“Thou art all fair, O Mary, and
the stain of original sin is not in Thee”
8 December 1977
In the Name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
It is by these words which we have just
sung that the Church asks us to believe
… to believe in the Immaculate Conception
of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. And we
ought to ask ourselves: “Why did
our Lord, why did God wish to choose a
creature who was immaculate in her conception?”
Could it just be due to the personal merits
of the Blessed Virgin Mary…? Is
it because this creature pleased God in
such a particular way that God willed
to exempt her completely from all original
fault? Is this why Mary was immaculate
in her conception, and never knew domination
by the devil?
It would be inexact, and at the same
time, it would be to misunderstand the
plans of God, the designs of Divine Providence,
if we were to limit the Immaculate Conception
to some personal privilege of the Blessed
Virgin Mary. For in fact, the Immaculate
Conception is inscribed … inscribed
in the history of humanity as one of the
facts of greatest importance, the most
fundamental in the history of all mankind.
The Church takes care to remind priests,
as they read today's office in their Breviary,
that the moment when the Immaculate Conception
was announced to the world was not at
the special moment we may be thinking
of … the Annunciation, when the
Angel came to greet Mary and called her
“Full of Grace”, telling her
that she was to be the Mother of the Saviour.
But the announcement of the Immaculate
Conception in fact goes back much further,
right back to the words God addressed
to Satan himself after the sin of our
first parents, when God said: “I
will put enmities between thee and the
woman, between thy seed and her seed:
she shall crush thy head and thou shalt
lie in wait for her heel”.
There! That is the point at which God
made known His plan to produce this admirable
creature that is the Blessed Virgin Mary,
and to render her immaculate in her conception.
“I will put enmities between thee”
– between Satan who deceived Eve
… who drew her with Adam into sin
– “between thee and (the descendants
of) the woman” … God had thus
foreseen in this way the entire history
of mankind. Henceforth there would be
the family of Mary, and the family of
“…between thee – Satan
– and the Woman”: “inter
te et mulierem”. Henceforth God
saw, down through the history of the world,
all those who would join the ranks of
Satan – all those who would follow
Satan, and his maxims, who would submit
themselves to him and his suggestions
– and all those who would belong
to Mary's family. Without doubt, when
God said “et semen … illium”,
this referred to Jesus Christ, who is
the First Descendant of the Virgin, the
Son of the Virgin, and in Whom we ourselves
become sons of God … by Jesus.
But Jesus Himself is truly the Son of
the Virgin Mary; consequently, you see
that it really is to Mary's family that
we must belong if we want to oppose the
family of Satan and not come under the
influence of Satan. This is why the Feast
of the Immaculate Conception has a primordial
importance in theology, in the history
of the Church, in the liturgy.
It was in view of the birth of Our Lord
Jesus Christ, who was to be born of the
Virgin Mary, that the Virgin Herself was
immaculate from her conception. Thus began
a family! … A family that totally
escaped the rule of Satan … and
the first person to be exempt from Satan's
domination was the Virgin Mary.
We, of course, do not have this privilege:
we are born dominated by Satan. But precisely
by the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
by the grace transmitted to us by the
Blessed Virgin Mary in Baptism, by all
the graces which we receive, we must conquer,
we must win our title of children of God.
And, alas! … it is necessary to
say … these two families are not
as yet clearly separated. They are –
in the course of this trial that has been
given us – they are mingled together.
The members of the family of the Virgin
Mary and the members of Satan's family
are found in the same houses; in the same
establishments; in the same countries;
in the same regions; they pass each other
in the streets; they meet and speak together.
What will become of Mary's family in these
conditions? Will we be protected in our
character of the sons of God in the midst
of this depraved world?
This is why the Church, whose Mother
is Mary … the Church has always
desired throughout her history –
by the will of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in order to follow the example of Our
Lord Jesus Christ, in order to share more
in the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ
– the Church has always desired
that there should be a “front line”,
a particular phalanx. A phalanx of priests,
a phalanx of monks and nuns, of people
consecrated to God, to show in a public
way – to manifest by their lives,
their promises, their commitment; by their
faithfulness to the virtues of Our Lord
Jesus Christ – to show the world
that there is a family of the Virgin Mary,
and that this family is powerful …
that this family is alive … and
that this should serve as an example to
attract the faithful, to encourage faithful
Christians to hold on to their state as
children of God.
Throughout the history of the Church
it has always been a consoling sight and
a wonderful encouragement to see that
in the course of centuries whole legions
of monks, of nuns, of priests, have arisen:
who have consecrated them¬selves to
God; who gave their whole lives to God;
and who resolved in a public way that
they wanted to follow Our Lord Jesus Christ,
to carry His Cross with Him, to be true
children of Mary. These are the ones who
are at the front line in the battle, to
make the virtues of Mary better known,
to make known the power of Our Lord Jesus
Christ in order to save the world.
This is why our Society of St. Pius
X – which it has pleased the Good
Lord to bring forth in these difficult
times – wants to be, and promises
to be, in the line of these religious
My dear friends, we must really be faithful
to our commitments. We must put our whole
heart and soul into them, so as to continue
this force, this virtue of graces that
come from the Blessed Virgin Mary, from
Our Lord Jesus Christ across the Church
… across all the Church's history.
You must resemble all those who have gone
before you in these promises to lead a
more perfect life!
Whether it be through vows for our religious
brothers and sisters of the Society; whether
it be through promises, for you and for
the Oblates: it isn't a matter of saying
whether or not we are on a “path”
that is more or less perfect – speaking
canonically or theoretically – but
the real question is: do we truly, by
our commitments, want to follow Our Lord
Jesus Christ?
We DO: we WANT to show forth all the
virtues that Our Blessed Lady and that
Our Lord Jesus Christ have taught us.
We owe them this! We owe them this for
the honour of the Church; we owe them
this for the salvation of souls; and we
owe them this in order to continue what
Jesus and Mary have brought down to us
here below.
We have no right to be mediocre; we
have not the right to listen sometimes
to the siren voices of Satan … and
at the same time to declare ourselves
to be members of the Society of St. Pius
X. We must be totally, completely given
over to the Good Lord, dedicated to our
apostolate without holding anything back.
It is only at this price and on this condition
that we will be able to do any good around
However we see these days, unfortunately,
that certain men in the Church …
we are obliged to say it and obliged to
declare it … certain men of the
Church are listening to the serpent, just
as Eve did. They continue to follow those
– whose “Father” is
the devil – who, instead of withdrawing,
instead of closing their ears to these
fallacious words, keep on listening to
them. And under what form do they listen
to them? You may wonder, dear friends,
just how they listen. I think we can sum
it all up in just one word: this fruit
which is being offered today to minds
and souls by the devil … this fruit
of which Eve spoke, saying: “It
seemed to me delectable – it seemed
to me fair – it seemed to me good”
… this forbidden fruit is what is
called “Liberty”!
For two centuries Satan has been fooling,
deluding, cheating mankind with this fruit,
“Liberty” … this poisoned
fruit … this equivocal fruit …
this falsehood called “freedom”.
And today, alas! … how many Catholics,
how many priests, how many bishops, allow
themselves to be deceived by this word
“Liberty” … let themselves
be led astray by Satan?
Whether it concerns religious liberty,
whether it concerns freedom of conscience,
whether it concerns freedom of thought
or freedom of the Press: who is there
to say “No!” to these poisoned
fruits? Who are they who remain in the
way of Obedience? … In the way of
Truth? Because the way of Truth IS the
way of Obedience …. Obedience to
Truth teaches us how to make use of
our freedom; Truth puts limits on our
freedom. Freedom in itself is not an absolute
… an absolute value. As for ourselves,
we have chosen, then, to maintain the
Truth, and to use our freedom, our liberty,
to serve Truth and to do what is good
… and not to put ourselves in the
service of a so-called “liberty”
that knows no bounds: a “liberty”
that is no more and no less than licentiousness,
freedom to sin, to do whatever one wants;
freedom to insult God, to scorn Our Lord
Jesus Christ. This is exactly what goes
under the name of “Freedom”
or “Liberty” nowadays!
And they would like … they would
like by obedience to force us to eat of
this fruit!! And because you do not want
to eat of this fruit which they are offering
you, you will be persecuted; you will
be considered unfaithful to the Church;
unfaithful to the Blessed Virgin Mary;
unfaithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh
well, we are persuaded to the contrary.
We are faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ;
faithful to Our Blessed Lady; faithful
to the Church; faithful to the entire
Papacy; faithful to the Truth that was
taught us: by refusing this false freedom,
this lying liberty that is in the process
of causing the world to perish. Not only
is it causing the world to lose its soul,
but also to lose its body – its
material goods – as well, through
all these wars and atrocities that go
on every day … these are the fruits
of this poisoned “Liberty”.
And so, in making our commitment to
the Society in a few moments, we will
do so with this consciousness: that we
want to serve, that we want to be obedient
… obedient to Our Lord Jesus Christ;
obedient to Our Lady; obedient to God’s
Law; obedient to the Church, to Holy Church.
We want to be obedient, and we will
continue this obedience and make it known
to the world. And have no fear, because
we are following the footsteps of all
those who have gone before us in this
army. What we ask of you by the Society
– what we ask of you by your commitments,
or by vows for the Religious Brothers
and Sisters – what we ask of you
is what the Church has always asked: to
practise the virtues of poverty, of chastity
and of obedience … of genuine obedience.
These are the virtues that are so despised
today that people don't want to hear about
Well, you will make them known. You
will take the resolution to be poor: to
have the spirit of poverty and to live
poorly, to be detached from the goods
of this world, to be detached from money
and from all the goods that money can
You will make the resolution to be chaste,
to be pure like the Virgin Mary, so that
those who see your way of life will also
desire to live purely, chastely. In the
gift of yourself to God, live in faithfulness
to the commandments of God, and in Obedience
– make the resolution to live in
obedience – and to be faithful to
Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the Blessed
Virgin Mary, and to Holy Church.
In the Name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.