How are matters involving the virtue of chastity to be taught?
the ancient Greeks and Romans wanted to indicate things concerning
chastity, they made use of the particular term "aidoia
= verenda", that is modesty, thus signifying that such
things must be treated in a respectful manner. Modesty, however,
must not be intended as maintaining an absolute silence on this
subject so that no mention of it be made in the moral education
of the young, not even with sobriety and precaution. On this
subject, let adolescents be instructed with suitable advice
and be allowed to open their minds, to question without hesitation,
and let them receive answers which will give them sure, clear
and sufficiently full enlightenment and which will instill confidence
into them." (Pius XII: Allocution to Professors of
the Discalced Carmelites, September 23, 1951. Ed. 574.)
What method is used by the Church and by Holy Educators to instill
moral purity?
first place is to be given to the full, sound and continuous
instruction in religion of the youth of both sexes. Extreme
desire and love of the angelic virtue must be instilled into
their minds and hearts. They must be made fully alive to the
necessity of constant prayer and assiduous frequenting of the
Sacrament of Penance and the Holy Eucharist; they must be directed
to foster a filial devotion to the Blessed Virgin as Mother
of holy purity, to whose protection they must entirely commit
themselves. Precautions must be taken to see that they avoid
dangerous reading, indecent shows, conversations of the wicked
and all other occasions of sin." (Decree of the Holy
Office, March 21, 1931. Ed. 306.)
What need is there for vigilance in education to conserve chastity
in the youth?
and alert vigilance, by which we carefully avoid the occasions
of sin, have always been considered by holy men and women as
the most effective means of combat in this matter; today, however,
it does not seem that everybody holds the same opinion. Some
indeed claim that all Christians, and the clergy in particular,
should not be "segregated from the world" as in the
past, but should be "close to the world"; therefore
they should "take the risk" and put their chastity
to the test in order to show whether or not they have the strength
to resist. (Pius XII: Encyclical 'Sacra Virginitas,' March
25, 1954. Ed. 697.)
What role does modesty play in conserving chastity in the youth?
educators of the young clergy would render a more valuable and
useful service if they would inculcate in youthful minds the
precepts of Christian modesty, which is so important for the
preservation of perfect chastity and which is truly called the
prudence of chastity. For modesty foresees threatening danger,
forbids us to expose ourselves to risks, demands the avoidance
of those occasions which the imprudent do not shun. It does
not like impure or loose talk, it shrinks from the slightest
immodesty, it carefully avoids suspect familiarity with persons
of the other sex, since it brings the soul to show due reverence
to the body, as being a member of Christ and the temple of the
Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. VI, 15, 19.) He who possesses the treasure
of Christian modesty abominates every sin of impurity and instantly
flees whenever he is tempted by its seductions.
will, moreover, suggest and provide suitable words for parents
and educators by which the youthful conscience will be formed
in matters of chastity. 'Wherefore, this modesty is not to
be so understood as to be equivalent to a perpetual silence
on this subject, nor as allowing no place for sober and cautious
discussion about these matters in imparting moral instruction.'
(See A. 1) In modern times, however, there are some teachers
and educators who too frequently think it their duty to initiate
innocent boys and girls into the secrets of human generation
in such a way as to offend their sense of shame. In this matter,
in fact, a just temperance and moderation must be used, as Christian
modesty demands." (Pius XII: Encyclical 'Sacra Virginitas,'
March 25, 1954. Ed. 698-699.)
Are vigilance and modesty sufficient to conserve chastity in
the youth?
there is another argument worthy of attentive consideration:
to preserve chastity unstained neither vigilance nor modesty
suffice. Those helps must also be used which entirely surpass
the powers of nature; namely, prayer to God, the Sacraments
of Penance and Holy Eucharist, a fervent devotion to the most
Holy Mother of God." (Pius XII: Encyclical 'Sacra Virginitas,'
March 25, 1954. Ed. 700.)
What are the duties of parents in relating to their children
the mysteries of procreation?
the discretion of a mother and a teacher, and thanks to the
open-hearted confidence with which you have been able to inspire
your children, you will not fail to watch for and to discern
the moment in which unspoken questions have occurred to their
minds and are troubling their senses. It then will be your
duty to your daughters, and fathers' duty to your sons, carefully
and delicately to unveil the truth as far as it appears necessary,
to give prudent, true and Christian answers to those questions
and set their minds at rest.
If imparted
by the lips of Christian parents, at the proper time, in the
proper measure and with the proper precautions, the revelation
of the mysterious and marvellous laws of life will be received
by them with reverence and gratitude and will enlighten their
minds with far less danger than if they learned them haphazardly,
by some unpleasant shock, by secret conversations, through information
received from over-sophisticated companions or from clandestine
reading. Your words, if they are wise and discreet, will prove
a safeguard and a warning in the midst of the temptations and
the corruption which surround them 'because foreseen, an arrow
comes more slowly.' (Dante, Paradise, XVII. 27)" (Pius
XII: Allocution to Mothers of Italian Families, October 26,
1941. Ed. 415.)
What is the function of the Priest in the Catholic Education
of children?
this great work of the Christian education of your sons and
daughters, you will understand that training in the home, however
wise, however thorough, is not enough. It needs to be supplemented
and perfected by the powerful aid of religion. From the moment
of baptism, the Priest possesses the authority of a spiritual
father and a pastor over your children. You must co-operate
with him in teaching them the first rudiments of the catechism
and the piety which are the only basis of a solid education,
and of which you, the earliest teachers of your children, ought
to have sufficient and sure knowledge. You cannot teach what
you do not know yourselves! Teach them to love God, to love
Christ, to love our Mother the Church, and the pastors of the
Church who are your guides. Love the catechism and teach your
children to love it. It is the great handbook of the love and
the fear of God, of Christian wisdom and of eternal life."
(Pius XII: Allocution to Mothers of Italian Families, Oct.
26, 1941. Ed. 416.)
What is the role of teachers in the Catholic education of children?
your work of education, which is many-sided, you will feel the
need and the obligation of having recourse to others to help
you. Choose helpers who are Christians like yourselves, and
choose them with all the care that is called for by the treasure
that you are entrusting to them. You are committing to them
the faith, the purity and the piety of your children. But when
you have chosen them you must not think that you are henceforth
freed from your duty and your vigilance. You must cooperate
with them. However eminent school teachers may be in their
professions, they will have little success in the formation
of your children without your collaboration. Even less success
will they have if instead of helping and lending support to
their efforts you were to counteract and oppose them. What
a misfortune it would be if at home your indulgence and fond
weakness were to undo all that has been done at school, at catechism
or in Catholic associations to form the character and foster
the piety of your children!" (Pius XII: Allocution
to Mothers of Italian Families, October 26, 1941. Ed. 417.)
What is the Catholic stand on pedagogic naturalism?
form of pedagogic naturalism which in any way excludes or weakens
supernatural Christian formation in the teaching of youth, is
(....) false. Every method of education founded, wholly or
in part, on the denial or forgetfulness of original sin and
of grace, and which relies on the sole powers of human nature,
is unsound. Such, generally speaking, are those modern systems
bearing various names which appeal to a claim to self-government
and to unrestrained freedom on the part of the child, and which
diminish or even suppress the teacher's authority and action,
attributing to the child an exclusive primacy of initiative,
and an activity independent of any higher law, natural or divine,
in regard to his education.
If any
of these terms are used, less properly, to denote the necessity
of a gradually more active co-operation on the part of the pupil
in his own education; if it is intended to banish despotism
and violence from education, which, by the way, are not to be
confused with just punishment, this would be correct, but in
no way new. It would mean only what has been taught and reduced
to practice by the Church in traditional Christian education,
in imitation of the method employed by God Himself towards His
creatures, of whom He demands active cooperation according to
the nature of each; for His Wisdom 'reacheth from end to end
mightily and ordered all things sweetly.' (Wisdom 8: 1.)
But alas!
It is clear from the obvious meaning of the words and from experience,
that what is intended by not a few, is the removal of education
from every sort of dependence on the divine law. So today we
see, strange sight indeed, educators and philosophers who spend
their lives in searching for a universal moral code of education
as if there existed no decalogue, no gospel law, no law even
of nature impressed by God on the heart of man, promulgated
by right reason, and revealed by God Himself in the Ten Commandments.
These innovators are wont to refer contemptuously to Christian
education as 'heteronomous,' 'passive,' 'obsolete,' because
it is founded upon the authority of God and His holy law. Such
men are miserably deluded in their claim to achieve what they
call the emancipation of the child, while in reality they are
making him the slave of his own blind pride and of his disorderly
affections, which, as a logical consequence of this false system,
come to be justified as the legitimate demands of a so-called
autonomous nature.
But what
is worse is the claim, not only vain but irreverent and dangerous,
to submit to research, experiment and conclusions of a purely
natural and secular order, those matters of education which
belong to the supernatural order; as, for example, questions
of priestly or religious vocation, and in general the secret
workings of grace which indeed elevate the natural powers, but
are infinitely superior to them, and may be nowise subjected
to physical laws, for 'the Spirit breathes where it will.' (John
3: 8)" (Pius XI: Encl. 'Divini Magistri.' Dec. 31,
1929. Ed. 279-281.)
What is the Catholic position regarding the applying of naturalism
to education and to moral virtue?
very grave danger is that naturalism which nowadays invades
the field of education in that most delicate matter of purity
of morals. Far too common is the error of those who with dangerous
assurance and under an ugly term propagate a so-called sex-education,
erroneously imagining that they can arm youths against the dangers
of sensuality by purely natural means, such as foolhardy initiation
and precautionary instruction for all indiscriminately, even
in public; and, worse still, by exposing them at an early age
to the opportunity, in order to accustom them, so it is argued,
and as it were to harden them against such dangers.
Such persons
grievously err in refusing to recognise the inborn weakness
of human nature, and the law of which the Apostle speaks, warning
against the law of the mind: (Rom. 7: 23) and also in ignoring
what is taught by facts, from which it is clear that, particularly
in young people, evil practices are the effect not so much of
ignorance of intellect as of weakness of a will exposed to dangerous
occasions, and deprived from the means of grace.
In this
extremely delicate matter, if, all things considered, some private
instruction is found necessary and opportune, on the part of
those who hold from God the mission to teach and who are in
a state of grace, every precaution must be taken. Such precautions
are well known in traditional Christian education, and are adequately
described by Antoniano, cited above, when he says: (Silvio Antoniano:
Dell' educazione cristiana dei figliuoli, lib. II, ch 88.):
is our misery and inclination to sin, that often in the very
things considered to be remedies against sin, we find occasions
for and inducement to sin itself. Hence it is of the highest
importance that a good father, while discussing with his son
a matter so delicate, should be well on his guard not to descend
to details, or refer to the various ways in which this infernal
hydra destroys with its poison so large a portion of the world;
otherwise it may happen that instead of extinguishing this fire,
he unwittingly stirs or hinders it in the simple and tender
heart of the child. Speaking generally, during the period of
childhood it suffices to employ those remedies which produce
the double effect of opening the door to the virtue of purity
and closing the door upon vice." (Pius XI: Encyclical
'Divini Illius Magistri.' December 31, 1929. Ed. 282-283.)
What is to be made of total sex initiation, which wants to hide
nothing, to leave nothing out?
There is
"therein a harmful exaggeration of the value of knowledge
in these matters. There is, however, an effective sex education
which, quite safely, teaches calmly and objectively what the
young person should know, for his own personal conduct and his
relationship with those with whom he is brought into contact.
For the rest, special stress will be laid, in sex education,
as indeed in all education, upon self-mastery and religious
training." (Pius XII: Allocution to the First International
Congress of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology. April 13,
1953. Ed. 640.)
What is to be thought of so-called Catholic literature which
promotes sex initiation?
is one field in which the work of educating public opinion and
correcting it imposes itself with tragic urgency. It finds
itself, in this field, perverted by propaganda which one would
not hesitate to term fatal, even though, in certain instances,
it originates from a Catholic source and aims at making way
among Catholics, and although they who promote it do not seem
to realise that they are unknowingly deceived by the spirit
of evil.
We here
wish to refer to writings, books and articles concerning sex
initiation which today very often obtain enormous editorial
successes and flood the whole world, gaining possession of childhood,
submerging the new generation, troubling engaged and newly-wed
With all
the gravity, attention and dignity that the question calls for,
the Church has treated the problem of instruction on this matter,
according to the normal physical and psychological development
of the adolescent or the particular cases advised by diverse
individual conditions. In all truth, the Church can declare
that, while deeply respectful of the sanctity of marriage, she
has in theory and in practice left the married couple free in
whatever the impulse of a wholesome and upright nature allows,
without offence to the Creator.
One is
appalled at the intolerable impudence of such literature; and
while paganism itself, in the face of the secret of matrimonial
intimacy, seemed respectfully to draw the line, We are compelled
to witness this mystery violated and its vision - sensual and
dramatised - offered as food to the public at large, even to
the youth. It is the case really to ask oneself if the dividing
line is still sufficiently visible between this initiation,
which is said to be Catholic, and the press which with erotic
and obscene illustrations purposely and deliberately aims at
corruption and shamefully exploits, for vile gain, the lowest
instincts of fallen nature." (Pius XII: Allocution
to the French Fathers of Families. September 18, 1951. Ed. 568-570.)
What are the pernicious results of this same literature for
propaganda also threatens Catholic people with a double punishment,
not to use a stronger expression.
First of
all, it greatly exaggerates the importance and range of the
sexual element of life. Let us even admit that these authors,
under the purely theoretical aspect, keep themselves within
the limits of Catholic morality; this does not however do away
with the fact that their way of explaining sexual life is such
as to attribute to it, in the mind and practical judgement of
the average reader, the sense and value of an end in itself.
It makes the real and primordial aim of marriage to be lost
sight of, that is, the procreation and education of children
and the serious duty of the married couples with regard to this
end, which the writings in question leave obscure.
this literature, if such it could be called, does not seem in
any way to take into account, based as it is on nature, the
general experience of all times, whether it be that of today
or yesterday, which attests that neither initiation nor instruction
in moral education offers any advantage of itself. Rather it
becomes seriously unwholesome and prejudicial when not closely
allied with constant discipline, with vigorous self-control,
and above all with the use of the supernatural force of prayer
and the sacraments. All Catholic educators worthy of this name
and of their mission know very well the decisive part played
by supernatural forces in the sanctification of man; whether
young or old, single or married.
But it
is already much if, regarding what We have said just now, even
some slight mention is made in those publications; often they
are completely silent on the matter. Even the principles so
wisely illustrated by Our Predecessor Pius XI, in the Encyclical
'Divini Illius Magistri,' on sex-education and questions connected
whereto (see B 2) are set aside - a sad sign of the times! -
with a smile of compassion: Pius XI, they say, wrote twenty
years ago, for his times! Great progress has been made since
then!" (Pius XII: Allocution to the French Fathers
of Families. Sept. 18, 1951. Ed. 571-572.)
Can one approve of the method called "sex education"
or "sex initiation"?
In the education of youth the method to be followed is that
hitherto observed by the Church and the Saints as recommended
by His Holiness the Pope in the Encyclical (see B 2) dealing
with the Christian education of youth, promulgated on Dec. 31,
1929." (Decree of the Holy Office, March 21, 1931.
Ed 306.)
But aren't these norms concerning sex education out of date
Holy See published certain rules in this connection shortly
after the Encyclical of Pius XI on Christian Marriage (see A
2; C 1; C 2). These rules have not been rescinded, either expressly
or via facti." (Pius XII: Alloc. to the Fifth Intern.
Congress of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology, April 13,
1953. Ed. 640.)
Can one approve of what has been written or published even by
Catholic authors regarding the new method of sex education?
approbation whatever can be given to the advocacy of the new
method even as taken up recently by some Catholic authors and
set before the public in printed publications."
(Decree of the Holy Office, April 21, 1931. Ed. 306.)
What are the duties of Catholic parents vis à vis campaigns
to promote sex education?
of families, (. . . ) there are many other Christians throughout
the whole world and in all countries, fathers of families like
yourselves, who share your own sentiments. Unite with them
therefore (. . . ); call to your aid all Catholic women and
mothers with their powerful contribution, in order to fight
together, without human timidity or respect, to stop and curtail
these movements under whatever name or under whatever patronage
they conceal themselves or are patronised." (Pius XII:
Alloc. To the French Fathers of Families, Sept. 18, 1951. Ed.
of the above texts cited have been drawn from the following
and arranged by the Benedictine Monks of Solesmes, Boston, by
the Daughters of St. Paul.
easy reference, consult the number following the abbreviation