Newsletter of the District
of Asia
- Sep 2001
The Apostle
of Sri Lanka:
Blessed Joseph Vaz (1651-1711)
by Fr. Cosme Jose Costa S.F.X.
(Extracts from his book Life and Achievements of Blessed Joseph
Vaz, Pilar Publications, Goa, 1996)
- From Childhood to the Priesthood
Joseph Vaz
was born on April 21st 1651, in Benaulim, in the outskirts
of Goa, in India. He was the third child of his parents, Christopher
Vaz and Maria de Miranda, both of sturdy faith and deep religious
sentiments. He was baptized on the eighth day in the Parish Church
of St. John the Baptist, Benaulim, by a Jesuit Vicar, Jacinto Pereira.
His parents tried their best to bring up their six children in the
love and fear of God and they were assisted in this work by the
two widowed sisters of Christopher. The spiritual atmosphere
of the house was so remarkable that it nurtured four priests, viz.
one son and three grandsons. Born in a home where virtue was
held in high esteem, where Christian ethical and morals values were
much emphasized, where fixed times were set aside for family prayers
and spiritual reading, Joseph Vaz grew up, gentle and kind, greatly
given to piety and endowed with a singular love for the poor
and a somewhat precocious desire to be unseen and unobserved in
his piety and alms. He had inherited the gravity of manners and
earnestness from his father. His discernment was a bit superior
to his age and his love for study and inclination to virtue revealed
that grace rather than nature dominated in him, in such a way that,
in the villages of Benaulim (maternal side) and Sancoale (paternal
side) where he grew up and completed his primary studies, other
parents would point him out as a "holy child" and exhort
their children to imitate him. Right from his childhood Bl.
Joseph Vaz would escape from the games and be found in solitary
places, alone with God, reciting some prayers according to
his age. He used to get up at night while his brothers were asleep
and pray on his knees for a long time. Thus he was sometimes late
to get up in the morning; and, before knowing the cause, his parents
even thought that he was a bit lazy. One day he was praying behind
the door. His father not knowing it, pushed the door with force
and the boy was hurt gravely. However he gave no signs of pain.
He had tender loving devotion to Mary, the Mother of God and his
heavenly Mother. Even as a young boy while going to school and returning
from it, he would often recite the Rosary on the way. As a child
while studying in Benaulim, he used to attend daily Mass. He used
to accompany the 'viaticum' whenever the priest would take it to
the sick. He received Holy Communion many times during the year.
Joseph Vaz
attended the elementary school at Sancoale, his paternal village.
He was said to be a model pupil: bright, attentive in class, diligent
in his lessons, obedient to the teacher and loved by his companions. When
he grew up his father sent him to a school at Benaulim to learn
Latin as a preparation for his priestly studies. Joseph's stay in
Benauhm was a time of great joy since he could exercise better his
love for prayer, charity and altar. He participated in the Mass
everyday, frequented the Sacraments, recited the Rosary on the way
to the Church, loved to follow processions and take part in the
Stations of the Cross. Besides being deeply engaged in all the above
religious practices, Joseph Vaz made such rapid progress in his
studies that his father decided to send him to the city of Goa to
follow a course of Rhetoric and Humanities in the Jesuit College
of St Paul.
After completing
his humanistic studies with the Jesuits, Joseph Vaz entered the
Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas for his philosophical and theological
studies. During this time he stayed in the collegiate Church of
Our Lady of the Rosary along with the other students studying for
priesthood. All through these six years of study, he continued to
live a serious and devout life, unshaken by all the distractions
and scandals around him, which were particularly numerous in Goa
at that time, due to ongoing conflicts between the Padroado and
the Propaganda.
Joseph Vaz
was like the light of the sun which passes through clean as well
as sordid places and illumines them all but does not suffer any
loss in its brightness. In his 6 years sojourn through the scandalous
city he did not allow himself to be contaminated by the scum of
those incidents but steered himself clear on wings of ever increasing
In 1676 he
was ordained a priest by the then newly appointed Archbishop of
Goa, D. Antonio Brandao. On account of his excellent performance
in his studies, Joseph Vaz was immediately given the faculties to
preach and hear confessions throughout the length and breadth of
Goa. At the same time, because of his brilliant records at the Seminary
his ecclesiastical superiors were undecided as to what appointment
they should give him
- The young priest
was at this period of his life, as a priest without a clerical charge,
that the Lord turned to the island of Ceylon the heart of this young
priest whose sole desire was to serve God and his neighbor. How
this call from above came to him, we do not know exactly. It was
a Canon of the Cathedral of Goa who first made known in that city
the utter misery of the Catholics of Ceylon and their complete abandonment.
The ship, in which that Canon was sailing on his way back after
a canonical visitation of Macao, put into Colombo for a short time.
When it became known that a priest was on that ship some Catholics
came on board stealthily for spiritual ministrations. They told
him their tale of woe. There were at that time large numbers of
Catholics living in the island without a priest or a Church, or
any other chance of receiving the Sacraments, from the day when
the Portuguese surrendered their forts in Ceylon to the United East
India Company of Holland by 1658. On hearing about the plight of
the Catholics of Ceylon, Fr. Vaz's heart was afire. He felt an ardent
wish to go and save the persecuted Church in Ceylon at any cost.
The bare idea that there was a country in the neighborhood without
a single priest, while so many of them, himself included, were wasting
their priestly time without any ecclesiastical engagement, could
not but be an agony.
Father Vaz
presented his request to go to Ceylon to the Cathedral Chapter which
was administering the Archdiocese on the vacancy created by the
death of D. Antonio Brandao. The chapter instead proposed to him
to go and salvage the abandoned Christianity of Kanara. Before accepting
the mission he prudently consulted spiritual minded and learned
persons, although, he ardently desired to go to the aid of the Catholics
of Ceylon. He was advised by his consultor to accept the post as
Kanara was then under Dutch sway and actually administered from
Colombo; there he would be in a better position to ascertain the
best and the safest means of carrying out his desire to go
to Ceylon. During this eight-year mission in Kanara he was
exploring ways and means to achieve his dream of going to Ceylon.
On returning to Goa in 1684, he retired to the cloister so as to
realize better his dreams. Then, he found a small community of Goan
priests at the Church of the Cross of Miracles, Old Goa. Up to this
time the different religious Orders in Goa were staffed with Europeans
and mestizos, no Goan being allowed to enter their ranks. The situation
in Ceylon was such that no (white) Catholic priest would be allowed
to set foot there, because of Dutch persecution. Bl. Vaz saw the
hand of God in this small community of the Milagristas led by Fr.
Pascoal da Costa Jeremias from Margao, who had assembled with two
companions after being refused entry by the other Orders. On
25th September, 1685, Bl. Vaz, therefore, entered this tiny community.
He knelt down at the feet of Fr. Pascoal and begged him to admit
him in it. He was not only admitted with great joy but was elected
the Prefect (Superior). He humbly declined the post but was constrained
to accept it under obedience. He worked with zeal for the progress
of this staggering institution. Within a few months seven more priests
joined the community and gave it a new energy.
The reason
why he joined them was that he had seen the plight of the abandoned
Christians of Ceylon. He knew that his work would die with him in
Ceylon if there was not a flow of missionaries to go to Ceylon after
him. To give a form of stability to this incipient community,
Bl. Joseph Vaz consulted his spiritual director and following his
advice, organized the Goan community on the lines of the Oratory
of St Philip Neri in Rome, into the Oratorian Institute of Milagristas
of Goa. (The Oratorians are autocephalous in each place.)
After 6 months
stay in the Oratory, he set out for Ceylon, from Goa, not knowing
the distance, how long it would take, what means he would use to
enter Ceylon. He was determined not to return from there, once he
secured the way. Keeping everything secret even from his own mother
and his relatives and confreres - it was an act of sheer courage
and fortitude on his part to undertake such a journey to an unknown
destination trusting only in God and in Mother Mary to whom he had
dedicated himself as a slave. Fr. Antonio de Ventimiglia, with
whom Fr. Joseph Vaz used to make his confession and receive spiritual
direction, affirmed that he had not found in him any grave sin when
he heard the general confession of his whole life before leaving
Goa for Ceylon in 1686.
Under the inspiration
of Bl. Joseph Vaz the Oratory produced zealous missionaries of high
caliber. The Oratorian Congregation served Sri Lanka for over one
and half century and built a dynamic church which withstood persecution
and social and political upheavals. Unfortunately, the Oratorian
Congregation was suppressed along with other Religious Orders in
Goa, in 1835 at a time when there were over 200,000 Catholics in
Sri Lanka. The Oratory had supplied missionaries not only to Ceylon
but also to South India, Madagascar, Indonesia and Africa. Among the
missionaries who remained in Ceylon after the suppression of the
Oratory, two were consecrated Bishops and appointed Vicar Apostolic
of Ceylon: Bishop Vicente do Rosario Dias, and Bishop Caetano Antonio
- From Goa to Ceylon
The Dutch Attack
was wiped out in Ceylon by the Dutch. From 1637 to 1658 they
had taken the Portuguese forts one by one. The Treaty of
March 28th, 1638, article XVII, that the Dutch Admiral
Adam Wester-World made with Rajasimha the King of Kandy, stipulated "will
not allow in his kingdom any priest, friar or ecclesiastic
(Roman Catholic) personality, because they foster rebellions
and are cause of the ruin of the kingdom, and will expel all
those living there at present." Consequently when
in June 1658 the last Portuguese fort in Ceylon fell into the hands
of the Dutch, 50 missionaries had to leave Colombo and the
Churches closed or destroyed. There were 415 Churches and Chapels
and about 70 thousand Catholics in Ceylon. From 1658 to
1687 Catholics were isolated: no priest, no sacrament, no churches.
Carmelites and other missionaries working in South India had sent
reports of that persecution to the "Propaganda Fide".
The authorities in Rome had tried to find a solution. The Pope
had requested the Austrian monarch to impress upon the king of Holland
to authorize the entry of non-Portuguese missionaries sent by Rome.
The Dutch authorities were adamant in their refusal. Amidst
tensions and failures of diplomatic efforts, Divine Providence
opened a totally unexpected way of saving the Catholic Church in
Ceylon: this was Fr. Joseph Vaz, a humble Goan Priest, ordained
mainly for auxiliary jobs of interpreter for European missionaries
and confessor in his native Konkani, who in the eyes of his Padroado
authorities, had been a failure in the jurisdictional front, but
objectively, in the pastoral field, a great conciliator. The
heroic degree of the virtues of faith and hope are evident in the
determination of Blessed Joseph Vaz to go to the rescue of the Catholics
of Kanara, as we have seen, and now of Ceylon, who were on the verge
of giving it up. He therefore, gave up the post of Prefect (Superior)
of the Goan Oratory within 6 months and asked Fr. Pascoal to reassume
the same office. He undertook perilous journeys risking his life,
passing through hostile lands he had never seen before, having no
other guide but the light of the same faith with which he wanted
to enlighten the minds of men. He undertook this mission trusting
in God and without any human help. His trust in God was so firm
that he did not make any plans from Goa or any provisions for his
journey. He wanted to be detached as befits the poor in spirit.
Towards Ceylon
For motives
of prudence Blessed Joseph Vaz set out from Goa on foot to go to
Ceylon in March 1687 without informing anyone, but not without the
blessings of his Prefect and the Cathedral Chapter of Goa. On reaching
Tellicherry he came to know, that the vigilance of the Dutch was
very strict. Fr. Paulo de Souza his companion was of a fair complexion.
Fearing that he might be suspected for a European, and because it
would be impossible for four persons to get into Ceylon, Bl. Vaz
sent the two, Fr. Paulo and Bro. Stephen, back to Canara. His faithful
John was his sole companion with a bag in which there were sacred
vestments and Mass kit.
He proceeded to Cochin with a poor, torn, but mended soutane on,
but could not do any ministry in favor of the Christians there,
because the priests of that place did not even allow him to celebrate
Mass, fearing that he might harm their interests. On reaching Cochin,
he journeyed with his companion John to Quilon in a Moorish ship
but had no money to pay the fare. With great fortitude they bore
the affronts and injuries of the captain of the ship, who after
vomiting his anger seized the only possession of Bl. Vaz, the Mass
kit. A Christian from Quilon was about to help him, but the Episcopal
Governor of Cochin who was present at that moment came to his aid,
paid the fare and set them free.
From Quilon he went to Tope off the coast of Travancore where the
Jesuits had a college. They received him with great hospitality
and advised him to wear the garb of a very low class worker, and
put aside his soutane, as there would be no other way to enter Ceylon
than like a "coolie". They offered him a course loincloth
of that type that is used by slaves of the Dutch It was a great
humiliation for him to cover only the lower part of his body from
loins downwards he who had been so careful in the practice of modesty
in dress. Even then, he accepted this advice with joy and prudence.
As soon as he entered the Malabar Coast he took care to study the
Tamil language at every opportunity he got, for that was the language
of the North of the Island of Ceylon.
His epic entry into Ceylon in the guise of a slave
By the end
of March 1687, they reached Tuticorin, on the Fishery Coast where
there was a Dutch fort from where they could embark to Ceylon. There
was a Jesuit Church in this city and the priest in charge had been
a companion of Bl.Vaz in the college of St. Paul in Goa and knew
him well. Knowing the cause of his disguise, the companion kept
it secret and treated him as a slave while Bl.Vaz went about as
a beggar. When Holy Week came the Jesuit by indiscretion suggested
that Bl. Vaz celebrate the liturgical functions of Maundy Thursday
together with him. The secret was out and the rumor that the "beggar"
was a disguised Catholic priest reached the ears of the Dutch Calvinist
officer in charge of the place. He suspected that the cause of the
disguise could be to be able to enter Ceylon. Therefore he ordered
that he would not permit anyone to embark for Ceylon without his
special permission. In this predicament, Bl. Vaz turned to God and
poured out his heart in prayer, long and earnestly beseeching God
for some means, to make his way to the land of his dreams. Within
three days the Dutchman died and the new officer, not knowing the
reason for the prohibition, allowed Bl. Vaz and his companion,
the boy John, to enter the ship undisturbed, as poor beggars seeking
a livelihood. Below the coarse loincloth they were wearing
they hid the Mass kit and vestments.
The dhonney
(ship) ordinarily used to take three to four days to reach Jaffna
from Tuticorin and the sailors used to take provisions for a week
at the most. But on this occasion, there was such a tempest that
the dhonney in which Blessed Vaz and John were travelling was tossed
by the waves and drifted away from its normal course and finally
arrived on the island of Mannar after 20 days. The provisions were
over on the seventh day and the mariners and the travelers were
in a pitiful condition regarding food. Our duo had gone as beggars
without any provisions. For a week they depended on the charity
of the passengers. For the next 12 days, since they had nothing,
they got nothing. They embarked on Mannar Island reduced to skeletons.
There were many Catholics on this island of Mannar, which was called
"the island of 600 martyrs of the Portuguese period",
but Blessed Joseph Vaz had no knowledge of this fact. He and John
had no one known to them and got very little by way of alms. Finally
by first half of May they got in a "sloop" (canoe) and
arrived in Jaffna, located at the Northern tip of Ceylon. Maybe
this was how Divine Providence helped them to escape, for had they
arrived directly in Jaffna, they would have been subjected to a
thorough check and vigilance as foreigners. Now that they came from
another Ceylonese island, they were taken as Ceylonese travelers
and embarked unnoticed.
Laborious journey,
hunger and thirst, abandonment, disease, were his lot in this journey
from Goa until he set foot in Ceylon but all this seemed little
to him for the magnitude of his love to aid the persecuted Church
of Ceylon. So great was his trust in God that in spite of so many
trials he hoped against hope that he would one day be able to achieve
his most cherished dream of re-establishing the Catholic Church
in Ceylon.
- Apostolate in Ceylon
Seriously sick at arrival
Blessed Vaz
and John arrived in Jaffna half dead with all their trials and sufferings.
They needed rest and food. After knocking at some doors, a lady
finally allowed them to pass the night in a hut that was outside
her house. Blessed Joseph Vaz was immediately attacked with an acute
form of dysentery as a result of his fatigue, hunger and thirst.
Dysentery was much dreaded by the inhabitants, as it often resulted
in epidemics and deaths. In spite of the good will of the lady who
had given them shelter, they could not stay there for long. The
neighbors finding that this unknown stranger could not walk anymore
put him on a litter and abandoned him in the forest without hope
of any human help, without any hope of life, exposed to the inclemency
of nature. John who tried to beg, cook and feed his master himself
also contracted the malady and there was no other alternative left
for them but to await death's hour to come. Fr. Vaz might have had
a vague idea of what was happening. He however turned to God with
unflinching faith. This faith was rewarded as help came to them from
an unexpected quarter: a lady discovered them when she had gone
to gather some firewood in the forest. Out of pity, she supplied
them daily a bowl of kanji. After some
days thanks to the charity of this lady and the forced rest and
sleep, God freed them, allowed them to enter into convalescence,
restored them to perfect health and prepared Bl. Vaz for greater
trials ahead.
Without any support
Bl. Vaz started
his life in Ceylon without any logistic support from Church or Colonial
authority. He had to literally beg from door to door for his survival,
under constant menace and with a death sentence hanging over his
head in case he was detected by the Dutch. He was now about to realize
the object of the last 15 years of his dreams. Once cured,
though he ardently desired to come into contact with Catholics,
he prudently awaited a chance to find them out; for some days he
observed the actions of the inhabitants then with a rosary on his
neck he began begging his food and roaming on the public streets,
even though he knew well that by doing this he was exposing himself
to ill-treatment and affronts by the Calvinists. He observed
that in one family he was well received. One day he asked the head
of that family whether he would like to see a priest and receive
the sacraments. The man was dumbfounded. The next time when Bl.
Vaz went to beg, the man took him to another friend of his who was
a devout Catholic but externally was behaving as if he were not,
and was in good terms with the Dutch. Fr. Vaz slowly revealed
his identity to them. After preliminary introduction, he showed
his credentials as Vicar Forane of Kanara, "which he
had prudently taken with him" and that night the first
Mass was celebrated in that house after over 30 years. Listening to
the advice that it was dangerous for him to remain in Jaffna,
the headquarters of the Dutch command in the north of Ceylon,
he prudently undertook to go secretly to Sillalai and
stay in a walled house under the care of a local catechist
ten miles away from Jaffna. For not knowing properly the situation,
he entirely submitted himself to his protector in whose
house he was lodged deep in the jungle. As a precaution he
performed his apostolate at night to small groups of Catholics
in order to avoid suspicion. He did this not only in Sillalai,
but also every time he was in Dutch territory. He would walk from
Sillalai to Jaffna at night by the longer path, covering the
distance of the last one mile by a route three or four times
longer, to avoid being discovered by the Dutch. While
he was in Sillalai, if anyone insisted on his accepting any gift
or money, he would send him to the Catechist "Moppu",
his host or to any other person who happened to be in his company
so that the entire sum could be distributed to the poor. Fr.
Vaz always preferred to eat sitting on the ground rather than on
a table. He ate his rice on a leaf as the poor people were used
to and are doing even today. He slept on a grass or bamboo mat like
the poor, not on a bed. His life of poverty can be summarized in
his own words to his nephew-"Be content with what you are
provided in the Community; be it in the refectory, or in the infirmary
or in the wardrobe or in the cubicle, do not desire anything more
by any other means, take the things assigned to you as the best
in these places".
Slowly under
the supervision and guidance of the catechist, Fr. Vaz penetrated
the whole island of Jaffna. He found that the work was too much
for one priest and asked the prefect of the Oratory for a helper
in his first letter written from Ceylon dated December 14th,
1688. In this letter after lamenting that he was now for more than
2 years separated from the confreres and could not participate in
the joys and sorrows of the Oratory of Goa. He added "however
I console myself thinking that this as also the will of God and
I pray to him to turn His divine eyes toward us, treating us according
to His divine goodness and infinite mercy and not according to the
number and iniquity of my sins and I beg Him to hear our prayers
wiping my sins with His divine mercy and to do in us what is to
His profit." He expressed his inability to be recollected
because of the abandoned souls of the island, he said that God was
continually protecting him and his faithful from falling in the
hands of their enemies because of the prayers of the Prefect and
confreres. He asked the Prefect to pray for him that while helping
others he may not forget his own soul.
Escape from Dutch priest-hunt
Adrian Van
Rheede, was the Dutch commander of Jaffna. He wanted to force everyone
to follow his Calvinistic heresy. He noticed the revival of Catholic
life on the island and was much disturbed by the suspicion that
a priest might be around. The behavior of a certain D. Pedro, who
had been a Catholic and had formerly behaved as an apostate
to enjoy the favor of the Dutch, but who was now no longer frequenting
the Calvinist "Kirk", attracted his attention. He fixed
a price on the head of those responsible for this situation and
promised a reward to those who would bring about their arrest or
to those who denounced such persons. Fr. Francisco Vaz, the first
biographer of the Blessed, says that various attempts were made
to arrest him. Many Catholics were put in prison and ill-treated
but to no avail. Van Rheede waited for another occasion. Two
years after this clandestine apostolate, the presence of the priest
was detected on Christmas night 1689. Armed soldiers surrounded
the house where the congregation was celebrating the midnight liturgy
and Blessed Joseph Vaz was administering the sacraments. They did
not spare anything. They smashed the sacred images and even the
women were despoiled of their clothes. 300 Christians were imprisoned
and taken to the fort with great insult and injury. The soldiers
were sure that the priest was in their net. But when they went to
search for him, he was not among the prisoners. No one knows how
he escaped. The Jesuit Provincial of Cochin, Fr. Andre Freyre who
gave an account of this incident in a letter to the Portuguese Governor
of Goa only says that when the heretics surrounded him, they could
not imprison him because he was disguising himself in a thousand
ways "like Proteus in various disguises".
Bl. Vaz fled
from Jaffna deep into the jungle to avoid the destruction of his
mission in Ceylon. He did not take anyone with him besides
John in order not to put the lives of others in danger. Due to the
severity of the persecution in Jaffna (where the above staunchest
Catholic Dom Pedro, was brutally executed and seven others suffered
prolonged martyrdom), he decided to seek safely elsewhere. He crossed
to Vanny but because it was held by a prince (ruler) subject to
the Dutch, after a little delay in order to ascertain himself of
the course of the persecution in Jaffna, Bl. Vaz with the help of
some Catholics, forded to Puttalam, since this was part of the Kandy
kingdom. It was from this kingdom in the center of the island that
Fr. Vaz was going to operate for more than 20 years. The Kandy
kingdom was ruled by Vimaladharma Surya II, who had ascended the
throne in 1687, the same year that Bl. Vaz had entered Ceylon. He
was the son of Rajasimha II (1635 -1687) who had invited the Dutch
to drive the Portuguese out of Ceylon. The Dutch captured the Portuguese
forts at Batticaloa on May 18th, 1638, at Negombo in
1640; at Colombo on May 12th, 1656 and at Jaffna on June
21st, 1658.
The Miracle of the rain
In the year
1696 there was a long continued drought in Kandy. As rain is necessary
for cultivation of rice, the men, the crops and the cattle suffered.
Fr. Sebastiao do Rego writes that the king was very much distressed
and so asked the highest religious leaders and monks of his kingdom
to perform their ceremonies to call down the rain but to no avail. The
king then through his courtiers, asked Bl. Vaz to pray to his
God and obtain rain for the kingdom. Bl. Joseph Vaz who by
his sufferings, mortification and resignation to God's
will had gained the power of sure intercession before God,
replied that he "would pray with greater fervor in
obedience to the royal command" and asked the king
to "remain firm in faith, and if it would serve divine
glory the land would abound with water since
all the elements obey His divine
commands as the Creator of heaven and earth".
Such an answer
given with firm faith in God was followed by a prayer on the public
square by Bl. Joseph Vaz, the next day. It brought such abundant
rain that Bl. Vaz won the sympathy of the king, liberty for himself
and permission to get more priests from Goa, besides a good
number of converts to the Faith. The journeys Bl. Joseph
Vaz undertook, the dangers to which he exposed himself, the hunger
and the injuries he suffered, all this had its beginning and end
in the love which moved him to overcome such insurmountable difficulties
by land and sea for the glory of his beloved Lord. This divine love
detached him from his country and from his parents and relatives.
This divine love made him go round and round the entire island of
Ceylon every year in search of and in service of souls. The same
divine love made him feel so intimately the sinful life of men,
that he was ready for any sacrifices to make them avoid their sins.
5. He
declines the mitre
The fame of
the apostolate of Bl. Vaz spread everywhere and reached the ears
of the reigning Pope Clement XI. Simultaneously some complaints
of French Capuchins of Propaganda against the adaptation methods
of the Jesuits of Padroado Mission of Madurai, led by Robert di
Nobili SJ and of China by Mateo Ricci SJ, necessitated an investigation.
The Pope, therefore, sent a Papal legate, Charles Thomas Maillard
de Tournon, Patriarch of Antioch and afterwards Cardinal, to settle
these matters. The Pope instructed de Tournon to make inquiries
about the work of Bl. Joseph Vaz in Ceylon and the Oratory he founded
and render him every aid. On his arrival at Pondicherry in December
1703, de Tournon was welcomed by Fr. Paulo de Sa, a secular priest
from Goa, Parish priest of Kodulur, deputed by the Bishop of Mylapore.
From him the Legate inquired about Bl. Joseph Vaz and his work with
great earnestness and proposed to make use of his ample powers to
nominate Bl. Vaz the Vicar Apostolic of Ceylon. Bl. Vaz, however,
understood what this appointment meant and was greatly alarmed.
Apart from his great humility (because of which he had taken care
not to give much description of his labors and to avoid saying anything
that might redound to his credit), he had seen enough of the ecclesiastic
polemics that resulted from the appointment of Propaganda Vicars
Apostolic in Padroado lands. The carrying out of the Legate's suggestion
would mean the ruin of the Church in Ceylon which Bl. Vaz had planted
with such enormous sacrifice. It might also mean the ruin of the
Oratory to which he belonged and which had its seat in Padroado
territory of Goa. The Legate sent a letter through Fr. Francisco
da Cruz, an Oratorian, in Tamilnadu. He was asked to send a courier
to Kandy and get the reply from Bl. Vaz. A beautiful cruxifix inlaid
with silver, the cross being of ebony and the image of Christ of
ivory with crown of thorns and nails of silver was sent by the Papal
Legate as a present to Bl. Vaz. This is presently exposed for public
veneration at the room in Sancoale, Goa, in the original ancestral
house in which Bl. Vaz grew up. Replying to the letter of Msgr.
Thomas M. de Tournon, Bl. Vaz said he was confused on the receipt
of his letter, which in his humility he felt unworthy of, and signed
his reply as unworthy servant. He excused his delay saying that
he was not worthy of corresponding with persons of so high dignity
and submissively thanked him for the crucifix. Whereas Msgr. Toumon
wrote to the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda Fide that he
had proofs of his virtues and the "modesty with which be brushed
aside some miracles which are said to be operated by God tbrough
him'' As said before, the papal Legate wanted to appoint Bl. Vaz
the first Vicar Apostolic of Ceylon. However, the missionary humbly
declined the offer. (This explains why he is commonly portrayed
in a simple surplice with a bishop's mitre and crozier beside him.)
On July 10th
1706, Bl. Joseph Vaz wrote to the Papal Legate, that in the mission
of Ceylon there were more or less twenty-five thousand souls and
the number was growing day by day; that chapels and public oratories
had been erected and dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the
lands of the king of Kandy, and there were hidden oratories in the
lands of the Dutch, in which the faithful gathered daily, for litanies
and common prayers; that on Sundays when there was no missionary
they attended to the prayers of the Mass in vernacular and when
there were missionaries, these also administered to them, besides
Mass, the Sacrament of Confession, Communion, Baptism and others.
That, besides the oratories, outside the territory of the Dutch,
three public Churches (namely in Kandy, Puttalam and Vanny) had
been erected and dedicated to Our Lady, where the assistance of
missionaries was more frequent and the faithful gathered in bigger
numbers and feasts were celebrated.
His last missionary journey
Knowing his
death fast approaching, Bl. Joseph Vaz desired ardently to visit
some distant Catholic communities in far off places and minister
to them. This ardent zeal for souls took him in spite of his failing
health to Kottiyar at the beginning of the year 1710. This missionary
journey to the eastern coastal extremity of the island was too much
for him and he fell gravely ill at a distance of nine days journey
from Kandy. He was transported in a carriage to Kandy where he recovered
a little but could not walk properly. He could no more undertake
his laborious journeys; in spite of this, he used to go around the
entire city of Kandy with the support of a cane. In this condition
during the absence of Fr. Jacome Gonsalves, he even went in a carriage
to administer the last Sacraments to two dying persons at a distance
of a mile from the city. On return he fell down from the carriage
and was completely exhausted. He tried to celebrate Mass for some
days but could not, due to weakness. He bore his last grave illness
with courage and great fortitude. The immense pains he had in almost
all parts of his body gave him much to suffer for about four months.
In spite of them he undertook nine days of spiritual exercises.
He considered himself a great sinner. He received the Sacrament
of Penance everyday as well as Holy Communion.
His last days
After Easter
of 1710, he had a wound which seemed to heal but which soon
resulted in a painful abscess behind his ear, giving out pus
and preventing him from opening his mouth. Doctors could not
decipher its cause. No medicine was effective against it. So
he said, "up to now no doctor bas been able to diagnose my
sickness, but I cannot fail to understand that this is a salutary
medicine of the Heavenly Doctor, who with His divine Wisdom
and fatherly love wants to cure the wounds of my soul, because
I paid always a deaf ear to His inspirations and appeals. For
this He has permitted me to be unable to speak loudly and
to be unable to hear when others talk softly, because I always
loved to hear praises of myself without deserving them".
The pain in his head and neck were very severe. Even then
his preoccupation was for the future of the mission. Therefore,
before his death, sensing that his time had come, and in order to
avoid trouble, Bl. Vaz prudently appointed Fr. Joseph Mennezes as
his successor in the post of Superior and Vicar general of Mission
of Ceylon. He wrote a letter requesting him to accept it and when
no reply came as Fr. Mennezes was far away in Puttalam, Bl. Vaz
wrote his last letter on January 15th, 1711 making the
appointment and requesting prayers of the community and suffrages
for his soul. During his last sickness when he could not move
to the Church due to his weakness, he would explain the Catechism
and teach Christian doctrine to the children and others who came
to see him. Even after he suffered his last attack he persisted
in explaining the mysteries of the faith.
8. His
saintly death
he was burning with high fever and pain, he took part in all the
spiritual exercises of the community with his companions. He received
the sacraments of Penance and Extreme Unction and asked them to
recite for him the prayers for those in agony. He even responded
"Pray for me" when the litany of the saints was
recited. A little before his death, two times he requested
his confreres to put him on the ground to die saying that he was
not worthy of dying on the bed. As he was just about to expire,
he asked for the indulgenced Crucifix sent to him by the Papal Legate
Tournon, and holding it tight in his hands with a burning candle,
he professed that he was dying in the same faith and Catholic Religion
in which he had lived in entire subjection to Holy Mother the Church.
He remained for a few moments in contemplation. Then he repeated
the act of faith many times as he breathed his last with the holy
name of JESUS on his lips.
Thus, Blessed
Joseph Vaz died a beautiful death around midnight on Friday, January
16th, of the year 1711 A.D. His parting message to his
confreres, a little before his death, was given in Sinhalese words
whose meaning was "Hardly will one be able to do at the
time of death what one has not done in life". He had spent
24 years of untiring and restless labors in the mission of Ceylon.
He was 59 years, 6 months and 26 days old.
He was beatified
in 1995.

Angelo Van der Putten SSPX, in Bl. Vaz's paternal home,
in Sancoale, near Goa, India, last August 19, 2001