excerpt from Pope Pius XII’s Address to Midwives, Oct. 29,
another grave problem presents itself, that is, whether,
and to what extent, the obligation of being ready for the
service of maternity is reconcilable with a constantly spreading
recourse to the natural periods of sterility (the so-called
“agenesic” periods in woman), which seems to be clear expression
of a will contrary to that precept….[T]he lawfulness of
such conduct on the part of a husband and wife should be
admitted or denied, according as the intention constantly
to observe those periods is or is not based on sufficient
and reliable moral motives. The mere fact that the partners
do not vitiate the nature of the act and are also ready
to accept and to bring up the child that, notwithstanding
their precautions, might be born, would not of itself be
sufficient to guarantee the uprightness of their intention
and the unquestionable morality of their motives.
reason is that marriage imposes a state of life which, while
it confers certain rights, likewise enjoins the accomplishment
of a positive task concerning that state. This being so,
the general principle may be applied that a positive service
may be omitted if grave motives, beyond the control of the
good will of those who are under the obligation to perform
it, show that its performance is inadvisable and prove that
the petitioner (in this case mankind) cannot equitably claim
marriage contract, which confers on husband and wife the
right to satisfy the natural inclination, sets them in a
specific state of life, the matrimonial status. Now, on
husbands and wives, who make use of it through the specific
act of their status, nature and the Creator impose the function
of providing for the preservation of the human race. That
is the characteristic service which gives to their status
its peculiar value, the bonum prolis – the good
of posterity. The individual and society, the people
and the State, the Church itself, depend for their existence,
in the order established by God, on prolific marriages.
Hence, to embrace the matrimonial state, to make use continually
of the faculty peculiar to it and licit only therein, and,
on the other hand, to avoid its primary duty, always and
deliberately, without a serious motive, would be to sin
against the very meaning of married life.
motives, such as those not seldom appearing in medical,
eugenic, and social so-called “indications,” may exempt
some from the positive, obligatory act for a long time and
even, if necessary, for the whole duration of marriage.
It follows from this that observance of the sterile periods
may be licit from the moral standpoint; and in the conditions
mentioned it is so indeed. If, however, according to a reasonably
and equitably formed judgment, there are no such serious
reasons, personal or deriving from external circumstances,
the will habitually to avoid the fecundity of their union,
though continuing fully to satisfy their sensuality, may
only derive from false evaluation of life and from motives
not harmonizing with sound ethical canons.
The Pope Speaks: The Teachings of Pope Pius XII,
(YN, Pantheon Books, Inc., 1957) pp.119-121.]
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Kansas City, MO 64109
translated from the Italian
Fr. Du Chalard
Via Madonna degli Angeli, 14
Italia 00049 Velletri (Roma)