past May 13th was the seventy-ninth anniversary of the first
apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal.
This great event has fallen into complete oblivion due to
the inaction of the Catholic hierarchy. A shroud of complete
silence covers the only survivor of the three seers of that
event, Sr. Maria Lucia of the Immaculate Heart, known as
Sr. Lucy. Though cloistered in the Carmel of Coimbra since
1948, she used to receive authorized visits from Church
personalities, from cardinals and researchers of the apparitions,
as well as letters from all over the world. Since 1954,
these visits were limited by Church authorities, to the
point of being abolished altogether in 1960. In that year
the public revelation of the famous "Third Secret"
of Fatima by the Pope was to take place, which never happened.
Since 1960 Sr. Lucy has been forbidden to talk about the
apparitions, not even by letter, except to cardinals (since
they have free access to the cloister) and close relatives
and acquaintances if approved by the authorities. No one
can approach her in the visiting parlor of the convent.
The permits for the visits are issued by Joseph Card. Ratzinger,
prefect of the congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith,
but he has not granted any for many years. The very one
who has seen and spoken to Mary and Our Lord is "cut
off" beyond the already rigid rules of the cloister.
the Vatican wants to forget Fatima is shown by the fact
that the fundamental scientific and official studies done
on the apparitions have yet to be authorized by the authorities
in charge. We refer to Fr. Alonso's 14-volume publication
(1976) which gathered, classified, and commented on 5,396
Fatima documents, including interviews with Sr. Lucy.1
the hierarchy understand the importance of the "Message
of Fatima"? We refer especially to the requests for
the Communion of Reparation of the five First Saturdays,
and to the Consecration of Russia to Her by a public act,
made simultaneously by all the bishops of the world.
of these requests has ever been fulfilled. The first one
has received little notoriety. For the second, if some consecrations
did take place, none were valid because none were carried
out as specified. The two requests are interconnected. Our
Lady of Fatima said on July 13, 1917:
come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate
Heart and the Communion of Reparation on the first Saturdays
of the month. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be
converted and there will be peace. Otherwise she will
spread her errors throughout the world provoking wars
and persecutions against the Church. The good will suffer
martyrdom, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various
nations will be annihilated. In the end my Immaculate
Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia
to me, it will convert and a period of peace will be given
to the world.
consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was asked for
the first time in an apparition in the Convent of Tuy, Spain,
on June 13, 1929. Pope Pius XI was made aware of it before
August, 1931:
time has come where God asks the Holy Father to consecrate
Russia to the Immaculate Heart, in union with all the
Bishops of the world, promising by this act to save her.
result of this solemn consecration would be the conversion
of Russia to the Catholic Faith. Russia will not convert
to the Faith without Divine intervention, in which, however,
churchmen have been called to co-operate.
fear of Russia's reaction and that of the world's other
superpowers has been stronger than the desire to fulfill
the Divine request! Subsequent to Pius XI, who did nothing
regarding it in order to safeguard his (failed) attempt
to establish an opening with the Soviet Union, there took
place consecrations concerning Russia in many forms but
not as prescribed by the Blessed Mother. In his radio message
of October 31, 1942, to Portugal, Pius XII consecrated the
Church and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, containing
a special mention, however very discreet, of Russia. This
act, however, was ineffective towards the conversion of
Russia because it lacked the necessary prerequisites. The
Blessed Mother asked specifically for Russia alone
to be consecrated. Besides, it must take place with the
all bishops of the world. Neither of these two necessary
conditions was met on the occasion of this papal address.
this, on July 7, 1952, Pius XII in his Apostolic letter,
Sacro Vergente Anno, addressed to the people of Russia,
made a consecration of "all the people of Russia"
to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that there would come
about "a true peace, brotherly harmony and the freedom
due to everyone." Note that this was a consecration
made in general terms, with no mention of reparation nor
of conversion and lacking any solemnity. There was no order
given to the bishops of all the world to join explicitly
with the Pope in this consecration.
John XXIII, with his policy emphasis on Ostpolitik,
did nothing. In the closing session of the Second Vatican
Council (Nov. 26, 1964), Pope Paul VI limited himself to
the consecration to Mary Immaculate of "all the human
family." The attitude of Pope Paul VI to the Fatima
message was skeptical aloofness. He went to Portugal on
the occasion of the Jubilee of the Apparitions (May 13,
1967) but limited his visit to one day. He never went to
the apparition site and did not give Sr. Lucy the private
audience she desired.
present pontiff showed interest in Fatima after having suffered
the well-known attempt on his life on May 13, 1981. In a
month's time he entrusted the entire "human family"
to the protection of the Virgin. Sr. Lucy insisted in interviews
with Church officials that the consecrations of Pius XII
were not valid. Pope John Paul II proceeded then to make
new consecrations in the form of an "Act of Dedication"
of the world to God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
This was done in union - purely spiritually - with "all
of the pastors of the Church," none of whom, on their
part, consecrated anything. This was repeated on October
16, 1983, and on March 25, 1984, in Rome. But these "acts"
are to be considered totally void because they defied the
conditions. Russia was not even mentioned and the world's
bishops were not physically assembled.
then, attempts have been made to obtain a consecration as
prescribed. The Pope and Church leaders have reacted with
annoyance, stating that everything required had been accomplished.
The question was closed. In 1989, typewritten statements
appeared, attributed to Sr. Lucy, which affirmed that the
Act of Dedication of 1984 met the requests of the Madonna.
But an error consistently appears in these letters saying
that the papal Act of Dedication [by Pope John Paul II]
fulfilled Our Lady's request to consecrate "the world."
However, Sr. Lucy has always said the Blessed Mother said
that "Russia" was to be consecrated exclusively
and never "the world." Hence, the authenticity
of these statements is dubious. To save credibility, an
attempt has been made to establish that the recent upheaval
in Eastern Europe and the "Communist crisis" demonstrated
that the Act of Dedication of Pope John Paul II was bearing
results. Russia was seen as starting to convert. Our Lady,
however, did not say she wanted Russia to convert to freedom
of conscience or to democracy, but to the Catholic Faith.
Instead of expanding, Catholicism in Russia suffers yet
another persecution. The facts show that the Pope has not
carried out the wishes of the Blessed Mother.
heaven commands, man cannot do as he pleases. He must follow
the example of Naaman the Syrian, who obeyed to the letter
what Eliseus the Prophet had commanded him to do despite
what he thought of such a command - to be cured of leprosy
by washing seven times in the Jordan River, indeed (IV Kings
5:1-14)!? Nevertheless that is exactly what happened. The
above-mentioned popes have not possessed the faith of Naaman.
They have not believed that by a mere act of consecration
(as Our Lady has requested) there could take place such
a great event as the conversion of Russia.
the popes continue to ignore Heaven's requests? No. The
consecration will be made, but it will be made late. This
is what was foretold by Our Lord to the seer, emphasising
what the Blessed Mother had said at Fatima, in a vision
going back to 1931, at Rianjo, Spain, in the face of the
passive attitude of Pius XI:
my ministers, who behave like the king of France by procrastinating
in carrying out my wishes, that they will follow him into
suffering the same misfortune. It is never too late to
have recourse to Jesus and Mary....Like the king of France,
they will regret it and will do it, even though late...
is the significance of this reference to the king of France?
To what event does Our Lord refer? It is the request made
in a vision to St. Margaret Mary Alacocque and brought to
the attention of Louis XIV in 1689, to consecrate explicitly
France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; but which the "Sun
King" did not fulfill. Louis XVI did make an act of
consecration, but it was already "too late." He
was overthrown and was executed. According to this prophecy,
then, the popes could suffer a similar fate, due to their
obstinacy. A Pope will, finally, make the consecration forced
by a situation of extreme danger for the Church. There hovers
over the papacy the prophecy of a terrible punishment because
of continual disobedience and lack of faith. But it is a
prophecy which can be thwarted by a change of heart on
the part of those for whom the message was intended. It
is an awesome prophecy because it does not say that it will
be "too late," but "late," leaving one
to understand that after the consecration, however late
it will be, the Church will undergo a rebirth.
refusal has persisted to a greater degree in the matter
of the revelation of the so-called Third Secret of Fatima.
By this is meant the third part of the secret given the
three little seers on Friday, July 13, 1917 and made public
gradually by Sr. Lucy (with the exception precisely of the
Third Secret). The secret forms part of a single unit. It
contains "three things": (1) the vision of hell;
(2) the proclamation to establish the devotion of the five
First Saturdays, and the Consecration of Russia to avoid
the chastisement of World War II (prophesied with extreme
exactness). In the second part of the Secret, then, Our
Lady, after having announced that the First World War was
about to end, seemed to connect the beginning of the Second
World War to the lack of the consecration of Russia; (3)
the third part or "Third Secret," put into writing
by Sr. Lucy in January, 1944, and given to the Bishop of
Leiria (who did not want to read it) on May 17, 1944 and
transmitted to Rome on April 16, 1957. Even Pius XII did
not want to read it. By the instructions given by Sr. Lucy,
it was to be made public by 1960. The seer has always said
that, because of its contents, this part of the secret of
Fatima could not be revealed in the same way as the other
two. As for its being made public, she has deferred to the
judgement of the higher ecclesiastic authorities.
Third Secret begins almost certainly after the last sentence
of the text of the other two messages Sr. Lucy has made
known. This sentence is:
Portugal the dogma of Faith will always be kept, etc.
presence of that "etc.," shows that Sr. Lucy has
given to understand the sentence in question is not a prophecy
which is aimed at Portugal exclusively (as some have attempted
to claim) but is the beginning of an announcement concerning
the keeping of the dogma of Faith in the Christian nations.
In all likelihood, the Third Secret is concerned with the
preservation of the deposit of Faith, that is to say, its
specific object is Holy Mother the Church. It is very likely
that in it are prophesied the grave upheavals the Catholic
Church was to be subjected to due to the actions of its
hierarchy. The betrayal of the Faith through the fault of
its shepherds is surely foreseen in the Third Secret. This
is why the present Official Church, of which these shepherds
hold the controls of power, have not the least reason to
make it known and do everything in their power to make sure
that it would fall into oblivion.
does not deal with the end of the world, as some have tried
to insinuate, even though one cannot rule out that it also
mentions material punishments. The Third Secret concerns
the Church, the painful obfuscation of the Faith in which
we find ourselves. This can be deduced also from what Pope
John Paul II said to Sr. Lucy in the brief meeting (May
13, 1985) which she confided to Card. Oddi in 1985: That
it is not convenient to make the secret known because the
world "would not have understood it." What could
there possibly be in the secret that would be difficult
for the faithful to understand, if not the revelation that
the Third Secret prophesies that the present Official Church
is a Church apostate from the Catholic truth?
haven't the faithful sensed this by now? What can they think
of a Church that instead of worshipping God practices the
worship of man and woman?...that has removed the Most Holy
Trinity from Holy Mass?...that proclaims belief in a "One
God" valid for all religions, even the most contrary
to Christianity?...which no longer mentions original sin,
immortality of the soul, particular nor final judgement,
nor Paradise?...which allows the belief that hell is empty?...that
when it is compelled to talk about traditional truths in
the New Catechism, she explains them as being opinions
(subjective) of Church Traditions instead of being truths,
(objective) which by and for themselves are dogmas which
the Church makes her own?...that has established a Novus
Ordo Mass of which the Protestants approve?...that often
maintains silence about the Divine nature of Christ, because
if it proclaimed it, its so-called "dialogue"
would end abruptly?...which affirms that by His death on
the Cross, Jesus has already saved everybody, even those
who do not believe in Him as being the Son of God?...that
no longer takes into consideration that the conversion of
the world to Christ is a fundamental duty, because to attempt
to convert would be a violation of "freedom of conscience"
of the followers of other religions?...that has embraced
in everything the errors of Protestant theology?
honors the "martyrs" of the heretics and erases
its own from the calendar?...that works tirelessly for the
unification of Catholicism with all of the other religions
and sects, dissolving itself thereby in the embrace of false
ecumenism?...that speaks obsessively about the world's problems,
especially political, and never about Eternal Life, and
which replaces Catholicism by a deistic humanism, such as
that of the Masons?
what is purported to be the last interview allowed to her
(Dec. 26, 1957), Sr. Lucy complained to Fr. Fuentes about
the ever-advancing spiritual deafness and loss of faith:
the Holy Virgin is very sad because no one pays any attention
to her message, neither the good nor the bad. The good
keep up on their own way, but without concerning themselves
about the message. The bad, seeing that God's chastisement
has not touched them yet, continue on with their sinful
living and do not care about the message. Father, God
is about to punish the world and He will do it in a terrible
way. The Heavenly chastisement is imminent. [This was
on the eve of the Second Vatican Council, which has represented
for the Church - the late Father Congar stated - what
the states General were for the French Revolution - Ed.]
Tell them [the Bishop of Leiria and Pius XII, who refused
to read the Third Secret - Ed.] that the Holy Virgin
said to my cousins Francisco and Jacinta and to me repeatedly
that many nations will disappear from the face of the
earth, that Russia will be the means used to accomplish
the punishment from Heaven, if we do not succeed in the
conversion of this poor Nation, first....Father, the devil
is about to begin a decisive battle against the Virgin,
and because he is capable of offending principally God
and perverting in a short time the greater number of
souls, he is doing everything in his power to gain the
souls of the persons consecrated to God Father, let us
not expect to receive calls to penance from the Holy Father,
addressed to the entire world; and don't let us even expect
them to come from our Bishops, each in his own diocese,
nor from the Religious congregations (or orders). No,
Our Lord has already used these means, but the world has
ignored them. This is why it is now necessary for each
one of us to begin, on his own, the spiritual reform of
self. Each one must save not only his own, but all the
souls that God has placed in his path.
the means to bring about the "spiritual reform"
of ourselves and of others are the true Catholic means for
the salvation of souls, that is, "prayer and sacrifice,"
"the Holy Rosary," and the "devotion to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary "
All dates and facts quoted in this article are taken from
the fundamental works on Fatima. The three volumes by Br.
Michel de la Sainte Trinite, Toute la verite sur Fatima,
editions de la Contre Reforme Catholique, Sait Parres-les-Vaudes,
1985, ss., and from the abridged version by Br. François
de Marie des Anges, Fatima, joie intime, evenement mondial,
by the same publisher, 1991. The text of the secret, which
we partially quote, is found on pp.59-63 of the latter book
and the interview granted to Fr. Fuentes, quoted pp.283-286.
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Kansas City, MO 64109
translated from the Italian
Fr. Du Chalard
Via Madonna degli Angeli, 14
Italia 00049 Velletri (Roma)