Volume 3, Chapter

Published by Archbishop Lefebvre and Several Other Priests
Active in the "Holy Resistance"1
28 May 1981
Lefebvre, Msgr. Ducaud-Bourget, Rev. Dom Gerard, OSB, Rev. Father
Eugene, OFM Cap. Father André, Father Aulagnier (District Superior
of the Society of St. Pius X for France), were invited to the Maison
Lacordaire, Flavigny, to meet their host, Father Coache. They understand
and share the distress of many of the faithful at the "self-destruction"
of the Church, which is proceeding ever more rapidly and deeply,
and the concern of many traditionalists over the entrenched ambiguity
of Rome. They decided to give some encouragement to these troubled
souls, to help them remain steadfast in the Faith, to persevere
in Tradition without wavering.
For this purpose
they make the following declaration:
They remain attached heart and soul to the Catholic, Apostolic and
Roman church, to all she has taught and defined as part of Revelation,
and to everything which, though not yet defined, has been consistently
taught by the Magisterium, especially regarding the Liturgy of the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the sacraments. This is all the more
necessary as they observe that the so-called progressives, embracing
novelties and ecumenical reforms, are already for the most part
hardly any different from Protestants and are thus no longer Catholic.
They remain attached to the See of Peter and to the Successor of
Peter, in spite of the serious criticisms which can be justly made
concerning him, especially for his decision to further the work
of the Council, which is purely and simply the "self-destruction"
of the Church. We must pray that he may be enlightened by the Holy
Ghost and return to Tradition, which is eternal, and that in all
They make the firm resolution to maintain Tradition at all costs,
especially in the Liturgy of the Mass and the sacraments, sources
of supernatural grace and pledges of their salvation. They thus
support all institutions and seminaries designed to train true priests
to offer the true Sacrifice.
They encourage and support all traditional forms of religious life,
orders and contemplative congregations, semi-contemplative, and
active congregations of fraternities which make the Holy Sacrifice
of the immemorial Mass the source of their supernatural life.
They hope to see multiplied and developed teaching orders, to give
solidly Catholic training to young people, based on the Catechism
of the Council of Trent and the catechisms which derive from it.
Modem catechisms
twist the sense of the Faith and lay the foundation for generations
of Modernists and atheists. It is better for parents to teach their
children themselves than to hand them over to intellectual, spiritual
and moral perversion.
short, the faithful must be aware that we are living in more subtle
and dangerous times of persecution against Our Lord Jesus Christ
than ever, because, as in the time of Modernism, this persecution
takes on misleading appearances and even uses the same Gospel (as
for the theology of liberation), invoking the "rights of Man" and
"human dignity" and such phrases well known among progressivists,
socialists and even Marxists (cf. Pius X's Letter on the Sillon,
is geared to the total destruction of Christian institutions and
of the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ, especially His social reign,
i.e., His laws and the Ten Commandments.
Only by replying
on the eternal tradition of the Faith, the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass and the sacraments, on the Catechism of the Council of Trent,
on the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas, on the Rosary and the Spiritual
Exercises, can we hold out against the plague of destruction which
is coming over us.
They ask the faithful to gather around priests faithful to Rome
and to the Successor of Peter. These bulwarks of resistance, by
their prayers and spirit of penance, will finally succeed in touching
the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and bring about the end of this dreadful
and destructive time of trial to souls.
should guard against being led astray by false messages from heaven,
false devotions such as pentecostalism, which is a work of the devil.
Our Lord Himself warns us against these seductive movements.
They should
commit themselves to Mary, Joseph, the archangels, and angels and
to all the elect of heaven. They should invoke their guardian angels.
They should unite themselves to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament,
make frequent acts of adoration, carry out the duties of their state
in life, observe the Ten Commandments and practise charity on an
individual and social level. In this way they will receive the graces
necessary to get them through this wicked world and into heaven.
They are in favor of the development of a great Rosary Crusade to
storm heaven through the Heart of Our Lady, Mother of the Church,
Help of Christians and consolation of the Afflicted; they invite
priests and faithful, with this goal in view, to take whatever initiatives
their zeal and charity will suggest.
* * *
The aforesaid
declaration was released to the press on May 28, 1981. It was signed
by Archbishop Lefebvre and the above-named priests and sums up the
fundamental traditionalist position. Many priests and laity, organizers
of centers and groups, other activities, periodicals, etc., were
given the opportunity to sign.
From Fideliter, July/August 1981.
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109