Newsletter of the District
of Asia
- Sep 2002
Anniversary Photo Album

"Our Lady of Victories". The title is a very ancient one,
related to Our Lady of the Rosary
for the victory of Lepanto and also to the devotion to the Immaculate
as promoted by Fr. Desgenettes, in Paris in the 19th century.
The statue for the main altar was carved in one big block of wood
by a local artist from a small image he was given.

The Church as it stood in January 1995, with part of the main retablo
already in position.

The SSPX Holy Cross Seminary in Australia
only gives the first three years of the six year program of priestly
The remaining years are usually done in Ecône, Switzerland.
The first two Filipinos to successfully finish the first part of
their formation
were Joven Soliman and Aurelito Cacho. They are seen here in transit
through Our Lady of Victories,
on their way to Ecône. (January)

As these two left for Europe, another went to take their place in
Carlo Magno Saa is seen here leaving the priory for the airport.

The summer in the Philippines is during April and May.
These are months for retreats and summer camps.
As the country consists of several thousand islands (7,107), often
beautiful resorts are found for these activities, such as this one
in Oton, Iloilo, for a women's retreat.

As it had already been seen, the "Submarine Gardens" of
Lobo, Batangas (South of Manila),
have been a favorite place for camps and retreats. These men, for
were very pleased to follow their Ignatian retreat under the coconut

Quite soon after the opening of the Manila priory, its priests assumed
the monthly Sri Lankan apostolate. Colombo is almost 7 hours by
plane away from Manila.
In August 1995, a new priory was opened there and Father Rostand
had to leave his dear Filipinos
in order to take over the new priory. He is seen here bidding farewell
to the faithful in Iloilo.