Communities for Men
Chapter 9:
Helpers of Christ the King
Our main goal
is the conversion of sinners by the preaching of the Exercises of
St Ignatius of Loyola.

Ignatius receiving the exercises from Our Lady in Manresa
We are fighting
the same battle as Archbishop Lefebvre, in cooperation with the
Society of St Pius X.
The formation
of our future priests is done at the seminary of Ecône, but our
brothers are formed at our house (2 years of noviciate) in Caussade.
The same applies for the sisters. They are before all serving the
retreats, helping at the sacristy, and doing all the habitual work
respectively reserved to brothers and sisters in all religious communities.

We can not
give a more powerful text recommending the Spiritual Exercises of
St Ignatius than an extract from the Encyclical Mens Nostra
of Pope Pius XI in 1925.
Now it is
recognized that among all the methods of "Spiritual Exercises"
which very laudably adhere to the principles of sound Catholic asceticism
one has ever held the foremost place and adorned by the full and
repeated approbation of the Holy See and honored by the praises
of men, distinguished for spiritual doctrine and sanctity, has borne
abundant fruits of holiness during the space of well nigh four hundred
years; we mean the method introduced by St. Ignatius of Loyola,
whom we are pleased to call the chief and peculiar Master of "Spiritual
Exercises" whose "admirable book of "Exercises"
ever since it was solemnly approved, praised, and commended by our
predecessor Paul III of happy memory, already to repeat some words
we once used, before our elevation to the Chair of Peter, already
we say "stood forth and conspicuous as a most wise and universal
code of laws for the direction of souls in the way of salvation
and perfection; an unexhausted fountain of most excellent and most
solid piety; as a most keen stimulus, and a well instructed guide
showing the way to secure the amendment of morals and attain the
summit of the spiritual life."
And in very
deed, the excellence of spiritual doctrine altogether free from
the perils and errors of false mysticism, the admirable facility
of adapting the exercises to any order or state of man, whether
they devote themselves to contemplation in the cloisters, or lead
an active life in the affairs of the world, the apt co-ordination
of the various parts, the wonderful and lucid order in the meditation
of truths that seem to follow naturally one from another; and lastly
the spiritual lessons which after casting off the yoke of sin and
washing away the diseases inherent in his morals lead a man through
the safe paths of abnegation and the removal of evil habits up to
the supreme heights of prayer and divine love; without doubt all
these are things which sufficiently show the efficacious nature
of the Ignatian method and abundantly commend the Ignatian meditations.

community house in Caussade
Rev. Father
Jean Jacques Marziac
Maison St. Joseph
Le Treillou
82300 Caussade
Tel: [33] 5
63 93 00 88