the first page of the L'Osservatore Romano (Thursday,
Dec 3, 1992), under the title "Assisi, on the Road to
Peace" appeared John Paul II' s announcement: on the
9-10 January, 1993, there will be held yet another interfaith
encounter at Assisi in order to pray for Peace in Europe and
especially in the Balkans.
is now raging in Bosnia-Herzegovina. For this reason the Bishop
of Rome, together with the representatives of the European
Episcopal Conferences invite the churches of all denominations
of the (European) Continent to a special day of prayer to
implore Peace for the Balkans." There follows the announcement
of the return to Assisi together with the usual ecumenical
gathering, this time reduced, however, to the European States
alone: "We now wish to extend a warm and cordial invitation
to the other Churches and Christian Communities of Europe
(including Anglican 'ministers' ...of both sexes?) so that
they may be represented at (this meeting of) Assisi. This
invitation is also joyfully extended to Jews and Moslems,
in the hope that they also be present in this circumstance,
renewing somewhat that memorable encounter of the 26th of
October 1986."
the pure light of the Catholic Faith, that meeting held at
Assisi, "a personal initiative of John Paul II,"
can only be considered as:
1. an insult to God
2. a denial of the universal necessity of Redemption.
3. a lack of Charity towards the infidels.
4. a danger as well as a scandal for Catholics.
5. treason or betrayal of Peter's as well as of the Church's mission.
thus is it also in the new case of "Assisi 1993"
which is nothing but a renewed humiliation of the One True
Religion as well as an undeserved rehabilitation of false
religions and a heresy-favoring lesson leading to conciliatory
theology and a false charity (that "charity without Faith"
for which Saint Pius X reproached "liberal Catholics"),
as well as opening wide the doors to skepticism or at least
to religious indifferentism (all religions are equally good,
or at least it is quite indifferent to know which is the One
True Religion) and last, but not least, constituting a treacherous
attack upon the Catholic Religion whose incompatibility with
error is no longer proclaimed but which is now assimilated...and
by Whom!...to all those false religious beliefs as though
the Catholic Church were just one more of the many religious
expressions in the world.
is impossible to mistake that Peace promised (by Our Lord)
to men, that Peace which is the supernatural fruit of Christ's
Reign, with that other - worldly and political peace: "Wars
will remain until the end of time one of the signs of this
world's fallen nature." It is the Catholic Church's duty
as herald of the Gospel of Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ
to ceaselessly remind all men of all times and places that
they cannot desire nor even dream of any kind of peace without
wholeheartedly accepting the Kingdom of Christ (cf. H. Roux
in J.J. Von Allmen's Vocabulaire Biblique, ed. Delaux
et Nieste, Neuchatel-Paris 1954, under the word, "Peace").
It is for this very reason that Pope St. Pius X, horrified
by the imminence of the First World War cried out: "It
is now more than ever necessary to grasp and uphold the Cross
of Christ and present it to all humankind in its hour of supreme
danger as the one and only source of Peace and Salvation.
(May 25, 1914)" But at Assisi, on the contrary, they
seek a man-made and worldly Peace, while carefully concealing
the Cross of Christ from the eyes of the world.
Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
back to the scandal of assimilating or putting all those false
religions side by side with the One True Religion as if they
were all equally agreeable to God, the following facts will
shed ample light on the "spirit of Assisi."
than fifty years ago, a Roman prelate died suddenly. Universally
known for his conferences given to Catholic Action groups
in Rome, he had also authored a synopsis of the Gospels. After
preparations for a solemn funeral had been going ahead (for
several days) for the "pious" prelate, a heavy veil
of silence fell over the activities which had been entrusted
to a committee made up of members of Catholic Action. What
had happened?
of my colleagues well acquainted with Roman Curia secrets,
revealed the mystery to me. The deceased prelate had, in the
course of his life entrusted several typewritten notes to
a friend of his, a professor at the University of Bari. Those
letters were to be read and published after his death. The
envelope was duly opened revealing a most unexpected and distressful
surprise: the learned and "pious" deceased prelate
had been a modernist, an assiduous and devoted reader of the
noted modernist and biblical critic, Father Alfred Loisy (1857-1940),
excommunicated in 1908 for his modernist ideas and who had
been a professor at the lnstitut Catholique of Paris
(and also known as the founder of French Modernism) who was
also at the same time the "pious" chaplain in an
Institute of religious Sisters where he used to celebrate
with devotion Holy Mass every morning and would, right after,
through his writings deny the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
those typewritten sheets the deceased prelate exposed all
his modernist theses. I was quite taken aback by the crudeness
of his remarks and one in particular: "What sets us apart
from the Moslems? That person, Jesus. Let us put Him aside."
are here in the midst of that heretical, modernist and freemasonic
utopia of that religion without dogma known as universal fraternity.
This is the very "spirit of Assisi." What is it
that separates Catholics from non-Catholics, from Moslems
and Jews? It is Jesus, True God and True Man, the Sole Mediator
between God and men, Founder of the one and only Ark of Salvation,
the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no Salvation.
The invitation addressed to all those heretical and schismatic
sects, to the Moslems and Jews to "renew in a certain
manner the memorable interfaith prayer encounter of October
27, 1986," implies, at the very least, a momentary setting
aside of Our Sole Redeemer as well as of His One True Church.
that announcement of last December 3, there are certain elements,
which further aggravate that painful recalling of the "spirit
of Assisi." In fact, John Paul II, in the invitation,
conceals or tries to hide himself as "Bishop of Rome"
amongst all the other bishops representing those disastrous
episcopal conferences born of the Vatican II Council and which
have brought and continue to bring so much ruin to the Church:
"the Bishop of Rome, together with the representatives
of the European Episcopal conferences invite the local Churches
of the European Continent to a special day of prayer."
The invitation is then immediately extended "to the other
Churches and European Christian Communities so that they be
represented at Assisi": ...Churches against the One True
Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Roman Church. This,
in short, is that confusion based on heresy and error - we
are here really faced with a major and obvious dogmatic error
- which has been so much in fashion since the disastrous and
tragic Vatican Council II.
"spirit of Assisi" is only the expression of an
erroneous philosophical and theological system adopted by
Karol Wojtyla and which he thinks he has the right to impose
upon the Church simply because he is the Pope. This is exactly
what the German theologian, Johannes Dormann, professor emeritus
since 1984 of the University of Munster's Faculty of Theology
of Paderborn, has clearly and objectively demonstrated in
his book The Strange Theology of Pope John Paul II and
the Spirit of Assisi.
Pope, simply in his capacity of private theologian, does not
have the charisma of infallibility and, as such, is liable
to error. He therefore has no right to abuse his authority
as Vicar of Christ to impose on the Catholic faithful his
own possible and personal theological errors. It is for this
very reason that when Pope John XXII (1245-1334) preached
in the chapel in Avignon the same error that he had held previously
in his capacity of theologian, that is, that the souls of
the saints who have reached Heaven must now await the General
Judgment Day to enjoy the Beatific Vision, all of Christendom
of that time and especially the great Catholic Universities
reacted sharply and the Pope found himself compelled to retract
his error even as he lay on his deathbed. This error later
became the object against which was written the Dogmatic Constitution
Benedictus Deus by his immediate successor, Pope Benedict
XII (+1342). Denzinger 530-531.
and Peter do coexist in the same person and Simon can interfere,
resist and even reject the duties proper to Peter's Office
and even go so far as to act in contradiction with his pontifical
functions. This can be proved by referring to St. Paul's Epistle
to the Galatians (2:14): it was at Antioch that St. Paul publicly
rebuked the Chief of the Apostles (St. Peter) because the
first Pope was, by his behavior, actually repudiating that
Doctrine of Faith which he had personally and solemnly defined
regarding the end or cessation of the Mosaic Law. It is for
this reason that Cajetan points out that the famous axiom
"Where the Pope is, there is also the Church" holds
true only when the Pope acts and behaves as the Pope, because
Peter "is subject to the duties of the Office";
otherwise "neither is the Church in him, nor is he in
the Church" (Summa Theologica II-II question 39 article
1,ad.6). This would also be the case where a Pope, instead
of faithfully keeping the "Deposit of the Faith"
would seek to impart or to communicate to the Church, at the
expense or prejudice of this same "Deposit," a new
orientation or direction according to his own personal utopian
views and ideas consisting in true and authenticated philosophical
and theological errors and which are therefore in opposition
with the orientation given to the Church by Jesus Christ and
His Apostles.
the very same issue of L'Osservatore Romano, p.6, we
find: "Peter's Mission: Confirm Thy Brethren"; this
is from St. Luke 22:31-32 "But I have prayed for thee
[Simon], that thy faith fail not; ...and thou being once converted,
confirm thy brethren." Once "converted," that
is being yourself once again or of Simon once more being "Peter."
Let us now pray that this hour come quickly and soon.
from Courrier de Rome April 1993
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Kansas City, MO 64109
translated from the Italian
Fr. Du Chalard
Via Madonna degli Angeli, 14
Italia 00049 Velletri (Roma)