month's excerpt from the book "Vatican Encounter: Conversations
with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre" by José Hanu continues
with Archbishop Lefebvre’s review of the bad fruits of Vatican
II as well as his comments about the wearing of the cassock. |
Hanu: We'll never finish reviewing what you
call “the bad fruits of the Council.” The integrist and traditionalist
newspapers and weeklies have used tons and tons of paper and ink
to review them and castigate them.
Marcel Lefebvre: Don't you think that
those we have mentioned are enough cause for Catholics sometimes
to use strong language in defense of their faith, against all those
Hanu: Above all, what strikes me most personally
is the flight of so many faithful toward "others," as
they would say today. Many are attracted by religious sects - and
the Pentecostals are one of them, it seems. Moon's seductions still
tempt many youngsters. And, finally, we have to talk about the "farthest
out" of all, Monsignor Menie Gregoire and his "radio confessional."
Marcel Lefebvre: I think everything has already
been about this and can be lumped together with what was said about
the new catechesis. Far from holding the faithful, the demagogues
of the conciliar Church discourage them and make them quit.
The phenomenon
of Menie Gregoire, appointed counselor of the married life of others,
is certainly the most symptomatic. He probably owes his origin to
the fact that the Church has let the Sacrament of Penance fall into
disuse, and that it, therefore, no longer fulfills its function
as a guide of conscience.
The success
of the Moon sect shows how easily one can deceive the young under
the guise of an ideal, even a very austere one. Here, again, a sect
replaces the void left by the absence of the true teachings of the
doctrine revealed by Our Lord.
Hanu: But what about the Pentecostals, sometimes
also called Charismatics? That is a truly remarkable phenomenon.
Cardinal Suenens,
the primate of Belgium, has written a quite extraordinary book about
it. The cardinal actually believes that the Catholics who unite
to pray by chanting, dancing and expressing themselves without restraint
find themselves in the company of the Holy Spirit. The cardinal
also firmly believes that these Catholics then start to "speak
in tongues" like the apostles on the day of "Pentecost;
that they may have prophetic visions and heal by the laying on of
He writes:
"Some Charismatics express themselves by totally unknown idioms,
doubtless of people who have forever vanished and are forgotten."
The view of
the primate of Belgium is not unique. A Dominican, for instance,
Father Albert de Mauleon, who also has studied the question, shows
a similar enthusiasm. In a rather surprising manner, he wrote:
"All they
have to do [the Charismatics] is to ask: Spirit, are you here? And
he responds by the most improbable feat, to restore the old and
most moth-eaten Christendom!"
In this, the
priest joins the cardinal, who, after stating that the Holy Spirit
is not a phantom, continues:
“What is so
striking about the experiences of the Charismatics is not the novelty,
but the resurgence of the original tradition and the rediscovery
of our own point of departure.”
The Holy Father,
himself, seems convinced; since he received in the Basilica of St.
Peter - I think it was last year - more than 10,000 Charismatics,
who assured him they represent a million Catholics, 20,000 of them
from France.
Marcel Lefebvre: This return, so to say, to
the past is nothing but a bad caricature of the past.
That Christianity,
in the beginning, needed particular graces, mostly the blood of
martyrs, to take hold and expand, that I can well believe. But those
graces depended on the reception of the sacraments, and not on a
sort of initiation rite, which resembles a diabolic rite. Some Charismatic
sects need a laying off of hands, which means abandonment of self
to the Holy Spirit.
This seems
to me like a diabolic alienation, for the "Spirit" does
not come through the sacraments but by the laying on of hands outside
them. This leads to contempt for the sacraments and also for authority
since the "Spirit" is received outside the Church, outside
his sacred ministry and outside the sacrament. One can easily wind
up by exchanging faith for hysteria.
Hanu: Now, Excellency, we must talk about today's
priests whom Cardinal Marty has defended so brilliantly. I can understand
them. Having met a number of clergy and having known them well,
I am convinced that the majority of them are saintly men who are
pure and courageous and unusually dedicated.
The problem
for most of them is that they are between the devil and the deep
blue sea, so to speak. On the one hand, they see where these excesses
are leading; on the other, they do not want to cut themselves off
from the world. The temptations to which they are subjected are
numerous and strong. Some of them are terribly troubled and unhappy.
Marcel Lefebvre: Since one was searching for
a "new type priest," as it were, adaptable to the ways
of the world this was to be expected.
Look at the
chain of events: The first objective is obliterate the image of
the priest, as he was once recognizable immediately by the cassock.
"The priest," they say, "is a man like any other."
Once this is recognized as a principle, everything else follows
inexorably. For these were the ideas, which governed the world:
change the ideas and you change the world. The weak and the naive
then say: "The world changes and we have to change with it."
This is a triumph of perversion.
Hanu: You are talking about giving up the
cassock, but these clothes were not adopted so far back. Does one
really have to ask priests and religious of 1977 to hamper themselves
by what is really, I think, a highly impractical garment?
Marcel Lefebvre:
Under certain circumstances, I admit that the cassock is a very
impractical garment. On a ship, for instance, or in a high wind;
but it has so many advantages that it was really ridiculous to give
it up.
Some time ago,
when I was a missionary, when I had to walk on foot for entire weeks
through the equatorial forests, I had my white robe in my luggage.
One day, the bush Africans remarked to me: "Father, you should
wear your cassock, for the wild tribes would otherwise take you
for a Protestant minister and would be scandalized." Since
then, I have always traveled in my cassock, in riverboats or on
airplanes, and I have noticed that everywhere the priest is greatly
esteemed and respected, except in the Anglo-Saxon countries.
Far from being
an obstacle, the priestly garment reassures traveling companions
and draws out confidences, as I have never failed to observe during
my 6,000 hours of flying time all over the world. How many priests
would be able to testify, like the priest of a great city, who told
most of the Catholics who live in the new district have no telephone,
and since a highway leads around these quarters, I always make my
daily rounds by bicycle, wearing the cassock. The people know this.
Those who want me come to their window. They can recognize me far
off by the cassock, and they call me."
During an audience
on November 22, 1972, Pope Paul VI declared: "The habit does
not only identify who wears it but it, gives the wearer an internal
confidence of what he is supposed to be." How true!
On that occasion,
Paul VI commented favorably on a decision by the Sacred Congregation
for Religious, which did not make it obligatory to wear the habit,
but which stated explicitly: "Except for special occasions,
priests must wear a gray suit with a Roman collar." Actually,
this decision was made to stem the "fashion" which led
an ever-increasing number of priests to "laicize" their
dress. It was hoped that by proposing a middle way, that is, the
habit of the Protestant clergyman, things would fall back in line.
Of course, they did nothing of the kind. Since we could throw the
cassock to the winds, why not do the same with the gray suit and
the Roman collar?
In the month
following, the Conference of Bishops of Quebec stated, in contrast
to the decision of the Congregation of Religious, and the opinion
of Holy Father: "The documents of the Sacred Congregation of
Religious do not concern the clergy of Quebec, who are authorized
to wear civilian clothes of their choice."
Those bishops
of Quebec: have they been admonished as they deserve? This was not
according to the Council spirit. Exchanging the cassock for civilian
clothes has now brought us some long-haired priests, dressed in
jeans and T-shirts.
At that time,
I was Superior General of the Congregation of the Fathers of the
Holy Ghost and I saw where this would lead to. That is why I addressed
a letter to them:
wearing of the habit characterizes the religious. It goes without
saying that this means a sense of modesty, discretion and poverty.
It is evident that this particular garment should call for respect
and make people think of detachment from the vanity of the things
of the world ....
But we have to recognize that the wearing of civilian clothes
has made enormous progress in spite of the enactment .... It is,
therefore, important to ask ourselves: Is it desirable, yes or
no, that the priest be recognized and distinguished by faithful
and laymen, or, on the other hand, is it desirable today - to
make the apostolate more effective - that the priest does not
distinguish himself from the layman?
answer this question with the idea of the priest according to
Our Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles. St. John said: 'You are
not of the world, since my choice has brought you out of the world
.... And you will be a witness because you have been with me since
the beginning.' Our Lord said: 'You will be my witnesses.'
can understand this testimony without difficulty: 'Men do not
light a candle and put it under a bushel, but upon a candlestick
that it may shine to all that are in the house.' So says Matthew.
priest's habit fulfills these two requirements in a clear and
definite manner. The priest is in the world without being of the
world; he distinguishes himself by living there. He is also protected
against evil. Says St. John, 'I don't demand that you take them
from the world, but that you shield them from the evil for they
are not of this world, just as I am not of it.'
I wrote further
in that letter:
testimony of the word, which for a priest is certainly more important
than the testimony of his habit, is made much easier by the clear
manifestation of his priesthood, which the wearing of the cassock
indicates. Civilian clothes obliterate all distinctions and recognition,
and make protection from evil much less effective. This disappearance
of testimony by habit clearly appears as a lack of faith in the
priesthood, a disdain of the religious sense in your neighbor,
and above all a laxity, a lack of courage, in your convictions."
I also wrote:
have to recognize that a great many Catholics and also a great
many priests no longer have a exact idea about the place of religion
in society, and all its activities. Laicism has invaded everything,
even our primary schools and the secondary schools for seminarians.
The priest who lives in such surroundings has an ever-growing
sense of alienation from this society, and thinks he is a witness
to a past, which is definitely out of focus. His presence is barely
tolerated. These, at least, are the impressions many young priests
carry away. And so we have this craving to fall in line with the
laicized, de-Christianized world, which reveals itself by the
abandonment of the habit.
priests do not have a clear idea of the place of priests in the
world, and in regard to the world. They have not been around much,
and they judge these ideas only superficially. If they had spent
some time in the less atheistic countries, they would have been
edified, finding that faith in the priesthood is still alive and,
thank God, very much so in most countries of the world.
fall in line with laicism and atheism means to capitulate and
remove the last obstacles to their spread.
priest is a walking sermon through his habit and his faith. The
apparent absence of a visible priest, especially in the great
cities, is a great disadvantage to the preaching of the Gospel.
priest is the salt of the earth. And St. Matthew says: 'But if
the salt loses its strength, what should it be salted with? It
is no longer of any use but to be thrown out and trodden under
foot by men.' Well, is it not this, which is in store for the
priests who do not want to appear as such? The world will not
love but despise them. The faithful will be sadly affected by
not knowing with whom they are dealing. The habit is an authentic
guarantee of priesthood."
Your Excellency, that was a very courageous letter. Above all,
the phrase "The world will not love them for it but despise
them," was prophetic. It called forth the invectives which,
among others, Maurice Clavel (author of Dieu est Dieu, Nom de
Dieu!), to name only one - hurls against those first "lifted
the seams," then threw away all cassocks. But were the Fathers
of the Holy Ghost guided by your exhortations?
Marcel Lefebvre:
Some were, some were not. The worm of liberalism was in the
apple, and it was late. The anti-traditional wind was already blowing.
Often seized by the disastrous ideas of the modern world, my colleagues
fancied that a religious congregation should become a democratic
society. Once more, everything falls in place.

A Family Reunion in Gabon
March 1951: Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, then Apostolic delegate
for French-speaking Africa, meets with his brother, Father
René, and his sister Bernadette (in religion Mary
Gabriel), all membersof the Congregation of the Holy Ghost,
the Lefebvres during their many years as missionaries in
Africa were sometimes able to meet together. This picture
was taken at Yaoundé in the French colony of Cameroon.
Hanu: You are right, Excellency. But there
is an old proverb: "The habit does not make the monk."
If it is true that the habit is responsible for establishing the
identity of the priest in the eyes of the faithful, it would be
a very weak character and a frail vocation that depends on this
kind of protection. With or without the habit, a good priest is
a good priest.
Marcel Lefebvre: Yes - but it is a mistake
to believe that character, even a strong one, and a vocation, even
a solid one, are without fault. Those who believe themselves best
armed against temptations can succumb just as well as others, and
often after a struggle, which used to be victorious. There is no
lack of examples for that. But the habit is a barrier against ambiguous
situations in uncertain issues.
The reason
I have dwelt on this topic is the fact that giving up the habit
or the cassock is a concrete and visible sign, a symbol for many
other things, which are given up. All this is done as if certain
members of the clergy want to get rid of the habit to prepare the
way for other disavowals, in which, unfortunately, they drag a great
number of faithful with them.
I might cite
here a number of deplorable or scandalous instances, but it is always
the same. Wherever one puts down precise places and dates, it is
a direct and easily recognizable attack on a person. If facts are
reported without dates and places, then one is suspected of calumny.
But, since
it is necessary to support one's contentions, an incident of some
significance will serve as an example.
In November
of 1972, Archbishop Guyot of Toulouse suspended one of his young
priests in an important parish. It was a decision, which was self-explanatory:
this young man lived openly with a young girl and did not show any
remorse about it.
The next Sunday,
this young priest, and five others who were on duty at the parish,
distributed leaflets in which they declared that they were all leaving
the parish together. They wrote: "The gesture of the Archbishop
reveals the injustice and the oppression by persons who, at the
moment, dominate the Church."
Can you imagine
such a thing? Yet it happened. Six priests from the same parish,
signing this tract insulting the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
which they elected to serve of their own free will, knowing well
what it was all about, and who had promised to serve according to
the rule of the celibate!
And why, after
all? Because they wore civilian clothes better to mingle with the
people; because, once put in the world, they wanted to submerge
themselves in it. They worked in it; they made a living in it.
A good article
was published about the time of this incident:
Instead of
administering the sacraments, they worked, and in consequence of
living in an environment that is not chaste (why should it be chaste?)
they succumbed to temptation. What they should reproach the hierarchy
for is that it did nothing to prevent them from giving themselves
up to the joys of love, but permitted them to be put into a situation
where it became psychologically and physically impossible for them
to respect celibacy."
Should we blame the bishops?
Marcel Lefebvre:
What must be blamed is the spirit of change, the false
discovery which questions everything, to such an extent that there
is neither conviction nor firmness in one's faith.
In this sense,
the bishops, whose task it is to preserve the faith with firmness,
have failed in their duty by omission, by cowardice before public
the book "Vatican Encounter: Conversations with Archbishop
Marcel Lefebvre"
published in 1978, Jose Hanu asks direct and piercing questions
of the Archbishop
in an attempt to get to the root of the conflict between the Society
of Saint Pius X
and the Vatican. Jose Hanu undertook this interview as a concerned
who wanted to act as a voice for those who are worried about the
current crisis in the church.
Jose Hanu is a well-known Dutch journalist.
I, Part II, Part
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109