always the Pope and the Catholic Church who are asking for
forgiveness: the others just keep quiet” (Le Figaro, Oct. 3, 1997).
John Paul II uttered this complaint in a meeting with journalists
on his first visit to Brazil. This puts us in mind of another
complaint, that of Pope Paul VI, concerning “the smoke of
Satan” which has penetrated God’s Holy Church through the
very windows that had been thrown wide open by the Council
and through which this Pope expected to see bright sunshine
streaming into the Church. Pope Paul VI’s bitter admission
was the fruit of a cruel disillusionment. He acknowledged
having tenaciously pursued a utopian scheme, namely the
aggiornamento of the Church and the triumph – this
is the illusion which was supposed to result from it in
the world and especially in the world of culture, which
is increasingly hostile to Our Lord Jesus Christ. This was
nothing other than the utopia of Modernism, which had been
welcomed and nourished by the "intellectual" Pope
Montini ever since his youth. Our Divine Master warned us:
"Do not be astonished if the world hate you: it hated
Me before you." The Modernists, by contrast, are "intellectual"
Christians who have not resigned themselves to being despised
by the world along with Christ.
complaint of Pope John Paul II also expresses a further
disillusionment; namely, disillusionment with another utopia
that had been pursued with equal tenacity: the "ecumenical,"
"world-wide," non-Catholic utopia. Its aim was
to bring about the unity and concord of the human race –
this is the illusion – by means of "dialogue"
with the sects which had become separated from the Catholic
Church by schism and heresy, and even with pagan religions.
But, as St. Paul says, "non sunt facienda mala ut
eveniant bona" – “we must not do evil, even in
order that some good may come." Therefore this Ecumenism
which proceeds along a path of a "brotherhood"
and a peace which are not those of Christ, this Ecumenism
which, by its aim, betrays revealed Truth and humiliates
God's Holy church, cannot be blessed by God. It is the modern
Tower of Babel: sooner or later, God will scatter those
who are building it.
evil of Ecumenism is revealed, however, in its sterility.
In fact, the complaint of Pope John Paul II, bitter though
it is, does not reflect the whole bitter reality, because
"the others," i.e., those taking part in
the "dialogue," "who have been installed
in prominent Catholic positions ever since Vatican II, are
not content to keep silence": they are taking action
and what they do is more eloquent than a declaration of
war - to people who are not blinded by the ecumenical utopia.
Even Thirty Pieces
years, the Catholic hierarchy has been wasting its breath,
beating its communal breast and saying mea culpa on
behalf of a Church that is accused of being responsible
for anti-Semitism (which existed, in any case, well before
there was a Church – just read Horace's Satires!)
a Church which, while having to defend itself against
the hostility of Jews down the centuries, has always defended
them against the hostility of different nations. And how
do the Jews respond to this "dialogue" which sacrifices
both revealed truth and historical truth for the sake of
an ecumenical utopia? The facts will tell us.
1963, at the very moment when the Jews were putting pressure
on the Council to exculpate them from the charge of Deicide,
the State of Israel's High Court of Justice, rejecting the
appeal of the Carmelite Fr. Daniel (Oswald Rufeisen), a
converted Jew, declared that Jews who convert to Christianity
cannot have Israeli nationality, even if they had emigrated
to Israel and are prepared to observe its legal code (Oikoumenikon,
Jan. 1, 1963, p.93, and, Jan. 15, 1963, p.90).
hostile attitude to Christianity has not changed after 35
years of ecumenical "dialogue." As we read in
the review Missioni Consolata of June 1990,
Israeli High Court of Justice has declared that no-one
who believes in Christ, even if he is not baptized, can
obtain Israeli citizenship.
this occasion, the judgment concerned a young Jewish couple,
Gary and Shirley Beresford, who had emigrated from Zimbabwe
to Israel and "who have been refused citizenship simply
for believing in Christ." Their appeal to the High
Court of Justice was rejected, the judges having "decided
that it was irrelevant that, quite apart from not having
been baptized, they were Jews by birth and had declared
that they kept all the Jewish traditions" (ibid.).
In the same periodical, we learn that the same High
Court of Justice confirmed the sentence handed down by an
Israeli tribunal against a Jewish soldier, Richard Sorko-Ram,
"for having publicly expressed his admiration for the
figure of Jesus."
commentary seems superfluous. However, let us quote the
word of the Apostolic Nuncio, Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo,
who, on the occasion of a series of attacks on Catholic
places of worship in the Holy Land, declared:
is not a question of securing compensation for damage,
or of guaranteeing police protection. The problem is much
deeper and involves the whole education system as well
as the dominant values of this State. What needs to be
combated is intolerance and hostility against non-Jews…sentiments
which are more and more widespread among the Israeli population.
Actions hostile to Catholic institutions are on the increase.
In recent times, scandalous articles about us have appeared
in the press. It is essential that the reciprocity of
our accord should be respected. The Israelis cannot keep
on demanding that the Church should condemn anti-Semitism
while doing nothing themselves to combat local anti-Christian
sentiment (La Terre Sainte, May 1995, p.52).
too, in fact, the reality is worse than the Nuncio says
– for he is not a diplomat for nothing. It is not true that
the Israeli authorities "do nothing" – they actually
do a lot of things, as we have seen, and these Jews are
fuelling the sentiment of intolerance and hostility which
predominates in Israel “against all non-Jews" and particularly
against the Catholic Church: this is serious "anti-Christian
Croix of May 31, and Aug. 20,
1998, gave an account of the most recent manifestation of
this anti-Christian sentiment when it revealed a "projected
Israeli law which aims to outlaw the New Testament."
"Will it be held to be a crime, in Israel, to have
a copy of the Gospel?" – this was the title of the
review Jesus of last September (p.30), which also
printed the photo-montage published by the Israeli review
Galilee which provoked protest from Christian circles.
The latter represents the Madonna with a cow's head and
(so that there should be no doubt) in her arms the Infant
Jesus. This is how our "elder brothers" respond
to the "dialogue" of those who have humbled themselves
before them, regarding themselves as their "younger
brothers." This is the reward for betraying the revealed

Opening of the Holy Door (Jan. 18. 2000).
Rev. George Carey, Anlican Archbishop of Canterbury (left),
Pope John Paul II, Orthodox Metropolitan Athanasiaus (right).
"Sister" But an Enemy
so-called "sister church" – another recently-discovered
"relative" – has shown herself no less hostile
than the "elder brothers." Here again, for the
sake of "dialogue" with the self-styled "Orthodox
church," the Catholic hierarchy is sacrificing the
revealed truth and historical truth, as well as the most
elementary forms of charity and justice towards the true
Oriental Church, the true Orthodox Christians of the East,
who are the "Uniates," the Greek-Catholics or
Catholics of the Greek Rite ("The Catholic Eastern
Church Condemned to Death by Ecumenism," Courrier
de Rome, July/Aug. 1994, p.4). Let us recall the cry
of anguish addressed to Pope John Paul II by the Roman Apostolic
Administrator, Msgr. George Gutiu, the day after the Balamand
Agreement [see The Angelus, Dec. 1997, pp.33-37],
in the name of all the Greek-Catholic Bishops of Romania:
after having endured the cross of Communism, they have had
to take up the harder cross of Ecumenism. Nor is this all.
The "Bacon Priest" (Fr. Werenfried van Straaten),
treating "truth and error equally" is using contributions
made to his work in order to finance, consolidate and expand,
in Russia, the schismatic sect which usurps the name of
the "Orthodox Church" (cf. the Review,
Mondo e Missione, January 1995). In similar vein,
the Italian Dioceses of Trent, Milan and Verona have been
practising religious indifferentism for years, sending financial
aid to the "sister church." As the "Patriarch"
Alexis himself said this help "has contributed to the
restoration of the Orthodox Churches of Moscow, St. Petersburg,
Novgorod and Push kin," and to the expansion of the
"Ecclesiastical Academies of Moscow and St. Petersburg"
(cf. Avvenire, December 9, 1994). They all forget,
both the Italian Bishops and Fr. van Straaten, that financing
a schismatic sect or schismatic worship is a form of co-operation
with evil and as such, is never permitted, not even if one's
intention is to achieve the most praiseworthy of ends (cf.
Catholic Encyclopedia on "Co operation with Evil").

Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow, Alexis II.
exchange of gifts – this is how these financing schemes
to "sister churches" are described (if Vita
Pastorale, No.1, 1995), even if the giving is all on
one side, and to a recipient who is by no means destitute
(cf Panorama of Nov. 6, 1997).
Filled with the Spirit. How the wealthy Orthodox financial
holding company operates…the Russian Orthodox Church…is…also
a first-rank economic enterprise with an annual turnover
of two thousand million dollars. In 1990, its very strong
Department of Economics and Finance created a holding company,
the ______, which received press accolades in Italy
when it offered one thousand million dollars to participate
in the privatization of the Bank of Rome. This bid was blocked,
for the moment, by the IRI.
much for the economic sphere. Things are much worse in the
area of religious relations: at every opportunity, the "sister
church" engages in ferocious and insolently hostile
attacks, as a result of the way the Balamand Agreement
is interpreted. These attacks involve a rejection of
"Uniatism," i.e., the return to union with
Rome, by denying the Primacy and so signing the death-sentence
of the true Catholic Oriental Church (cf. SISINoNo, Italian
ed., May 15, 1995, p.7). However, the ultimate gift of our
Moscow brothers (if Vita Pastorale, No.11, 1993)
has just arrived: in a letter signed by 49 "Orthodox"
Archbishops, Alexis, the Russian "Patriarch,"
unleashing a vicious attack on the Vatican, which he accuses
of "religious deceit" and "brazen proselytism,"
demands (and gets) from Yeltsin the ratification of the
law which marginalizes the Catholics of Russia (cf SISINONO,
July/Aug. 1997).
Approval of the Law Gagging Catholics," "Pope,
Come to the Rescue!" – these are some of the press
headlines (Corriere della Sera, Sept.25, 1997, and
Panorama, June 11, 1997). The Apostolic Administrator
of European Russia, Msgr. Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, himself
declares that he is "very anxious about the future
of the Catholic Church in Russia" and says he "cannot
see many opportunities for us Catholics" (reported
in the Review Sounti, October 1997).
the kind of behavior one associates with a "sister
with the Muslims
so we come to the Muslims, to whom European Catholics are
offering "ecumenical hospitality" by turning even
Catholic Churches into Mosques (the sins of co-operation
with evil and of the profanation of holy places). For the
sake of good relations with Muslims, the Catholic University
of Milan (cf the Review Presenza, 2/1996)
has organized a course entitled "Introduction to Islam"
for official students of the Guardia di Finanza – who have
never been given an "Introduction to Christianity."
Pope Paul VI allowed these same Muslims to erect one of
the biggest mosques in the world right opposite St. Peter's
in Rome; and, while Saudi Arabia was building its mosque
in Rome, it repeated its ban on the building of Christian
Churches on its own territory (cf. SISINoNo, Italian
ed., Feb. 28, 1993, p.8). Even the Jesuit Khalil Samir,
an ecumenist and promotor of "dialogue," had to
admit that, in all the Muslim countries, there is a "difficult
climate" for Christians (Avvenire, Nov. 27,1990).
Recently, too, the Jesuits of La Civilta Cattolica have
been obliged to make the same bitter discovery with regard
to emigré Muslims: " All those who do not profess Islam
are infidels and so are hated by God, which means that the
Muslim cannot love them or join with them" – this is
the response to "dialogue" one finds in La
Via del Musulmano-" The Way of the Muslim, "
a book intended for emigré Muslims in Italy and for Italians
wanting to get to know Islam, members of the USMI (Union
of Muslim Students of Italy) and published by the Milan
Islamic Centre-an action which differs markedly from Cardinal
Martini's magnanimous ecumenical hospitality – and the UCOII
(Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations in Italy).
This is rather far from the notion that "we have the
same God as the Muslims"! (cf. SISINONO, Italian
ed., Sept. 15, 1997). What we have here is not a "dialogue"
but an obstinate and humiliating monologue on the part of
the Catholic hierarchy.
for the ultimate humiliation, we learn of it in the Bolletino
Salesiano (Salesian Bulletin) of November 1997: beneath
a photograph of the "very Catholic" President
Scalfaro inaugurating the Rome mosque, we are informed that,
in Arabia last July, the President of the Republic of Italy
was not permitted to hear Holy Mass "even in private"
because it is not allowed to celebrate Mass on the "holy
ground" of that country – that country which has built
a mosque on the genuinely holy ground of Rome. Nonetheless,
observes the Salesian Bulletin, at Istanbul, Scalfaro
"asked to be accompanied to the mosque, where he remained
in prayer with his shoes off” –like a good Muslim!
Central Issue
our part, however, we are not complaining about the Jews,
the Orthodox or the Muslims, who are simply showing what,
as far as the Catholic Church is concerned, they have always
been. Our lament before God and men is about the Catholic
hierarchy, our pastors; what we lament is that, for 35 years,
they have been sacrificing Divine Revelation, the Holy Church
of God, the Faith of more or less simple souls and also
the money given through the charity of Catholics, to the
Moloch of "ecumenism." As for this Catholic hierarchy,
even the rector of the mosque has written: "Which Christianity
are we supposed to dialogue with? Which representatives
are we supposed to talk to? Today, unfortunately, Christianity
is undergoing a disquieting change. The Church is giving
more and more ground Indeed, some of those whom the Church
once called 'God's soldiers' have become deserters"
(Sri Hamza Boubakeur, Traité moderne de théologie islamique,
p.115). Every Catholic could subscribe to this view
today: we need only change "deserters" for the
word –albeit a harsh word–"traitors."
de Rome, No. 203, July/August, 1998)
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Kansas City, MO 64109
translated from the Italian
Fr. Du Chalard
Via Madonna degli Angeli, 14
Italia 00049 Velletri (Roma)