Econe, August
27, 1986
Your Eminence,
with the events taking place in the Church that are coming from
John-Paul II, and confronted with what he proposes to do in Taize
and Assisi in October, I cannot help addressing myself to you, in
order to beg you in the name of numbers of priests and faithful,
to save the honor of the Church being humiliated as she has never
before been humiliated in all her history.
The speeches
and actions of John-Paul II in Togo Morocco, India and the Synagogue
of Rome, fill our hearts with righteous indignation. What do the
holy men and women of the Old and New Testaments think of all this?
What would the Holy Inquisition do, if it was still in existence?
The very first
Article of the Credo and the first of the Ten Commandments are being
outraged in public by the occupant of the See of Peter. Incalculable
scandal is being given to Catholic souls. The Church is being shaken
to her very foundations.
If faith in
the Church as the one and only Ark of Salvation disappears the Church
herself disappears. All her supernatural strength and activity are
based upon this Article of our faith.
Is John-Paul
II going to continue wrecking the Catholic Faith, in public, especially
at Assisi, where a procession of religions is due to follow him
through the streets of St. Francis’ home-town, with the religions
then spreading out amongst the Basilica’s chapels to practise their
worship in favor of peace as it is understood at the United Nations?
That is what is being announced by Cardinal Etchegaray, the organiser
of this abominable Congress of Religions.
Is it conceivable
that no voice of authority is speaking out within the Church to
condemn these public sins? Where are the Machabees of today?
Your Eminence,
for the honor of the one and only true God, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
make a public protest. Come to the help of the bishops, priests
and faithful who are still Catholic.
Your Eminence,
if I have taken the liberty of making this approach to you, it is
because I cannot doubt how you feel in this matter.
I am addressing
this appeal to each of the eight Cardinals here named, to enable
you, if you so wish, to take joint action.
May the Holy
Ghost come to your aid, your Eminence, and be so good as to accept
the expression of my fraternal and devoted sentiments in Jesus and
+ Marcel Lefebvre
Emeritus of Tulle