Newsletter of the District
of Asia
- Dec 2002
Death Of Francis Xavier
December 3, 1552
The large sail of the ship which was carrying Xavier's last letters
to Malacca slowly disappeared beneath the horizon on the south.
One morning, after almost all the other ships had also sailed away,
Xavier noticed as he was saying Mass that his host, Jorge Alvares,
was missing. When he asked where he was, he learned that his friend
had hastily set sail for Malacca. He had been unable to take his
leave of him: he had not even waited for the arrival of the junk
which he had purchased on another island. When Xavier heard this,
he observed: "I do not know if he is standing well with God.
See! Here comes the ship which he bought; and he was unwilling to
wait until it came! He will not leave Malacca but will, instead,
die there." When the people left the church, they could not
at first see the ship; but then, to their astonishment, it soon
appeared on the horizon. It was later learned that Alvares had gone
into the forest near Malacca to gather wood for his ship and was
there slain by robbers.

It was now
still and solitary on Sancian. Only two ships were lying at anchor
- the junk of Diogo Vaz de Aragâo and, on the northern side
of the bay, the Santa Cruz of Diogo Pereira. Only a few Portuguese
were still living in their rude shelters on the strand. Xavier was
now alone with Antonio and Christovâo in the hut of Jorge
Alvares, and they no longer had anyone to care for them. The north
wind blew with its penetrating cold, which was keenly felt by the
Portuguese, who had become accustomed to a tropical climate. Hunger
set in. At times Xavier had to send Antonio to beg for bread or
something else to eat from the Portuguese. But even then they occasionally
suffered from extreme want. The Portuguese were themselves in need
of provisions, since the mandarins were blocking their export from
the mainland.
The Chinese
merchant who was to take the priest to Canton was to arrive on the
nineteenth of November. Daily, and even hourly, Master Francis anxiously
watched for him. But he did not come on the appointed day, nor on
the following.
The priest
fell ill. It was on Monday morning, the twenty first of November,
after he had celebrated Mass for one who had died. Since he did
not feel well and there was nothing to eat, Francis asked Antonio
if it would not be better for him to go on board the ship of Diogo
Pereira, which was anchored in the harbor. Antonio replied in the
affirmative, especially since the ailing priest had no one to sustain
him or to care for him. He would perhaps feel better there than
on land, where he was suffering from such great need.
At midday
on Tuesday, November 22, Francis was as a consequence rowed out
to the Santa Cruz, while Antonio remained behind upon the beach.
There he went to his cabin upon the ship. In the morning the people
waited for him to come out as he usually did. But he did not appear,
and he did not answer when they knocked upon his door. He was deep
in prayer, and his usual sigh was all that could be heard: "Jesus,
Son of David, have mercy on me!" During all this time he ate
and drank nothing, nor even on the following day. The rough tossing
of the ship only increased the fever that was racking him; and on
the day after his arrival, the morning of Wednesday, November 23,
he asked that he might be taken back to land. $ His wish was granted,
and he returned with a pair of warm trousers under his arm and a
few almonds in his sleeves. He had such a high fever at the time
that he seemed to be a glowing stove.
When Xavier's
friend, Diogo Vaz de Aragâo, saw him in such a serious condition,
he took him into his straw hut, which was open to the wind and weather.
When he told Francis that he should be bled at once, since he was
more seriously ill than he thought, the latter replied that he should
do so, and everything else that seemed good to him. The priest was
consequently bled that same Wednesday. This caused him to lose consciousness
for a short time, since he was of a fiery and sanguine nature. Water
was thrown into his face, and this caused him to come back to himself.
But he then suffered a great loss of appetite and could no longer
eat. When his fever rose again on the following day, Thursday, he
was bled again; and he again lost consciousness. He was given a
purgative, but his fever rose ever higher and was accompanied by
great anguish. During all this time, though he was no longer able
to eat, he remained so patient that no word of complaint passed
from his lips.
Since Francis
now felt that his death was near, he ordered Antonio to take all
of his possessions books, letters, clothes, and pictures immediately
to the ship.
He then lost
consciousness. Though he became delirious, he did not say anything
absurd. With a cheerful countenance, and with his eyes raised to
heaven, he held a kind of colloquy with God, speaking in a loud
voice and in the different languages which he knew, but also one
which Antonio did not understand. As he spoke, he repeatedly inserted
verses from the Psalms in Latin; and he could frequently be heard
saying: "Tu autem meorum peccatorum et delictorum miserere!"
("Have mercy on my sins and failings!") He spoke
thus with great fervor for five or six hours. The name of Jesus
was constantly upon his lips, and Antonio often heard him say:
"Jesu, fili David, miserere mei !" ("Jesus,
Son of David, have mercy on me!")
He remained
thus, without eating anything, through Thursday and Friday; and
he was so forbearing that he did not cause the least difficulty
to the one who was assisting him.
On Saturday,
November 26, he lost his voice and ceased to recognize anyone. It
was not until noon of Thursday, December 1, that he was able to
speak again and to identify those about him. His words were directed
primarily to the most Blessed Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
for which he had always had a great devotion. And he also could
be heard frequently saying: "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy
on me!" and "Virgin, Mother, be mindful of me!"
On the day
before his death, Francis turned his eyes towards Christovâo,
his Indian servant. Filled with grief and compassion, he repeated
three times in Portuguese: "You poor fellow!" The meaning
of these words was not understood at once. Did Francis foresee how,
after his death, his servant would surrender himself to a dissolute
life in Malacca and be killed there by a arquebus' shot while he
was in this condition? From then on the ailing priest and Antonio
were alone in the but of Diogo Vaz de Aragâo.
On the evening
of Friday, December 2, Antonio could see that death was approaching,
and he decided to keep watch by him throughout the night. The dying
priest kept his eyes constantly fixed upon a crucifix which had
been put up where he could see it by his companion. It was already
past midnight when Antonio saw that the end was near. "I placed
a candle in his hand," Antonio later wrote in his report, "and
with the name of Jesus in his mouth, he returned his soul into the
hands of his Creator and Lord with great calm and tranquility. His
body and his countenance were filled with peace and of a roseate
hue; and his blessed soul entered into the enjoyment of his Creator
and Lord, and of the reward and deserts which he had so well deserved
for the many great services which he had rendered to his Lord, and
for the great and continuous hardships which he had experienced
during the ten years that he had labored there. He died before dawn
on Saturday, December 3, 1552, on the island and harbor of Sanchôn,
in a straw but that was not his own, ten years after he had come
to these regions of India." 14 His last words, as he was dying,
were: "In te, Domine, speravi, non confundar in aeternum."
(" In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped; let me never be confounded.")
Burial On Sancian
When Antonio
became aware that Master Francis was no longer among the living,
he called the Portuguese, who remained with Xavier's body while
Antonio went to the Santa Cruz to obtain the vestments which Xavier
had used for celebrating Mass so that he might be laid out in them
for his burial. While Antonio was away, Diogo Vaz de Aragâo
took the saint's reliquary as a remembrance of him, but he later
restored it to Father Melchior Nunes at the latter's request. Those
who learned of Xavier's death from Antonio were greatly grieved
at the loss of one whom they had loved so much, and to whom they
were so greatly devoted. Some of these returned with Antonio to
help him with the burial. Antonio then remembered that the Chinese
were accustomed to bury their dead in a wooden coffin. When he mentioned
this to the others, it seemed to them that it would be good to have
a coffin made for the body. When this was finished, since the ground
in the immediate vicinity was permeated with water, they decided
that Xavier's grave should be dug at some distance from the huts
of the Portuguese, at a site about halfway up on the headland of
the bay opposite the Santa Cruz. Because of the great cold, only
four persons sailed in a boat to a landing on the promontory Antonio,
two mulatto slaves, one of whom was Jorge Mendes, and a Portuguese,
about whom nothing further is known. After the men had dug the grave
and were about to place the coffin in it, one of them suggested
to Antonio that it would be good to bury the body with a large amount
of lime so that it would consume the flesh and make it easier to
transfer the bones to India. The four agreed that this should be
done. They returned to the camp of the Portuguese and obtained four
sacks of lime. They then sailed back to the promontory and placed
two sacks of lime beneath, and two sacks over, the body. The coffin
was then lowered into the ground for its temporary burial. After
the grave had been filled with earth, Antonio placed some stones
upon it to mark the site so that later, if someone of the Society
should come to this deserted spot, he could find it. Those who had
assisted at the burial then left and returned to the camp, overcome
with sorrow at having lost such an excellent and saintly man. All
of this took place between Friday, the second, and Sunday, the fourth,
of December, 1552.
Translation To Malacca And Goa (February 17, 1553 March, 1554)
In the middle
of February, 1553, the Santa Cruz was being readied for its return
voyage to Malacca. Xavier's body had by this time been buried for
two and one half months on Sancian, and the faithful Antonio asked
himself if Master Francis should be left alone upon the island.
He expressed his doubts to Diogo Vaz de Aragâo, the captain
of the ship, who then shared his perplexity. He sent a Portuguese
to open the grave and to discover the condition of the body. To
his astonishment, the man found the body perfectly fresh and incorrupt,
just as it had been at the time of death. He cut off a piece of
flesh the size of a finger from near a knee and brought it to the
captain in order to prove to him the perfect preservation of Francis'
body. When Vaz saw the piece of flesh and perceived that it had
no evil odor, he praised God and ordered the coffin to be brought
with the body, and also the lime, so that this would consume it
during the voyage if the Lord did not determine otherwise.' The
body was consequently brought on board the ship. It was apparently
at this time that it was dressed in a new silk garment which had
been found in the priest's traveling bag, and which he had intended
to wear at the audience of the emperor. After a normal voyage, the
ship reached Malacca on March 22, 1553.
(From Francis Xavier, His Life, his Times, by Georg
Shurhammer, SJ, vol. IV, pp.640 – 644)
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