Volume 3, Chapter

The Remnant – 17 November 1980
The following
report is one which must bring satisfaction to all traditional Catholics
and reflects great credit upon Pope John Paul II for the manner
in which he upheld the traditional teaching on marriage in the face
of considerable pressure from national hierarches to modify it for
so-called pastoral reasons, i.e., to bring the Church into line
with the permissive society. This is one more of the many instances
of the manner in which the Vatican has upheld fundamental teachings
on faith and morals while failing to implements its teaching at
diocesan and parochial levels.
Synod Ends
Marriage is Indissoluble, Pope says
Last week Pope
John Paul II brought the Bishop’s Synod to a formal close
by reminding the assembly that the Church’s traditional teaching
on marriage remains unchanged.
Speaking in
Latin to the synod participants in the Sistine Chapel, the Pope
said that the only divorced and remarried Catholics who may receive
the Eucharist are those who refrain from sexual relations with their
second spouse.
He had strong
words of praise for the Synod’s affirmation of “the
validity and clear truth of the prophetic message contained in the
encyclical Humanæ Vitæ (of Human Life).”
Church teachings
on contraception and re-marriage after divorce have been major topics
of discussion during the Synod which opened Sept. 26, on "The
Role Christian Family in the World Today."
Jozef Tomki, secretary general of the Synod, read the Synod’s
“Message to Christian Families in opposition to the use of
artificial means of contraception, and divorce, but expressed compassion
for couples who “although they sincerely want to observe the
moral norms taught by the Church, find themselves unequal to the
Pope John Paul
gave his own reflection in the message and on the 43 propositions
which had been presented to him but not made public. He said divorced
and remarried Catholics should “not be considered separate
from the Church” but cannot be admitted to the Eucharist unless
they “take on themselves the duty to live in complete continence,
that is, by abstinence from acts in which only married couples can
The Synod stressed
the urgent need of greater preparedness prior to marriage by Catholic
Here is a summary
of what the Synod concluded on some of the key issues discussed:
- On artificial
birth prevention: the Synod “firmly holds to what was set
forth in the Second Vatican Council and subsequently in the encyclical
Humanæ Vitæ, and specifically that conjugal love
must be fully human, exclusive and open to new life."
- Any pressure
exercised by government or public authorities "for sterilization
or contraception and the procurement of abortion must be completely
condemned and rejected."
- In order
to make the Church's teaching on artificial birth control more
understood and accepted, the Synod "invites theologians to
work, joining their forces with the hierarchical Magisterium (the
Church's teaching authority), so that the biblical foundations
and personalist grounds of this doctrine might be brought to light
more fully.”
- The prohibition
on artificial birth control is normative, not just an ideal.
- On divorce
and re-marriage: those Catholics who are divorced and remarried
cannot be admitted to the Eucharist, but they “can and must
participate in the life of the church. They should hear the word
of God, frequent the Sacrifice of the Mass, devote themselves
to prayer, engage in promoting charity and justice in the community,
educating their children in the Christian Faith.”
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109