2, Appendix

Titles marked
with an asterisk can be obtained from The Angelus Press. Current
price list available upon request.
M. Davies
*Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre, Vol. I (Dickinson, 1979).
G. Kelly
The Battle for the American Church (New York, 1979).
J. Twyman
*The Betrayal of the Citadel (Oregon,
M. Lefebvre
*A Bishop Speaks (Edinburgh, 1976).
Y. Congar
Challenge to the Church (London, 1977).
G. Kelly
The Crisis of Authority-John Paul II and the American Bishops
(Chicago, 1982).
M. Lefebvre
*I Accuse the Council (Dickinson, 1982).
M. Davies (Ed.)*Newman
Against the Liberals-Twenty-five Sermons of Cardinal Newman (Devon,
M. Davies
*Partisans of Error-St. Pius X Against the Modernists (Minnesota,
M. Davies
*Pope John’s Council (Dickinson, 1980).
M. Davies
*Pope Paul’s New Mass (Dickinson, 1980).
R. Wiltgen
*The Rhine Flows into the Tiber (Devon, 1978).
A. Flannery
Vatican II – the Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents (New
York, 1975).
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109