from the TASS news agency report that on June 23rd
and July 4th (1997) the two Houses of the Russian Parliament
(i.e., the Duma and the Council of the Federation)
approved a law which recognized only four religions as having
a legitimate legal status in Russia because they are considered
as belonging to the Russia tradition: Russian Orthodoxy,
Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism. All other religions are considered
on the same level as the sects unworthy of protection.
purpose of the law is to combat the “pseudo-religions,”
especially the sects that have invaded Russia since the
theoretical collapse of the Soviet Union. But in this law
(which was enthusiastically supported by the Orthodox Patriarch),
Catholicism was put on the same level as a “pseudo-religion”
such as the Unitarians or Jehovah’s Witnesses.
the Pope wrote a letter of protest to Yeltsin, the US Senate
went much further, passing a resolution to cut off all American
aid to Russia if Yeltsin sanctioned the law. In consequence
of this, Yeltsin has refrained from affixing his signature
to this controversial text. It is permissible to think that
he is alarmed by the American threat of suspended economic
aid, which is so important for Russia today. However, the
situation at the moments is changeable, and it is possible
that a compromise solution may be reached - that is, by
“non-radical” modifications of the text, as declared by
Russian Prime Minster Cernomyrdin.
the Pope and the US Senate have intervened in the name of
religious liberty guaranteed by so-called “human rights.”
The United States holds itself particularly responsible
to protect abroad the innumerable pseudo-religious sects
that characterize its civil life. Some time ago there was
almost a political crisis between Bonn and Washington because
the German authorities had placed strong limits on the activity
of the controversial Scientology sect.
finally happens in this Russian incident, we mention it
here because it seems to confirm, once again, that the three
consecrations of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
performed by Pope John Paul II between 1982-84 for the purpose
of her conversion to Catholicism, were and remain entirely
invalid because they were not conducted according to Our
Lady's very specific requests. In fact, what fruit have
they produced? Where is the conversion of Russia? Can we
not see some sign? On the contrary, 13 years after the last
consecration, the Russian Parliament has even tried to put
Catholicism into exile - this "sect" which does
not belong to the "Russian tradition."
is well known, the official and solemn consecration of Russia
to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on the part of the Holy
Father, "in union with all the bishops of the world,"
was Our Lady's request to the surviving seer of Fatima,
Sr. Lucia of the Immaculate Heart in the convent of Tuy,
Spain. This request of June 13, 1929, was duly sent to the
proper authorities. Its fulfillment was to be followed by
the conversion of Russia to Catholicism: thus
Our Lady promised in her apparitions at Fatima. And again
at Fatima, the Most Holy Virgin stated that if Russia were
not converted, she would spread her errors throughout the
world, "causing wars and persecutions against the Church,"
and in consequence of this, "the good will be martyred,
the Holy Father will have much to suffer, and several nations
will be annihilated."
it would be expected that, faced with such a terrible announcement,
yet which contains the promise of Russia's conversion to
Catholicism (a fact of epochal historical significance),
the popes would have hastened to perform the requested consecration
in the proper form. But it was not thus at all. Some have
done absolutely nothing, such as Pope Pius XI, Pope John
XXIII and Pope Paul VI. Others have done something, but
not according to the correct form: Pope Pius XII and Pope
John Paul II. Either the world and Russia were offered to
Mary, rather than only Russia, or the explicit mention of
Russia was missing, while retaining that of the world, or
- in any case - the consecration on the part of all the
bishops was lacking. Russia therefore gave reason for anxiety,
and even more because of the punishments prophesied by the
Most Holy Virgin as a consequence of her failure to convert!
the reiterated criticisms of those who questioned the validity
of his consecrations, the present Pope and the ecclesiastical
authorities have reacted in the end with annoyance, maintaining
that it had already been done, and more times than necessary.
But facts, as Pascal said, "are stubborn" and
do not allow themselves to be modified by the words of men.
And here the facts are very clear, because what was requested
and promised by the Most High is extremely simple and consistent:
to one event (the consecration of Russia in
the correct form) will follow another (the conversion
of Russia to Catholicism). It is a matter of an elementary
causal connection between the two acts. In such a causal
relationship, the failure of the effect to occur implies
a defect in the cause. And here the defect consists in the
lack of compliance with the conditions of validity affixed
to the consecration. Therefore we do not see the sign of
Russia's conversion. On the contrary, we note an increase
of her deeply rooted hostility toward Catholicism.
all this, today's Catholic hierarchy bears responsibility:
not only for the invalidity of the consecrations but also
because of the so-called ecumenical politics pursued toward
the Orthodox Church-politics that have not protected and
do not protect the rights of Catholics it any way.
it is known, it was Stalin who forced, in 1944, the absorption
o Russian Catholics into the Orthodox Church, which was
enslaved to this regime. Today's Vatican has done nothing
to claim the restitution of its churches and confiscated
goods. And nothing is done to spread Catholicism in Russia.
In fact, any form of proselytizing b) the Catholics (the
Uniate Church) is prohibited, in order to not damage the
"dialogue" with the Orthodox Church.
invalid consecrations of Russia are understood still better
in the light of Vatican politics, constantly outstretched
to yield and to compromise to all kinds of false religions
for too many decades now. The fruits of these politics are
clear to everyone. They show that the facts are going in
exactly the opposite direction to that propagated
by the rhetoric of this so-called "dialogue."
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Kansas City, MO 64109
translated from the Italian
Fr. Du Chalard
Via Madonna degli Angeli, 14
Italia 00049 Velletri (Roma)