Excellency Richard Williamson
conference on Americanism and Vatican II was originally
given at a Congress convened at Albano in Italy in January
of 1996 by the Society of Saint Pius X, to study various
aspects of the Second Vatican Council. However, the Americanist
aspect of Vatican II should be of particular interest to
American readers.
The fundamental
argument of the conference should be familiar to followers
in recent years of the Society of St. Pius X in the United
States: the central idea behind the founding of the United
States and the central idea behind Vatican II have much
in common. Extrinsically, this is because both ideas originate
in Freemasonry. Intrinsically, this enables much light
to be thrown on each by the other. In Italy, the idea
of American served to illustrate Vatican II. Here perhaps
let Vatican II illustrate the idea of American.
Notice, idea.
There are no Protestant cows, nor Masonic babies. All
nature comes from God. There is much more to any country
than just sinful ideas of men presiding over the foundation.
There is much more to the United States than just Freemasonry
amongst its founders. If Freemasonry were all that there
was to the United States, Catholic Tradition could never
produce the in-flow of seminarians it is presently producing
for the Society of Saint Pius X seminary in Winona.
the Masonic idea is especially strong in the USA, and
it has over the last two centuries succeeded in corrupting
generations of authentically Catholic immigrants. The
Masonic idea is all around us, day by day it threatens
to corrupt our own Catholic Faith, and if it is allowed
to have its way, it will utterly destroy Catholic Tradition.
With Vatican II it penetrated into the Catholic churchmen
with the result that great parts of the church have disintegrated
before our eyes. So we may and we must love the country
of our birth as God meant us to do, but that will not
stop us from examining the godless idea which will, left
to itself, destroy our nation, our Church, our souls.
conference given at the Priests’ Meeting of the US District
of the Society of Saint Pius X (at Our Lady of Sorrows in
Phoenix, AZ) follows as given at Albano, except for a few
additional inserts to remind Americans that what is being
attacked is the Freemasonic idea behind the United States
and not their country as such, which we Catholics are seeking
to rebuild in the Faith for the greater glory of God and
for the salvation of souls.

His Excellency
Richard Williamson
kingdoms clash: on the one side, the kingdom of Christ,
Christian civilization; on the other side, the kingdom of
Satan, anti-Christian, or rather anti-civilization, the
new Judeo-Masonic order, the so-called New World Order.
In this clash,
the Second Vatican Council played a decisive part. At the
Council the two kingdoms clashed with one another, and poor
Paul VI was under the illusion that they had come to an
agreement. In no way. What happened was that the principles
of anti-civilization, or rather its anti-principles, were
welcomed within the Church of civilization with the results
we now know - the ruination of that Church.
Notice, what
we have on Satan's side is not an opposite civilization,
but the opposite of civilization; not opposite principles,
but the opposite of principles. Conversely Joseph de Maistre
said: "Against the Revolution Christians must make
not a counter-Revolution but the contrary of a Revolution."
That is a deep saying. Satan may begin by setting up a false
principle opposite the true principle, but his aim is to
arrive at the dissolving of all principles, because that
is the ultimate in confusion.
So this conference
will argue that at the heart of Vatican II is not a system
contrary to Catholicism, but the break-up of all system;
not a thought opposed to the Catholic Faith, but the dissolution
of all thinking; in brief, Vatican II was not even an Anti-council,
it was an explosion. If you wish for the proof, look around
Now that explosion
which is the true spirit of the Council, is hidden in three
ways beneath the letter or documents of the Council. Firstly,
the documents contain many ancient and unattackable truths
alongside the new doctrine. Secondly, the new doctrines
are often presented beneath ambiguous formulae which allow
the conservative Catholics to state there is no problem
in the documents of the Council, the whole problem is in
the so-called after-Council or aftermath of the Council.
Thirdly, the novelties, once you draw them out of the documents,
have their own coherency, and so the appearance of a system.
So the novelties of Vatican II look like a system, but in
fact it is the systematicness of an explosion.
Now no stationary
or still photograph can capture the dynamic movement of
an explosion. We think that many good Catholic heads are
too good to be able to understand Vatican II. Take for instance
the dilemma of the so-called sedevacantists, namely, "Popes
as liberal as these recent popes could not be true popes."
Is this dilemma not false because these popes do not even
realize the contradiction going on inside their own heads?
And so rather than a theological stillshot, let us take
rather a moving film from history in order to put before
you an error which is a sister error of the Sillonism and
Modernism of the beginning of this century. Modernism is
the father of today's neo-modernism, so a sister of modernism
would be an aunt of today's neo- modernism - the aunt I
mean is Americanism.
Let us distinguish
Americanism in the narrow sense if you like, namely, the
particular error of certain American Catholics at the end
of the last century, who were condemned gently by Leo XIII
in 1899 in his encyclical Testem Benevolentiae; and
Americanism in the broad sense, that is to say the new life
of the New World, the precursor of the New World Order.
In other words, Americanism in a very broad sense, the Masonic
idea, if you like, as concretized in America. That broad
Americanism had already been exploding for a century before
1899 and was at the very most gently tickled by Leo XIII.
And yet the mushroom cloud of this broad Americanism is
extending over the whole world. Ten years ago, an Ecône
professor told me, the young Swiss in Valais used to dress
like young Swiss, but today they are all dressed like Americans.
The Winona
seminarians that were over in Europe in the summer of 1995
got a good chance to see today's Europe. They said that
the young Europeans do not make good Americans. If Americans
are accused of being shoddy, then americanized Europeans
are much shoddier! The seminarians that went over to Europe
got a good idea of what the real problem is. The real problem
is not the United States of America, because the Americans
are in many ways better off than today's Europe which is
deeply corrupt. The real problem is the Masonry which launched
the United States but which is now re-launching Europe.
in the broad sense is what interests us here because it
throws a great deal of light on the Second Vatican Council
and the United States. It can light up, as few other concrete
examples can light up, the explosion that was Vatican II.
So let us see in order the origins of the American spirit;
then at length, the new man, the new world, the new life
that this spirit has engendered; then its more recent history,
ending in its entry into the Council; its contamination
of the Council; and finally, the resemblance between the
new life coming out of the Masonic United States and the
New Church coming out of Vatican II.
But firstly,
let me open a parenthesis on America and Americans.
errors, but love those who err," says St. Augustine.
As much as we may detest the United States as a Masonic
idea, so much we may love it as a concrete country whose
inhabitants have enough natural virtues to have set up the
most powerful republic in all history, and enough supernatural
gifts to set up today the second most numerous country in
the world from the point of view of Catholic Tradition.
This last year by chance, the seminaries in the rest of
the Society did not have as many seminarians as Winona did.
It is in Europe that the American error began. It is Europeans
who brought Americans into their three World Wars, the third
war, as Archbishop Lefebvre used to say, being Vatican Council
II. And it is Europeans who brought each of these wars to
an end with a Masonic and American solution. It is Europeans
who are choosing today to Americanize themselves. Nobody
is forcing Europeans to do so, and so I hope it is well
understood that what follows is going to be an attack not
on the United States or Americans as a nation, as a concrete
nation or country, but as the first incarnation of a Masonic
ideal which is now triumphing throughout the world, including
inside the Catholic Church. That is where the problem is.
Close parenthesis.
Let us begin
by saying that the key to the kinship between the American
spirit and the spirit of Vatican II is religious liberty,
which is the foundation of the United States as it is the
crowning of Vatican II. In order to grasp the fundamental
importance of the part played in the formation of the United
States by religious liberty, let us recall a little history.
You will remember that the first Europeans to land on the
territory now called North America were the Spaniards in
the South and the French in the North. But between Spanish
Florida to the South and French Quebec to the North on the
Eastern seaboard of the continent, it was the English heretics
who founded the thirteen colonies which at the time of the
American Revolution in 1776 were set up as a new nation.
Now these English heretics, whether they were violent Protestants
like the Puritans of New England in the North, or moderate
Protestants like the Anglicans and Episcopalians of Virginia,
either way, did not believe in religious liberty. In the
North, the Puritans chased out or executed religious dissidents,
and in the center, they oppressed the few Catholics in Maryland
as soon as they were numerous enough to do so.
But, when it
came to constituting the old English colonies into United
States, a few years after the successful revolution of 1775
to 1783, political union was put in front of everything
else. As Benjamin Franklin said, "If we do not hang
together, we will hang separately." And so in drawing
up the new Constitution, strongly influenced by Freemasons
who were present and powerful, they passed over religious
union, and in order to guarantee that religious divisions
would not upset political union, at the head of the list
of fundamental rights of citizens of the new federation,
which was added a few years later, as the First Amendment
of the Bill of Rights, there was established the principle
of religious liberty; namely, that the government of this
federation would never be able to impose on the federation
as such an official religion. (Some American patriots state
that the particular states or individual states are not
bound by this federal regulation. That was true up to the
Civil War of 1861-1865; it has been false since, because
the federal government acquired, following on that war,
a crushing power in relation to the governments of the particular
Let us see
now the fruits borne by this choice of religious liberty
as the foundation stone of the new nation. And we will see
that, speaking concretely, it is difficult to exaggerate
just how far personal life, family life, social life and
national life change when the regime of a national religion
is replaced by a regime of religious liberty; or, to put
it more exactly, when religious liberty is raised up into
being the national religion.
The Founding
Fathers of the United States were very well aware of the
fact that by the Constitution of 1787 they were doing something
entirely new. And they were proud of it. "We are setting
up a New World on a new basis without any need of cardinals
or princes," they told the world, "and we are
going to show that what we are doing is superior."
It is new, certainly, and it is so different from every
other previous civilization that one may hesitate to give
to what these innovators did the name of civilization. But
is it superior? Let us see how under the new regime of religious
liberty God is emptied out, religion is gutted, man is deified,
truth is discredited, good is undermined and culture is
Firstly, the
substance of God is emptied out, He becomes a mere mockery
of the true Divinity. If the new nation gives in its Constitution
the prime place to national union, then the interests of
God and of the truth take second place. Now, God either
takes the first place or He is nothing at all. According
to religious liberty, people will be free to give Him all
the honors they like, but they will no longer be free to
give Him the first place because that would risk upsetting
national unity. Now the true God does not enter into that
sort of combination and hence the true God may bless this
or that individual, this or that family for their objective
or subjective merits in the new nation, but the national
and social life, as such, under this Constitution, will
be struck by a divine curse. Indeed, public life in the
United States is accursed. It is an avalanche of lies, a
series of false wars followed by false peaces. Strong words
- Card. Pie, I think, spoke just as strongly against the
Masonic republic in France of the last century. So the problem
is not the United States, the problem is Masonry. There
is no use closing our eyes to the damage done by Masonry.
Then as God
is no longer God, man must take His place, and just as politics
become the true religion under a regime of religious liberty,
so man becomes god. Now there can be no sin innate in God,
so, man being god, there is no sin innate in man. Hence
original sin is denied, and every man becomes intrinsically
good. The average American is profoundly Rousseauist (Rousseau
was not an American but a Frenchman). The average American
is profoundly Rousseauist; that is, he believes in the noble
savage. As democrats, Americans believe in educating the
people, but as Rousseauists, they destroy education because
if a savage is noble, why educate him? Hence, the wretched
spectacle of a system of education swallowing every year
more and more fabulous sums of money in order to advance
only in rottenness. Because, for example, in a democracy,
there is no longer any question of admiring what is noble.
Nobility of class is forbidden under the 1787 Constitution,
and moral nobility is banned because it would condemn democratic
lowness. Man is king and every ideal is going to be leveled
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-78)
A self-taught adventurer who popularized a neo-pelagian
theory of man and of society. He taught that
man is naturally good- "a noble savage"
-that society corrupted this goodness, and that
all efforts should be made to return to the
primitive virtues. His political idea of the
"social contract," and his educational
ideas were widely propagated and highly influential,
and wrong.
truth is radically discredited because not only does man,
being king and god, become the measure of what is true and
what is good and what is beautiful, but also, national unity
having been preferred to the truth of any particular religion
because all religious division based on considerations of
truth could harm national unity, then truth is degraded
like religion. But by its nature, truth is absolute in its
demands or it is nothing. From which it follows that in
the new nation, at least in the religious and spiritual
domain, truth will no longer have any importance; every
contradiction will become acceptable; human reason, the
reasoning faculty, will be discredited, and there will remain
nothing in American heads except the single idea that ideas
are worthless; hence the national anti-intellectualism.
For the American intelligence there remains only the domain
of matter in which thought can be taken seriously. But the
human intelligence retains its thirst for truth, and hence
in the United States, from the very beginning, the strong
thrust towards the material sciences, the superiority of
Americans in technology, materialism, commerce, comfort,
material well-being and also the thrust towards sexualism;
because as Malcolm Muggeridge said, "Sex is the mysticism
of materialism."
Notice that
all these tendencies are as much at work in Europe, because
Freemasonry is at work on both sides of the ocean. But between
Europe and America there is this enormous difference, that
in all the countries of Europe there were centuries, sometimes
centuries and centuries, of Catholic life and Catholic culture
before Protestantism arrived, whereas the United States
were born as colonies in Protestantism because of the English
heretics. This means that in every European there is an
old instinct, an after-taste or traces of Catholicism and
the old Catholic order which act more or less as a brake
to prevent certain liberal principles deploying all their
poison, whereas in the United States these harmful principles
have nothing to check their harmfulness. But, notice also
this other difference between Europe and America, that since
America did not have these centuries of Catholicism, Americans
are that much more innocent subjectively when they objectively
do evil. They commit evil more freely, but also more innocently.
However, truth
being objectively discredited has nonetheless grave consequences;
firstly, subjectivism. If unity takes precedence of truth,
what value can truth still have other than the value of
utility? Truth becomes what suits me. Of such a people Dante
said, "The unhappy people that have lost the good of
the intellect." It is an unimaginable evil to lose
truth, which is the good of the intellect. Hence, when the
intellect and ideas and reason lose their value, in the
United States it is sentiments which take over. A catastrophic
sentimentalism takes over minds and falsifies judgments
at every point on the road, except in questions of money,
where people remain strictly realistic. In accordance with
this sentimentality, people refuse to recognize the reality
of evil or suffering. They put on pink spectacles and pretend
that everybody is nice, everybody is sweet, everybody is
gentle in the best of all possible worlds.
This sentimentalism
further unmans men because the primacy of sentiment is the
privilege of women. Hence religious liberty unmans men.
And it is religious liberty which is the profound reason
for the feminism presently ravaging the United States. Here,
too, as far as I know, Europe is following the United States
because Europe is also believing in religious liberty. It
is adopting religious liberty especially since the Catholic
Church, itself, is now pushing religious liberty, and so
the men are being unmanned in Europe at least as much as
over here.
And as a regime
of religious liberty discredits truth and falsehood, it
also undermines good and evil. As the intellect is deprived
of truth, so behavior is cut off from objective morality,
except, again, in material questions. (On the English stock
exchange, a man can lie about anything but he will not lie
about a stock or bond transaction. There you can be sure
of his word. That is England.) Hence the American becomes
capable of committing what are objectively the most terrible
stupidities or betrayals, even while he remains subjectively
convinced that his action is just. And this he can do to
a degree and to a depth profoundly incomprehensible for
any European who still retains any sense of objective morality.
In turn, Americans are liable to say, "These Europeans
are incapable of understanding us," and it is not entirely
false when they say that.
Finally in
a regime of religious liberty, culture is vulgarized. Fine
arts become ugly arts. After all, man being god, and the
people being sovereign, not only can there be no further
question of any standard or measure of beauty which imposes
itself on the liberty of man, but also any so-called beauty
which would indicate there was a God, or anything above
man, would be an offence against man's royalty. I am king,
I am by my lowness king, and I will emphasize my lowness
in order to emphasize my kingship, and I will defy anybody
who denies it. Hence, the rejoicing in ugliness, especially
in clothing. For instance, these baseball caps put on back
to front. There was a photograph in the newspaper once of
a Negro who was trying to start a fashion of trousers put
on back to front but the fashion does not seem to have caught
This anti-culture
is as ugly as you like, but it is nonetheless all-conquering
and it is presently conquering "cultured Europe."
Truly the walls of the old civilization are cracked. Why
so? Why is television in Europe, and in fact throughout
the world, flooded with American programs to the point that
a few years ago the French government tried to intervene
to protect French culture on French television? Interesting
question. The answer may be as follows: New wine calls for
new bottles. It is our Lord who said new wine does not go
in old bottles. America is a New World, on a new basis,
pouring out a new wine, preaching a new crusade, in two
words, the crusade of religious liberty and democracy. To
make the world safe for democracy - famous battlecry of
President Wilson for the holy war of liberals - the First
World War. The word of crusade is not too strong, because
religious liberty is in fact a new religion. New wine we
have then which calls for new bottles.
Now the bottles
containing what we call culture are eminently the arts;
for instance, literature, music and painting. Notice that
the arts already evolved greatly within Christendom, with
the evolution of Christendom. But when anti-Christendom
arrives, are not the bottles going to evolve to the point
of bursting? That is exactly what we have observed. Whoever
had any talent for words in Europe, used to write poetry.
Today in America he writes advertisements. They are the
geniuses of Madison Avenue who write jingles that will make
people buy. On Madison Avenue they have a real sense of
words and it is all harnessed to commerce. Whoever had a
talent for songs in Europe used to make classical music,
but today in America, it is rock music, and you have the
world's stars of rock-and-roll. The guitar has burst, it
has gone metal, it has gone metallic, it has gone electric
and there is very little resemblance between the rock-and-roll
guitar and the old guitar. Whoever had a talent for colors
used to practise the fine arts, today in America you practise
photography. Whoever had a talent for telling stories or
for acting, in Europe used to write novels, but today in
America it is the cinema and above all, television. Of course
this is over-simplified, but nevertheless, a New World calls
for new arts. A new message calls for new media. (Even in
America, it is not the medium which is the message, as Marshall
McCluhan once said in a provocative way.) It is still the
message, or lack of message, which governs the very structure
of the medium. When Beethoven hit the piano so hard, they
had to make pianos tougher to stand up to his hammering.
The medium evolved with the message. If he had not wanted
to hit the piano hard, the piano would have stayed a gentle
instrument. (Beethoven, of course, had nothing to do with
the United States.) What is true in what Marshall McCluhan
said is that the message of religious liberty is a hollow
message because it emptied out God, and if man is empty
of God, there is nothing left. And the message is hollow,
therefore all that remains is the medium and in that sense
the medium becomes the message. From religious liberty comes
the relative emptiness of art and artists in the United
States, in any Masonic country in fact.)
"So the problem is not the United States, the
problem is Masonry. There is no use cosing our eyes
to the damage done by Masonry..."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
"Europe is following the United
States because Europe is also believing in religious
liberty especially since the Catholic Church, itself,
is now pushing religious liberty..."
Digitatis Humanae
But that is
a judgment based on the old standards, the artistic standards
of the Old World. According to those standards, what we
are calling the Europeans are the masters and the Americans
come nowhere. But supposing we change the standards. Supposing
the measure of the use that one makes of one's talents is
no longer the old beauty but money and usefulness. Then
aren't the roles reversed? At that moment the Americans
become the masters and the Europeans, concretely speaking,
become the disciples.
Indeed, the
new arts so to speak, advertising, television, rock music,
are practised by Americans with a religious conviction,
with a proud taste and with a zeal of pioneers, because
they are the arts of the new life, the arts of religious
democracy, the arts of this liberty which, for the American,
takes the place of religion, and by which he has in so superior
a fashion left behind the futile problems of religious divisions
which remain insoluble in the Old World, Yugoslavia for
And so, still
schematizing, just as Europeans are the masters of the old
arts, Americans are masters of the new arts. And Europeans,
if they retain only a little of the old sense of nobility
and beauty and discipline, will never be able to let themselves
go with the lowness, superficiality and indiscipline of
the new arts without letting a little of their scorn appear.
And that little bit of scorn will have the effect on the
final product of a few drops of gasoline in a barrel of
whiskey. In other words, viewers viewing a European film
may well sense something half-hearted in the Old World's
handling of the New World's medium, invented by Thomas Edison,
whereas viewers may sense that Americans are completely
at home in this medium of their own world. Thus a respectable
American writer, Norman Mailer, being interviewed in a television
show 20 years ago with a very popular, but rather less-respectable
writer, Mickey Spillane, was asked why he did not write
best-sellers like Mickey Spillane - "Oh no," he
replied, "in order to write like that you have to believe
in it." In other words, to be a successful practitioner
of trash, you have to believe in trash. Harsh words, but
Catholic priests in a Masonic world are constantly up against
the temptation to start praising what is Masonic or accepting
what is Masonic, at which instant they start degrading what
is Catholic.
In other words,
if the inhabitants now of the entire world wish to live
the new life, if they wish to give themselves over to materialism,
if they wish for the fruits of religious liberty, they will
not want the new arts practised with a slightly uneasy conscience
or without conviction. They will want total rock music,
convinced cinema and whole-hearted television such as the
Americans produce. And that is why we have this flood of
products of American television throughout the world. All
the world wants to hear the new life preached by whole-hearted
crusaders, and the whole-hearted crusaders will be the Americans
for whom religious liberty is their religion.
Because what
we are in the presence of is a new life, a new world, a
new humanity, directly opposed to the old life, the old
world, the old humanity by an opposition based on religious
liberty. For indeed, the classical Protestant is a heretic
and a hypocrite, objectively speaking, refusing to serve
God while seeming to do so. But as a classical Protestant,
he nevertheless keeps certain fixed and even true beliefs.
For instance, he may still believe in the divinity of our
Lord Jesus Christ. And if his beliefs are false, they can
still be fixed in the head of the classical Protestant.
In other words, the head of this Protestant keeps a measure
of the stability of truth which is to be found in the Catholic
Church. Of course, the instability intrinsic to error will
finish in the Protestant head by undermining the measure
of stability which is still there, just as it will eat up
what is still true in his head. And that is the slide from
Protestantism to Liberalism. But in the meantime, looking
at it from the point of view of stability, the classical
Protestant head more resembles the Catholic head than it
resembles the Liberal head. In the same sense, a Protestant
European more resembles a Catholic European than he resembles
an American. This is a way of describing the gulf that there
is between the American head and the European head, between
the liberal head and the classical head, between the new
head and the old head.
And I hope
once again it is understood that here I am talking materially
about the American head, while I am formally talking about
the Masonic head. Because if I kept on saying the Masonic
head, the Masonic head, the Masonic head, people would say,
that has nothing to do with us. They would say ah, that
is Masonry, I do not know what he is talking about. But
if one says American, people have to recognize their own
Hence a profound
mutual incomprehension, reaching as far as mutual scorn
between the two worlds, materially speaking, between the
American world and the European world. As the old European
is apt to scorn novelties, machines and technology, so the
American is apt to scorn history, culture, the past. As
everyone admires what he feels he is gifted in and he deprecates
what he feels he is lacking in, so the American pushes towards
the future. He is persuaded that everything that is new
is better, that everything that is old is more or less out
of date. Hence a scorn for the past is the last feature
of the American spirit that we will pick out for the moment
in the analysis of this spirit.
But let us
underline once more just how difficult it is for a religious
liberty head to understand a fixed religion head. For example,
sincerity. What is the sincerity of a liberal, unconscious
of being a liberal but born in a liberal nation like America?
In classical Europe, in other words when Europe was not
yet liberal, sincerity meant the correspondence between
the outside of a man and the inside of a man, and this inside
was stable because it was, for instance, anchored to the
morality of the ten commandments, which do not float. But
supposing the inside is unstable; supposing the inside of
the man is not anchored in the ten commandments but is anchored
in religious liberty .In that case, the inside of the man
can slide. In that case, if the exterior and the interior
slide at the same time, you have all the appearances of
sincerity, because the man is aware of himself, of his inside
corresponding to exactly what he is showing on the outside.
Therefore a man can change his behavior from one moment
to the next without ceasing to be sincere, at least in his
own eyes. But this apparent sincerity, which is a true sincerity
for the liberal because he conceives no other sincerity,
is false for the non-liberal who cannot conceive that a
spirit can drift and float to that point. Hence a European
cannot understand that an American can in such a case think
that he is sincere, whereas the American understands just
as little that one may question his sincerity. Imagine what
that can produce by way of misunderstanding! And notice
that such misunderstanding can only take place where a whole
environment has been won over to liberalism, that is to
say, where the floating in depth is a feature of the large
majority of people, in other words, where it is so normal
for minds to float in depth, that it is the opposite which
seems abnormal, in such a way that the measure of mental
sanity, which is provided by normality, instead of playing
for the stable mind, plays for the unstable or floating
mind. In other words, the floating mind is the normal mind.
Compare the
problem of Vatican II. Here is one way to read the problem
of Rome, for instance, Card. Ratzinger: the mind unhooked
from the truth has become so normal in Rome that Card. Ratzinger
cannot conceive of a Tradition being anchored to an unchanging
Truth because that has become so abnormal, because his German
philosophy has become so normal.
By way of example,
America as a nation, for the reasons given above, is an
environment in which the normal mind is the mind that floats.
At that point there is between the American and the European
a misunderstanding in depth which, if it is in the process
of disappearing, is only disappearing because Europeans
are Americanizing themselves. For between the two minds,
the floating mind and the stable mind in the pure state,
an understanding is impossible. One of them affirms and
the other ignores, does not even deny, the Principle of
Non-contradiction. Imagine a gangrene taking over a healthy
body even while leaving the appearances of health. That
is an image of this new life, this new world, this new mankind
as seen by a man of the old world.
But, you object,
it is not just as seen by the old world, it is the objective
truth, please do not devalue objective truth. Agreed. But
we are in the process of trying to grasp, to understand
the new man, the American spirit insofar as it is the spirit
of the new man, and we will never understand it as long
as we do not grasp the normality of this mentality. To enter
into this mentality without coming back out again would
be a disaster. But not to enter into this mentality will
be to fail to understand the world which is all around us.
Here, and not elsewhere, is the great obstacle today to
the apostolate.
But let us
continue to draw light from the example of the American
spirit by picking up again in the 19th century the story
of the clash between the Americanist spirit and the Catholic
The problem
of the Catholic Church in the United States goes back to
the origin of the Republic. Tired of their persecuted existence
in the Protestant colonies, a handful of Catholics at the
time of the beginning of the United States came to an understanding
with the founders of the Republic that in exchange for their
giving their loyal support to the Republic, they would be
sure of being tolerated under the new regime of religious
liberty. This understanding did not fail to mark the Catholic
Church in the new nation with an affection for the Republic
and with a veneration for religious liberty as a principle,
a veneration repeatedly expressed in the 19th century by
the bishops in the growing Church, growing at the speed
of the United States at that time. That is what brought
about, that when the German immigrants from Bismarck's Kulturkampf,
fleeing religious persecution in Europe towards the end
of the 19th century, landed in the United States, they brought
with them a Catholicism which did not fit very well with
that of the Americans convinced for tens of years by now,
of the holiness of religious liberty.
The most famous
clash between these two versions of Catholicism took place
in the 1890's in connection with the Catholic University
being founded near the capital city, Washington, and which
had been equipped with a team of professors half European
and half American. A division so violent arose between the
professors of the Old and the New World, that Rome had to
intervene by sending over a special delegate, Msgr. Sattolli.
When he arrived in the United States, he had at first wanted
to support the Americans, but after studying the evidence
he had to admit it was the Europeans who were right, and
the Rector of the University, Msgr. Keane, an American and
an Americanist, had to be removed as Rector.
In order to
present the Roman position, Pope Leo XIII sent a little
later to the Primate of the American church, James Card.
Gibbons, the encyclical letter Testem Benevolentiae
condemning false Americanism. Let us sum up Testem
Benevolentiae, the gentle condemnation of Americanism
in the narrow sense, as I said before.
This error,
said the Pope, proceeds from a negative principle according
to which the Church must adapt to modern and the Church
must therefore imitate the admirable new liberty of the
American state. And the encyclical continues with five positive
conclusions equally false: 1) Catholics must more guide
themselves (i.e., as opposed to receiving
guidance of clerics); 2) the natural virtues
must be given more emphasis in relation to the supernatural
virtues; 3) active virtues should be given
more emphasis in relation to the so-called "passive
virtues"; 4) religious life should not be over-valued
because there is so little liberty in it, and; 5) Catholic
apologetics ought to go out more to meet the modern world.
What was the
result of this gentle, yet clear call to order by Leo XIII?
The prelates of the Church in the United States did a self-examination
and they said, "But none of us are Americanists, in
the sense in which Americanism is being condemned by the
Pope, such an Americanism is a pure invention of French
priests in Europe who love inventing quarrels. We have nothing
to reproach ourselves with."
Hence those
responsible for Americanism did not submit even in the external
forum, but they announced to the world that they had no
reason to submit, since not one of them professed any of
the condemned errors. In the internal forum, they continued
to believe that Rome did not understand them, of course;
that was just normal they said, and that being the case,
they were bound to continue their efforts to save the Church
and the modern world by reconciling the Church with the
modern world, only from now on it would be necessary to
do it a little more discreetly since Rome had proved once
more its inability to understand.
The comparison
with the reaction of the leaders of Sillonism, sister error
of Americanism, and condemned by the Church only a few years
later, is revealing. Sillonism was a social reform movement
for laymen arising in France in the 1890's and 1900's, and
which, again notice, had nothing to do with the United States.
Condemned head-on by the letter of Pius X in 1910 on Sillonism,
their leader, Marc Sangnier and his lieutenants outwardly
submitted, but inwardly they were no less convinced, and
so they arranged their minds in such a way as to likewise
continue their Sillonist crusade despite the Roman condemnation.
Obviously, Rome had not understood. But it was completely
normal that Rome should not understand, and so there was
no need to stop, but rather continue under another form
exactly the same movement. So that is what they did with
such success that already in 1924 the reborn Sillonists
boasted of having one of their members in every Roman dicastery.
Surely such
a reaction is sheer villainy? Objectively, no doubt; subjectively,
God knows. In any case, notice the strong parallel between
Americanism in the United States and Sillonism in France,
and notice that this shows that the problem is not America
as such, and notice again the procedure of the villainy.
The more the Old World disappears, the more watertight is
subjective sincerity within the New World. And as difficult
as it is for he who believes in religious liberty to even
conceive that one may take seriously a unique and exclusive
Truth, so difficult is it for he who believes in one religious
Truth excluding all error, to conceive the depth of instability
and subversion reigning in a religious liberty head, in
which contradiction is no longer any problem.
Such instability
and subversion so deeply rooted in the minds of our age
is surely a sign of apocalyptic times. At the beginning
of this century, Pius X wondered if the anti-Christ was
not already born. At the end of this century we would say
he must have made a mistake. But it was from fearing that
the anti-Christ was born that St. Pius X governed the Church
in such a way as to obtain for it like a reprieve of 50
years from his masterly condemnation of the Modernists in
1907 with the encyclical Pascendi. But the Modernists
then reacted just like the Americanists or the Sillonists
and since their villainy, their twistedness, suits the modern
world down to the ground, it was simply a matter of time
before the cunning patience and perseverance of the Modernists
would achieve their purpose. And so the moment for the neo-
Americanists, the neo-Sillonists, the neo-Modernists came
when they obtained from John XXIII the summoning of a new
council of the Catholic Church, the Second Vatican Council.
Of this Council
they succeeded in kidnapping the direction almost as soon
as it began. Now there is no question of blaming the Americans
for the hi-jacking of the Council. It was the works of Europeans
as is indicated by the title of the famous book of Fr. Wiltgen
written on the Council: it was the Rhine and not the Potomac
that flowed into the Tiber. But the Potomac flowed in a
little later by bringing to Rome the expert and convinced
crusaders of religious liberty, the Americans who succeeded
in getting the great majority of the Council Fathers to
accept the sixth and final text of the last document of
the Council, Dignitatis Humanae, the Declaration
on Religious Liberty. But notice once more, nobody was
forcing the Europeans to follow the Americans and if the
Europeans approved instead of rejecting the principle of
all subversion, the fault lies entirely with those Europeans
who had close at hand all the ancient wisdom and truth.
Europeans have no business unloading their sins on the backs
of Americans!

Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J.
So let us recall
briefly the history of the intervention of Americanists
at Vatican II, admirably well told in Michael Davies' book
Vatican II and Religious Liberty. Many know that
the champion of religious liberty at Vatican II was an American
priest, Fr. John Courtney Murray. What few people know is
that the Jesuit superiors of John Courtney Murray forbade
him to attend the Council and hence he missed the first
of the four council sessions in 1962. It was on the insistence
of Card. Spellman of New York that Fr. Murray was able to
attend the Council from the second session onwards in order
to guide on the floor of the Council the drawing up and
presentation of the six successive texts of the Declaration
on Religious Liberty. Now Card. Spellman passes for
being a friend of Pius XII and a great conservative amongst
American cardinals! This suggests just how much we need
some revisionists to rewrite the true history of the Church
before Vatican II.
In any case
at the second session of the Council, in the Secretariat
for Christian Unity, a sinister organization according to
Archbishop Lefebvre, and on the floor of the Council, it
was the American bishops who upheld the new text of Fr.
Murray on religious liberty, a liberal text which came to
replace the orthodox schema already drawn up under the direction
of Card. Ottaviani on religious toleration. At the third
session of the Council, the declaration on religious liberty
became a separate schema and was the subject of a bitter
struggle stretching over the first three drafts of the text.
In the fourth and last session of the Council in 1965, there
were another three drafts, always bitterly fought over,
but finally the sixth, received the approval of the Council
Fathers in their large majority, of Pope Paul VI and Fr.
Murray. That is how on December 7, 1965, Dignitatis Humanae
became the last of the sixteen documents approved by the
Council and the document which is like the crown of the
Council. When Card. Bea had come to New York as the ecumenical
delegate of the Pope in order to ask the Jews of B'nai B'rith
what they would wish for as fruit of the Council taking
place, the Jews had replied "We want religious liberty."
It is this
principle of religious liberty which is the decisive contribution
of Americanists to the Council. Not that the Americans and
Americanism brought nothing else to the Council in any of
its other documents, but the introduction of this principle
within the Catholic Church is of such importance that it
overshadows any other contribution of Americans to the course
of the Council. Then let us examine briefly the text of
this infamous Declaration in order to pick out the
traces of what we have sketched above as the American spirit.
Let us notice
firstly that if one wishes to treat the Declaration on
Religious Liberty as a unified and coherent document,
one will lose not only one's Latin, one will lose one's
Catholic head. Any appearance of unity in the final document
is only a deceitful appearance which deceives because its
deceit, consisting in the reconciliation of irreconcilables,
is common currency in the modern world. This famous reconciliation
comes with a crusading conviction out of the soul of Fr.
Murray and it is received with a sigh of relief on the part
of many of the Council Fathers who long to get back in step
with the modern world which they are tired of resisting,
and who are insufficiently prepared and fortified by good
doctrine to resist the harassment and seduction of this
world which wishes to kill off their dioceses, their Church
and the Truth.
In reality,
beneath the appearances and in spite of the appearances,
the document on religious liberty is totally double. It
is a mixture of two perfectly opposed elements. And as soon
as one sees it as such, then everything that was confused
becomes perfectly clear and the contradiction is resolved
precisely into contradictories, they resolve like dew resolves
beneath the sunshine. But woe to anybody who would take
seriously the unity of the document! At that moment the
contradictions could only be resolved at the price of one's
mental health, or of one's Catholic faith. We members of
the Society of Saint Pius X a few years ago had two colleagues
very gifted for analyzing such problems of this accursed
Council. They saw very clear, they even wrote books, and
then they themselves fell into the trap that they had so
clearly denounced. Be careful. As far as confusion is concerned,
this document on religious liberty is a masterpiece.
is not reason, but in order to illustrate in a vivid fashion
the double character, the duplicity of the document, let
me give you a picture. Perched on the spherical surface
of a big atom bomb, there is a little boy in a little plastic
toy car with a plastic brake. With his right hand, the little
boy is pulling on a string, which for the purpose of my
comparison, is going to detonate the bomb. And no doubt
it will blast off in a few moments, but in the meantime
he is pressing with his left foot on the little plastic
brake of his little plastic car. And he always has a completely
beatific expression on his sweet little face.
Surely no need
for a long explanation. The atom bomb of Dignitatis Humanae
is the repeated refusal of civil coercion in religious matters,
and the repeated affirmation of the right of man to be exempt
from any civil coercion in matters of religion. This right
is inborn in man whatever use he may make of the right,
or misuse, because he does not lose the right, even if he
misuses it (Dignitatis Humanae §2). This is an atom
bomb because this principle on its own is capable of blasting
sky high the rights of God, hence the nature of God, hence
God Himself, to say nothing of the rights of His Church,
hence the complete Catholic religion. As we see, in the
aftermath of the Council the mushroom cloud is still rising
above the ruins of the Church in the atmosphere of the entire
On the other
hand, the little plastic brake is, in the document, the
little reminders of Catholic doctrine which pretend to put
limits upon this sacrosanct liberty-right in matters of
religion. For example the non-violation of other men's rights,
public peace, public morality which are meant to constitute
the norms of public order, to which the exercise of religious
liberty is meant to be submitted. This is a plastic brake,
because by what logic, internal to religious liberty, can
one deduce from it the respect of another man's liberty
in relation to the affirmation of your own? On the contrary,
logically, affirmation of your own liberty to do what you
like rides over any other man's liberty, logically. This
old-fashioned respect for another man's liberty has no intrinsic
tie with the new liberty and hence just interferes with
it. So once one lays down as one's principle the liberty-right,
sooner or later norms like public order will be blasted
sky high. They will have no power to stand up to the consistent
and logical affirmation of the new liberty-right. And that
is exactly the behavior we observe in the chaotic youth
of today's big cities. What divine justice! The oldsters
preach the right to be free from everything and the youngsters
duly liberate themselves from the oldsters by killing them
From this rapid
presentation of the fundamental duplicity of Dignitatis
Humanae let us pass through an equally swift comparison
between the American spirit as sketched out above, and the
spirit of Dignitatis Humanae, hence the spirit of
the Council. The comparison will again be schematic, but
we think it is essentially just.
God is emptied
out, Dignitatis Humanae (§11). Men are not constrained
by God, are not coerced by God. That is what the document
says explicitly. Implicitly then, He does not constrain
men by Hell, the God Who threatens us with the constraint
of this Hell no longer exists. God is emptied out.
Religion is
gutted. Dignitatis Humanae (§6) says explicitly that
all religions must enjoy the right to religious liberty.
Implicitly the prime value to be defended in human society
then is no longer Truth, but liberty. At that point, unless
you call liberty a religion, religion is gutted.
Man is dignified.
Dignitatis Humanae (§2) says explicitly that the
right to religious liberty, founded on the dignity of the
human person, persists even if the person misuses his right
to religious liberty. Human dignity replaces God as the
measure of what is good. Human dignity, or man, is god.
Original sin
is denied. Dignitatis Humanae (§7) says explicitly,
"Man must be granted the maximum of liberty, and liberty
must be restrained only when it is necessary and to the
extent that it is necessary." Implicitly, leave men
free, and good will take place because man does not incline
by himself to evil. Implicitly, original sin is denied.
Truth is discredited.
Dignitatis Humanae (§2) says explicitly the human
person always has a right to religious liberty even if the
human person ceases seeking the Truth. Implicitly, liberty
is of greater value than Truth, Truth no longer has first
place, Truth is discredited.
Reason is devalued.
Dignitatis Humanae (§1) says explicitly that the
doctrine of Dignitatis Humanae is in agreement with
Catholic Tradition. Implicitly, what is new is not new,
which is the suspension of the Law of Non-contradiction.
Reason is unhinged.
Sentiment is
up-valued. See the whole of Dignitatis Humanae (§11)
for the sweet image of Christ, all gentleness, mercy, patience;
never constraining, never threatening, absolutely not nasty;
nice, nice, nice. Then since Christ no longer draws men
to Truth other than by love, love, love; all you need is
love, all Christ needs is love, love, love. Then men are
unmanned and we have the dawn of priestesses because the
poor women if they no longer have manly priests, are going
to have to try to provide them themselves!
True morality
is undone. Dignitatis Humanae (§7) says explicitly,
it is no longer the common good but public order which constitutes
the norm of the exercise of religious liberty. Implicitly,
the sins which harm the public good without upsetting public
tranquility, for instance, the tranquil propagation of error,
are no longer sins against the common good. This is the
subversion of the common good and the subversion of true
Finally what
is old is despised. Dignitatis Humanae (§ 12) says
explicitly that the Church in history has not always respected
religious liberty. Implicitly, that is to measure the Church
by a false measure in order to condemn its past in order
to introduce it into a false future where anything old is
despised. In brief, the Catholic Church must enter by this
new principle of religious liberty into a New Age. It will
be a New Church, which will have for the Old Church, a condescending
sympathy, or an open scorn; in any case a radical incomprehension
or lack of understanding. What we are doing is new and it
is superior, and we hardly need to prove it to you. Join
us if you do not wish to disappear, says the New Catholic.
And the Newchurch? - Dignitatis Humanae (§15) glorifies
modern man: "It is, in fact, clear today that the consciousness
of every man of his personal responsibility is increasing."
Ah, what a misfortune, what a curse, the ease with which
these flattering heresies get themselves greedily swallowed
down by modern men!
What should
be done? Firstly, not blame Americans for having brought
to Vatican II the error which was first exported from Europe,
notably from a country which I will not name, north of the
English Channel. The problem is not there. Americans err
with a relative innocence. It is the Church; especially
in Europe, whose ignorance is grave, even inexcusable.
And so let
us become aware of the particular character, unprecedented
in all history, of the crisis caused by this spirit which
we are calling American, but which became the spirit of
the Council, which became at Vatican II, the spirit of the
churchmen. When the Law of Non-contradiction is suspended
in the head of the Vicars of Christ, we are getting close
to the end. We are living either through the Apocalypse
or the dress rehearsal for the Apocalypse. It is no longer
in the categories of the Catholicism of the 1950's, so to
speak, that one can classify the problem, nor is it by solutions
of the 1950's that we are going to solve it. Let us do everything
we can, but please let us not go on with "Fifties-ism."
In the same
line of thinking, let us remain calm, but let us not be
excessively well-behaved. Not only has the house caught
fire, but the very Church is exploding. Let us groan, let
us revolt and let us howl a little bit. Let us not capsize
the lifeboat; but let us row and row urgently in order not
to be swept beneath the waves by the structures of the great
ship disappearing beneath the water. An unshakeable faith
in the future of the Church, outside of which our lifeboat
of the Society is nothing, and for love of the Church, a
great sense of urgency in order to watch over the lifeboat;
to protect it; and to keep rowing.
And then let
us wait; because the hour of God will strike, it is His
Church, His flock, His sheep and His Society. Let us not
be afraid, it is He. At the moment He chooses, He will rise
up to say His Word, and this great storm will drop down
and come to lie docilely at His feet, like a little dog.
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Kansas City, MO 64109
translated from the Italian
Fr. Du Chalard
Via Madonna degli Angeli, 14
Italia 00049 Velletri (Roma)