a sermon of about 8,500 words. The following
question was posed to the Archbishop:
"You have
recently been reproached with your sympathy for regimes like that
in Argentina. Is this true or false?"
The Archbishop's
answer reads as follows:
I have
just been talking to you about principles, I might say political
principles, which one may have, the political
principles of the Church. She has principles, political principles,
principles for society, for She considers that society is created
by God, like the family. The family has its laws: there are father,
mother, and child; and each has a law and a position in the family.
Similarly in civil society. The Church considers that it is a
creature of God, and that this creature of God also has its laws
so that it can develop normally and give all its members the fullest
possibility for their own development. Of course we want governments
to observe these laws. I took that example, but I might have taken
another, for, as you know, I do not write my speeches -a pity,
perhaps -but I do not think about them well in advance. So, trying
to give an example of Christian order, of the notion people have
of Christian order which brings things back to peace and justice,
with the hierarchy which is necessary in a society, I quoted this
example because it is recent and known to everybody, and also
because the situation was really frightful, the Argentine being
in a state of anarchy, with assassinations and abductions-a situation
on the brink of the abyss, on the verge of total anarchy. A government
then took over, but I think that, given the ideas of some of these
men (I know some of the Argentinian bishops and I was there myself
not long ago), I think that these men who took over the government
did so in a Christian spirit. That they are not governing perfectly,
that they exaggerate, that not everything is perfect, I do not
doubt for a moment (I do not think that any government in the
world has ever been perfect) ; but they did, I think, return to
principles of justice, and that is why I gave that example. I
said: you see that when Christian principles are restored a society
is rediscovered which can live, which is livable, in which people
can live, where they need not always be asking themselves if they
are going to be assassinated at the street corner, or be robbed,
or have a bomb in their garden, and so on. All I wanted to do
was give an example: but that does not mean I am a supporter of
the government of the Argentine or of the government of Chile.
I might have used Chile as an example. I could perhaps have quoted
governments which were in total anarchy and which then re-established
order. Such an order might be tyrannical, and then it is a different
matter: we are not talking of introducing slavery .I must say
that I did not use that example so as to support the government
in the Argentine or to play politics. I do not play politics.
I would not
wish to make any detailed comments on the regimes in Argentina and
Chile as I have made no detailed personal study of them. What is
perfectly clear is that in both cases the military only took over
the government because life had been made literally impossible by
the previous regimes. Let British or American readers spend a few
moments calculating the precise meaning of an 800 per cent inflation
rate, let them calculate the cost of the basic necessities of life
multiplied eightfold and decide just how tolerable they would have
found regimes which had brought about such a state of affairs. It
must also be remembered that in both countries Marxist terrorists
consider themselves bound by no ethical norms in achieving their
aims. During my own military service I had personal experience of
two terrorist campaigns, in Malaya and Cyprus, and, leaving aside
the question as to whether right is on the side of the military
or the terrorists, it is hard for the security forces to conform
to the rule book when dealing with men who violate civilized standards
of behavior. To take Northern Ireland as an example, there can be
no doubt that the situation there has been caused by an unjust partition
of Ireland and unjust treatment of the Catholic population. The
Catholics have a legitimate grievance which they have been unable
to rectify through the accepted political channels. Nonetheless,
when a soldier or policeman has seen his comrades blown to pieces
by a terrorist bomb, or seen the carnage in a bomb-blasted shop,
with woman and children lying dead or bleeding from lost limbs,
is not likely to think much about the historical background when
he gets his hands on a gunman. He should - but doesn't. It is wrong
but understandable. It is thus quite unjust for Liberals, Catholic
or otherwise, to sit in judgment on the regimes in Chile and Argentine
when they have no first- and probably even little second- or even
third-hand knowledge of the background to the current situation
in these countries. It is also a fact that the governments of Chile
and Argentina have been subjected to a campaign of systematic defamation
in the secular and Catholic press. To take just one example, those
who rely for their information on the British Catholic press would
imagine that the prisons of Chile are bursting with political prisoners
when, in fact, there is not a single political prisoner in the entire
As regards
Argentina, the far from right-wing French journal L 'Express
admitted in its issue of 30 August, the day after the sermon at
Lille, that :
Videla, brought to power by a coup d'etat, has managed at the
last moment to save the economic situation of the country .With
an 800 per cent inflation during the last twelve months of Isabel
Peron's presidency, with no means of paying off its debts abroad,
the Argentine was on the verge of bankruptcy. By freezing prices
and freezing salaries, inflation has been brought down by at least
3 per cent a month.... The Argentine can resume its development
on a solid foundation.
As for the
"coup d'etat" of the Argentinian armed forces,
on their side there was neither ambition nor despotism. They would
have preferred (like the Brazilian armed forces in 1964) not to
have to intervene. But there was nobody else. The Courrier de
Paul Deheme makes that clear in its No. 7,967 of 16 September
Argentinian armed forces refused for a long time to act, and on
24 March 1976, when they made their decision, the chaos had reached
such a pitch that they could no longer delay. I remind you, moreover,
of what I wrote to you on 17 March, a week before their seizure
of power: "The armed forces are going to have to make draconian
decisions whether they like it or not.'
The major part
of the Archbishop's sermon was concerned with an impassioned defense
of the traditional faith and a scathing indictment of the "Conciliar
Church "-a Church in which consecrated churches are put at
the disposal of Muslims but withheld from faithful Catholics wishing
to offer the traditional Mass. The Archbishop laid stress on the
need for traditionalists to put their case in a restrained and unaggresive
We are against
no one. We are not commandos. We wish nobody harm.
we want is to be allowed to profess our faith in Our Lord Jesus
for that reason, we are driven from our churches. The poor priests
are driven out for saying the Old Mass by which all our saints
were sanctified: Saint Jeanne d'Arc, the holy Cure of Ars, the
little Therese of the Child Jesus were sanctified by this Mass;
and now priests are driven brutally, cruelly, from their parishes
because they say the Mass which has sanctified saints for centuries.
It is crazy. I would almost say it is a story of madmen. I ask
myself if I am dreaming. How can this Mass have become some kind
of horror for our bishops and for those who should preserve our
faith? But we will keep the Mass of Saint Pius V because the Mass
of Saint Pius V is the Mass of twenty centuries. It is the Mass
of all time, not just the Mass of Saint Pius V; and it represents
our faith, it is a bulwark of our faith, and we need that bulwark.
shall be told that we are making it a question of Latin and soutanes.
Obviously it is easy that way to discredit those you disagree
with. But Latin has its importance; and when I was in Africa it
was marvellous to see those crowds of Africans of different languages
-we sometimes had five or six different tribes who did not understand
one another - who could assist at Mass in our churches and sing
the Latin chants with extraordinary fervor. Go and see them now
: they quarrel in the churches because Mass is being said in a
language other than theirs, so they are displeased and they want
a Mass in their own language. The confusion is total, where before
there was perfect unity. That is just one example, You have just
heard the epistle and gospel read in French -I see no difficulty
in that; and if more prayers in French were added, to be said
all together, I still see no difficulty. But it still seems to
me that the body of the Mass, which runs from the offertory to
the priest's Communion, should remain in a unique language so
that all men of all nations can assist together at Mass and can
feel unity in that unity of faith, in that unity of prayer. So
we ask, indeed we address an appeal to the bishops and to Rome:
will they, please, take into consideration our desire to pray
as our ancestors did, to keep the Catholic faith, our desire to
adore Our Lord Jesus Christ and to want His reign. That is what
I said in my last letter to the Holy Father-and I thought it really
was the last, because I did not think the Holy Father would have
written to me again.
The Archbishop
also laid stress on the fact that while Communists and Freemasons
were welcome in the Vatican, Catholic traditionalists were not.
An audience of millions throughout the world was able to see at
first hand the mask being torn from the face of the "Conciliar
Church "- a Church characterized by harshness, hypocrisy, intolerance,
and calculated cruelty to its most faithful children: a Church prepared
to sacrifice its doctrinal and liturgical patrimony in the interests
of an illusory ecumenical goal. There can be little doubt that it
was the embarrassment resulting from this public exposure that resulted
in the subsequent papal audience for the Archbishop.
It is also
obvious that this massive demonstration of support for the Archbishop
came as a great shock to the Vatican. Technically, after his suspension,
not a single Catholic should have been present at the Mass, and
the local bishops had reminded the faithful of this and warned that
they should not be present even out of curiosity. It is also worth
restating the fact that this Mass was in no way intended as a major
public demonstration of support for the Archbishop and the traditional
faith - it was made public only at the last minute. Had the Archbishop
wished to arrange a demonstration of the massive support he enjoys
and asked for this to be organized through the month of August it
is doubtful whether there would have been a building in France large
enough to accommodate the congregation.
The message
which came from Lille was clear .The regime in the Vatican had insisted
that the first, the only duty of Catholics was to accept all its
directives without question. It wanted absolute and blind obedience.
If it forbade today what it commanded yesterday it was not for the
faithful to reason why but to obey. But the Catholics present at
Lille showed, by their presence, that with Mgr. Lefebvre their commitment
is to the traditional faith. In so far as the Vatican upholds that
faith it will enjoy their support; where it fails to build up the
Body of Christ but introduces measures which effectively undermine
it then they will say "No," even to Pope himself.
Founder of Action francaise.
Itinéraires, No.208, December 1976, p. 127
The last political prisoner in Chile (the Communist ex-Senator
Jorge Montes) was released on 17 June 1977 and allowed to travel
to East Germany in exchange for eleven East German political prisoners,
Chile today, No.33 (12 Devonshire Street, London, W1). For a factual
background account of the Chilean situation read The Church of Silence
in Chile, 450 pp., $7 postpaid from Lumen Mariae Publications, P.
O. Box 99455, Erieview Station, Cleveland, Ohio 44199. Available
in Britain from Augustine Publishing Co. Essential background reading
on this topic is contained in two valuable Approaches supplements,
“Dossier on Chile,” and “Hatred and Lies Against Latin America,”
which prove, inter alia that Amnesty International had published
false information, eg. alleging that people are missing who are
not missing at all.
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109