Volume 3, Chapter

Instruction from the Sacred Congregation
for the Sacraments and Divine Worship on
Certain Norms Concerning the
Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery1
April 1980
This instruction represents an attempt by Pope John Paul II to implement
what he had written in Dominicæ Cenæ concerning the
need for bishops to curb liturgical abuses. It begins by “nothing
with great joy the many positive results of the liturgical reform.”
Some of these “positive results” are cited, and they
include such “benefits” as “a growth in the community
sense of liturgical life, and successful efforts to close the gap
between life and worship.” Millions of Catholics throughout
the world had closed that gap by ceasing to take part in public
worship, but it is unlikely that this is quite what the Instruction
intended to convey!
It was, of
course, ludicrous to claim any positive benefits for a reform which
had resulted in the need for the publication of an instruction intended
to curb serious abuses of which, it admitted: "The consequences
are – and cannot fail to be – the impairing of the unity
of faith and worship in the Church, doctrinal uncertainty, scandal
and bewilderment among the People of God, and the near inevitability
of violent reactions." When the Sacred Congregation admits
to such a state of affairs, and then speaks of positive results,
it is rather like informing someone who has lost his sight and hearing
as the result of an accident that he should note with great joy
the accompanying benefits, such as the fact that he will no longer
be disturbed by bright lights and loud noises.
The good intentions
of Pope John Paul II in having this Instruction published must be
accepted, but alas, it has had little if any effect on those perpetrating
the twenty-seven serious abuses which it lists. We must concern
ourselves with facts rather than intentions, and the inescapable
fact is that the abuses the Instruction is intended to curtail have
become more widespread since its publication. Abuse no. 18 in the
Instruction is that of female altar servers. When the Instruction
was published in Apri1 1980 this aberration was virtually unknown
in Great Britain, now it is by no mean unusual. Abuse no.12 concerned
the distribution of Communion under both kinds outside the limits
prescribed by the Holy See. The Instruction was defied to such an
extent in this respect that the Vatican surrendered, just as in
case of Communion in the hand, and authorized practice for all Masses
in such countries as the United States.
Complete text available in Flannery II (see bibliography).
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109