Volume 3, Chapter

October 1981
Your Excellency,
I duly received
your letter of 4 April 1981 on 9 April 1981. I thank you for it
and ask you to excuse my lateness in replying. After the feasts
of Eastertide were over, and having reflected for some time, I was
preparing to do so and was due to submit a plan to the Holy Father
two days after the sacrilegious attempt on his life on the evening
of 13 May. You will accordingly understand why the present letter
reaches you after so long a delay. I had to wait for the Holy Father
to recover and for the regular audiences that he grants me to begin
again before I could present him with a text and ask for his approval,
since as you know, our correspondence only occurs with his approval
and is ever the object of his attention.
It would seem
to me that you will not be completely surprised if I tell you that
your reply of 4 April 1981 cannot unfortunately be considered satisfactory
and does not allow the rapid appointment of a pontifical delegate.
I think it essential to point out to you the reasons for this assessment,
following the four points mentioned:
1. In the
first place there was asked of you "a clear expression of regret
for the part that you played in creating a division (notably through
the ordinations) and for your attacks, intemperate in content and
terminology, against the council, numerous bishops, and the Apostolic
See" (cf. my letter of 19 February 1981). All that you reply
is: "If certain of my words or deeds have displeased the Holy
Father, I bitterly regret this." In fact, there is no explicit
recognition of a situation of division created by your actions,
but only a conditional statement of extreme brevity. This cannot,
then, be considered as "a clear expression of regret"
which we wish of you for reasons explained in my previous letters.
2. As far
as Vatican II is concerned, your reply does not correspond to the
sense of what I asked of you: if you subscribe to a statement of
the Holy Father, explaining how the Council should be received,
nevertheless for all that you do not declare that you yourself abide
by the teachings of the Council itself; furthermore, you still remain
silent as to the second part of what I asked, "bearing in mind
the theological qualification, etc..." as also to the other
aspects concerning "recognition of the religiosum voluntatis
et intellectus obsequium" and a halt to all further polemics.
On this last
point I cannot but note with sadness that in many of the statements
made during your travels last summer, notably in Argentina from
11 to 18 August, according to all the press reports you once more
attacked the teachings of Vatican II, and named and took to task
unjustly cardinals who, in the Roman Curia or elsewhere, discharge
duties that they owe to the Sovereign Pontiff's confidence.
3. As regards
the Liturgy, it is true that you signed the Constitution Sacrosanctum
Concilium, and I take note of your declaration to the effect
that its applications are not invalid or heretical in themselves.
But it would seem that you must go further, that you must recognize
the legitimacy of the liturgical reform as applied, which includes
positive acceptance of the use of the new Ordo Missae.
Besides, do
you not think that your answer could cause problems when it is known
from other sources what you had the Secretary General of the Society
of St. Pius X write recently to a parish priest? This priest had
expressed his astonishment at the advice that you give to your seminarians
that they should miss Mass rather than attend a Mass celebrated
according to the Novus Ordo. Your Secretary General's reply was
that such a piece of advice was justified by the fact that the Novus
Ordo Mass, because of its alterations, its omissions, and its
goal, is bad.1
Yet more recent
information, which I hope is inaccurate, leads us to believe that
you have even instructed the members of the Society of St. Pius
X, as a condition of membership, never to assist at a Mass celebrated
according to the Novus Ordo for this does not satisfy Sunday
and holy day obligation)2
and to convince the faithful that it would be better only to assist
a few times a year at a "traditional Mass" rather than
to satisfy the obligation by attending a "new Mass." How,
then, can there be any doubt about what you really think on this
point that is so important for a reconciliation?
4. Finally,
you have not dealt with the specific demand that you accept the
norms of Canon Law for all that concerns your pastoral ministry
and activities, as well as for the Society of St. Pius X. However,
you were shown clearly that this principle is part of the conditions
which will make it possible to designate a pontifical delegate.
For all these
reasons, Your Excellency, I ask you most urgently to re read all
the points formulated in my two preceding letters, of 20 October
1980 and 19 February 1981, and not to equivocate about making them
the basis of the obligations that you will accept. In return, I
can guarantee you the Holy Father's sympathy and good will. He has
not hesitated to confide to me the place that you occupy in his
daily prayer.
Let me add
that I assure you of mine, and let me express my respectful devotion
in Our Lord.
Franc. Card.
It is an overstatement to claim that the Novas Ordo Missae is intrinsically
bad when celebrated strictly according to the Missal of Pope Paul
VI. It is hard to see how such a claim can be reconciled with the
doctrine of the indefectibility of the Church. See Appendix I to
Apologia IV.
The Archbishop has not stated that celebrations of the Novas Ordo
Missae cannot fulfill the Sunday obligation. In his statement of
8 November 1979, he had stated that many celebrations of the New
Mass, due to certain practices which he lists, must be deemed sacrilegious
and hence are not only incapable of fulfilling the Sunday obligation
but must have the same rules applied to them that the Church applies
to assistance at the worship of the Orthodox Churches and Protestant
sects (see Apologia 11, pp. 369 370). He agreed, however, in a discussion
with me (and confirmed in writing) that those who feel obliged in
conscience to assist at a New Mass on Sunday fulfill their Sunday
obligation, presuming, of course, that the celebration does not
involve irreverence (see Apologia 11, p. 367
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109