Communities for Women
Chapter 8:
For the souls
who thirst for the Truth, God offers as a guide St. Dominic, and
the great lights of his order.
The Truth,
loved and taught, has its justifications in and draws its strength
from the Faith and at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Catholic
Tradition; herein lies all our work: in the service of the Church
for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
It is not we
who sanctify; it is Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist. It is
He who leads souls to God and attracts them to the Truth. The diligent
service of the divine Truth leads the teaching Dominican Sisters
near the Altar. Holy Communion is her great strength: it gives God
The Sisters
will find in contemplation and in their rapport with God, the light
the wisdom and the inspiration they will need to reach the spirits,
the hearts and the wills of the children who will trust them.

community blessed by God
First Year of Formation
At her entrance,
the postulant takes a class ensuring a service close to the children,
so that one may be able to judge her aptitudes for teaching and
education. This period of probation ends by the taking of the habit
and the entrance to the novitiate. As directed by Canon Law, during
the first year the novice receives a religious formation under the
direction of the Novice Mistress who begins it in the light of the
Constitutions of her future mission. By the reading of the Holy
Scripture, doctrinal study and contact with the best authors, her
spirituality deepens in a way that is very Dominican. An initiation
to liturgy and Gregorian Chant permits her to unite herself more
vitally to the mysteries celebrated each day. The domestic services
to which she is applied exclusively prepare her for those that she
will continue to assume as educator with children.

the footsteps of St Dominic
the course of the second year of the novitiate, the Sister resumes
teaching while continuing her formation. She can then be permitted
to make her temporary profession, renewable annually, until her
final vows at the end of five years.
During the
first two years, helped and guided in her work by the Mother Mistress
of studying Sisters, she benefits from a religious formation and
secular formation in the light of the great principles of St. Thomas.
Having tasted and understood the importance for herself and for
her mission of this known and loved truth, she will have the desire
to deepen it during her whole life.
“Suffer the little children to come to Me, for such is the Kingdom
of God.”
At a time of
obvious spiritual misery and intellectual poverty perhaps worse
yet because not recognized, the Sisters are consecrated to remedy
the distress of the century by the Christian school, in bringing
to the souls of children “the mercy of Truth”.
Such is our
pride and Christian honor: “To desire above all the place of
Love, of Truth, of the Sacraments in the life of our children” (R.
P. de Chivre O. P.). Everyday the children, if they wish, assist
at Mass and at the Rosary. In every class, from the first to the
last, three hours weekly are reserved to the study of doctrine.
At this time, the children learn catechism, are initiated to the
reading of Holy Scripture, to the examination of the mysteries of
our Faith, and to the practice of the Sacraments. The large feasts
are likewise prepared together before being celebrated in the chapel
whenever the liturgical calendar coincides with the course of the
school year. What meaning does theoretical teaching of doctrine
have, in effect, that has no application to daily life?

outing with students in the Jura Mountains (France)
To Consider
Culture in the Light of Christ
To transmit
knowledge is not all, it is also necessary to educate in teaching
and to give solid criteria for discernment. That is why we have
chosen a decidedly literary formation. The classical sections indeed
offer to the young girls in our schools a much stronger formation
and prepare them for their future missions as Christian women and

To Train
Under pain
of making of these freedoms miserable paths leading into evil, which
is what we witness too often, we prefer to adapt a discipline of
life that takes into account circumstances and souls. Above all,
we take into account the personal relationship of each one with
Our Lord.
To Educate
“Who shall
find a valiant woman? Far and from the uttermost coast is the price
of her.” (Prov. 31, 10)
The work of
education does not end at the door of the classroom. In a family
atmosphere, we ask them to take part with us in daily tasks, and
thus to acquire traditional female skills. The management of a
dormitory, the decoration of the classroom, also offers the opportunity
to form the tastes of our students to a sense of simple and unadorned
Moral perversity
passing through the perversion of women, we wish to maintain the
permanent female values and demand fidelity to the nature expressed
-a modest
and reserved deportment
- a well
directed child
with the development of common sense
And, above
all, we try to fashion our girls after the model of Her in whom
rests the eternal grandeur of a woman – the Virgin Mary.
At present
(November 1999), our community is composed of 138 nuns (of whom
6 are deceased), dispersed over 7 schools. Six of these houses of
education are situated in France, one is located in United States,
and the last has been established in Kabernat (Brittany, France)
in 1996. A total of 950 pupils are educated in our establishments.
Meanwhile the Mother House of Fanjeaux continues to shelter the
Mother General and the Novitiate, which now contains 15 novices
and 4 postulants.

Rev. Mother
Cours Saint Dominique de Cammazou
F-11270 Fanjeaux
Tel: [33] 4
68 24 72 23