Volume 3, Chapter

pronounced by His Excellency Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
at the First Solemn Mass of Father Alain Lorans,
In Honor of Our Lady of Pointet1
13 July 1980
In the Name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Dear Father,
from now on you are a priest. You no longer face years of formation,
but rather a burden of responsibility. The great honor of the priesthood
is yours, with the grace of God, with the support of those who love
you and of all those who, already in heaven, put their mantle of
protection around you so that you may be able to carry out a wonderful
As we all know,
you have been chosen to lend a helping hand to all those who will
come to the Catholic university soon to be opened in Paris, where
you will have a special apostolate, marked by a special enthusiasm
and a special importance, because this is what Our Lord Himself
did. He chose a small group, He formed His Apostles, and with these
twelve Apostles He transformed the world. An apostolate based on
a chosen few is a very important apostolate. You will have to bring
these souls, especially chosen by God, to an understanding of the
ideal they are searching for, and to make of it a Christian ideal,
so that, whatever the vocation to which they are called, they will
fulfill it in a Christian manner, a Catholic manner, in union with
Our Lord, according to the teachings of Our Lord, in the light of
Our Lord Jesus Christ, because Our Lord came to you too, as to us,
when He said to His Apostles and His disciples: “You are the
light of the world."
And so, particularly
in this task to which you have been assigned, you will be the
light of the world. Now what is the light of the world? Where
is this light of the world? Our Lord Himself gives the answer: "I
am the Light of the world." We don't have to look for it; it
is already there. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Light of the World,
Light, that is to say, from God. Could we have a light more clear,
more dazzling than one which comes from God Himself, which is
God? Our Lord is God, so we will find the light in Him, and He is
what you will teach. You will act as St. Paul, who said, "I
have wanted to know nothing among you except Christ and Him crucified."
This is what St. Paul said; his entire message is summed up in this
– to speak of Christ, Christ Crucified.
Your task will
be to show these chosen souls how to know Christ, how to unite themselves
with Our Lord, meditating on His words, on His life, on what He
is; and in this way they will find the light of their life. What
a beautiful apostolate! How I hope these souls entrusted to you
may profit from your ministry and give to the world the basic principles
it needs, the basic principles of our first catechism, the catechism
which summarizes the teachings of the Church, all the teachings
of Our Lord. This should be the foundation of the life of every
individual, of family life, of social life, political life. We must
lay this foundation which is so necessary for people and for families,
so that peace and prosperity and the truly Christian life which
ours should be, may flourish.
And you will
not only be the light of these souls; you will also give them
life – the life of Our Lord. Not only His light, but
His own life, the supernatural life of grace, grace which you will
give them in the sacraments and especially in the Sacraments of
Penance and Holy Communion – sacraments which we need almost
every day to sustain us in the spiritual life. You will make them
understand that they need these sacraments, this life, this divine
life. Today, alas, it is so hard to lift oneself up to these spiritual
realities, as we are caught up in the material world, the materialistic
world which wants to know only earthly joys and closes its eyes
to eternal realities.
It is hard
to understand that the supernatural life, the divine life of Our
Lord in us, is the one thing necessary. It is what will get us to
heaven. We should be already in eternity, at this moment. Our soul
is eternal and
imperishable and therefore we must bathe our soul in the life of
Our Lord, in the supernatural life and make it truly full of eternal
life. The day God calls us and tells us that our life here below
is over, that life will continue, as it says so well in the Preface
of the Requiem Mass, "Life is not taken away but changed.”
God does not extinguish our life. It goes on, with a change. It
changes, yes, in incidental ways, but it does not end; it goes on,
if we have been careful to imbue it with the eternal life of Our
Lord Jesus Christ. So this is what you will do; you will build this
bridge between the life of God, the life of Our Lord, and these
souls who will come to you, searching for true life.
And finally
you will set an example. As Our Lord said, you are not
only the salt of the earth, you are not only the light of the world,
but you act in such a way that the world may give glory to God when
they see your works: “…and seeing your good works they
will glorify the Father Who is in heaven.”
You will set
this example, therefore, and exemplify the virtues of Our Lord by
gentleness, goodness and perseverance in the priestly life, in the
apostolate. And you will do good for souls, for all who come to
you. This should be your ideal.
I am sure you
already understand this, and I am sure that you realize that what
I have been talking about is nothing more than an extension of your
Mass. Live your Mass every day, every second of your life, prolong
it through the course of the day, that is, prolong the teaching
you give us in the words of the Epistle and Gospel, the words of
Our Lord. Prolong this life of sacrifice which you will make present,
in a few moments, on the altar, by the presence of Our Lord, who
is prolonging His Sacrifice of the Cross and showing us His love.
Here it is: you will love souls, you will give yourself to souls,
you will sacrifice yourself for souls, for love, for love of God
and love of your neighbor. This is the whole Sacrifice of the Mass.
You will give yourself to souls as you give Communion. You will
give Christ to souls through knowledge of Him, Christ in His life.
This is your Holy Mass, this is the Communion you will give, this
is the Christ you will give to souls. Thus your whole priestly life
is a continuous Mass. You are a priest. You have begun your first
Mass. But your Mass must never end. Your whole life now will be
a continual Mass. May God give you the grace to live your Mass and
encourage all around you to do the same, and to understand that
our whole lives should be a Mass, an oblation which is complete
and continuous, a continuous sacrifice of ourselves for love of
God and love of our neighbor.
This is your
ideal, this is what we are going to pray for all together, today,
pray for you that this joy of yours, the profound joy of offering
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, may remain in you, that you may
continue in this joy, in this spiritual peace which will make you
a true priest.
I must not
end without putting you under the protection of the Blessed Virgin
Mary. Mary was with the Eternal High Priest throughout His life,
right up to His complete self-sacrifice on the Cross. She was there.
So then, be assured that Mary, Mother of the priest, will be with
you too, all the days of your life.
In the Name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Ghost. Amen.
Translated from Fideliter, September/October 1980 (No. 17).
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109