Dear Friends and Benefactors:
Since our last letter a few
notable events have arisen in the Church: the death of Paul VI and
the election of John Paul I. To be sure, these events are far from
leaving us indifferent! Our desire to see the Church free of modernists
and progressivists that occupy it is all the greater. For close
to twenty years we have prayed to God to give to His Church true
apostles of the Catholic Faith- the Faith which has given the Church
its martyrs, doctors, confessors, virgins and all the saints who
illustrate her history and who prove the worth of her doctrine,
Sacrifice and sacraments.
We tremble at the thought
that the infiltration of modernism, that is to say naturalism, may
continue in the Church. The consequences of this veritable cancer
are the most serious that the Church has had to undergo during the
course of her history; that is, the corruption of the Faith of numerous
bishops and a great number of priests, monks and nuns. These clerics
reason like the modernists and the protestants: witness the newly
published book "Bishops Speak of the Faith of the Catholic
Church." The ideas of sanctifying grace, original sin, mortal
sin and its consequences, of the expiatory Sacrifice of Our Lord
which continues on our altars, are all spoiled. In their place one
finds all the errors of liberalism, of Americanism, of Sillonism,
and of modernism condemned by the Sovereign Pontiffs. Add to that
the theology of liberation which is a marxist interpretation of
the Gospel—a sacriligious and outrageous misinterpretation of Our
Lord. Therefore, let us not be amazed that the patience of God is
All seems to crumble around
us because the foundation of all things has been abandoned; that
is, the Way, the Truth and the Life—our beloved Saviour and Lord
Jesus Christ. It is because of these reasons, these truths, that
we wish to be so much more faithful to Our Lord, to His reign, to
His cross, to His sacrifice, to His sacraments and to His teachings
which have been faithfully transmitted by the successors of Peter
during close to twenty centuries.
Let us ask Saint Pius X to
guide Pope John Paul I. May the Virgin Mary, desiring the purity
of the Faith as well as sensitive to everything which betrays her
Divine Son, come to the aid of His Church.
By the grace of God, the
help of your prayers and your generosity, so many priests, brothers
and religious have joined the Society that is has increased rapidly
making it difficult to give you a complete report. We wish that
every district superior, as well as every superior of autonomous
priories, would complete the news for each region.
On June 29th, we ordained
eighteen priests from which there will be two for the Monastery
of Bedoin of Dom Gerard, and sixteen for the Society. All will begin
their ministry in this month of September. It would be necessary
to ordain four times as many in order to respond to the requests
that come to us from all the continents and all the countries. Everywhere
the Faithful feel abandoned or betrayed by their clergy. They no
longer find the Catholic Church but a modernist cult and doctrine.
Parents are fearful for their children.
Japan, India, Australia,
South America, South Africa—without counting all the countries where
we already have missionaries -beg us to send true priests. Vocations
arise from everywhere. This last year has been especially marked
by support from South America and Italy. There are 65 new seminarians
who enter this year in our three seminaries. Our fourth seminary
will open in the month of March in Buenos Aires.
Henceforth, the seminary
of the German tongue is transferred from Weissbad to Zaiztkofen
between Munich and Ratisbonne. Weissbad will serve for those who
prepare themselves for the major seminary. Two more locations are
now open in Madrid and Brussels where the Society will begin its
ministry. Seminarians studying at Ecône will take their second year
in Albano in order to gain a deeper appreciation of the Church's
Latin and Roman traditions.
The Society has acquired
the important center of Saint Mary's, in Kansas in America, with
its large sanctuary dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, suitable
for pilgrimages, retreats and perhaps the site of a future college.
Eleven applications were
received from young men wishing to enter the novitiate as brothers.
Fifteen young women have applied for the novitiate at St. Michel-en-Brenne,
and twelve for the Carmel in Quievrain, Belgium. If we added all
the applicants to those congregations which have kept their sound
traditions we would marvel indeed at this true renewal of the Church
where the fruits of the Holy Ghost give forth their true radiance
and not the aberrations of the charismatics.
Is it not obvious that where
the Faith of the Church is, so also is its holiness; where the holiness
of the Catholic Church is, there also is the Catholic Church. A
church which no longer produces good fruit, which is barren, is
no longer the Catholic Church.
We certainly do not amount
to much, and the good which is done through our efforts comes from
Our Lord. That is why we trust, because from nothing, He can do
much. The whole history of the Church proves it. Our Lord does not
demand success from us; this is His domain. He only asks for our
willingness and readiness to serve Him in our crosses as well as
in our blessings.
Should these few lines reach
those priests, monks and nuns who are fighting to keep the Faith
and Tradition—especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass let us tell
them that the Society is ready with its means to assist them in
matters spiritual, moral and material.
Dear friends and benefactors,
how we would like to serve you in your sanctification and in the
sanctification, education and spiritual support of your children.
We wish to start schools, especially for boys. The future of Christian
families depends thereon. We are fully aware of your needs. That
is why we already have schools in New York and Houston, in America,
and why we will continue the school at St. Michel de Chateauroux
in France.
We trust that we will have
your continued support, your prayers, your sacrifices and your generosity.
May God repay you through Mary and Joseph in abundant blessings.
† Marcel Lefebvre
On the Feast
of the
Nativity of the Most
Holy Virgin Mary
the 8th of September
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109
Vol. I,
No. 10, October 1978