Newsletter of the District
of Asia
- June 2006
vocations to the SSPX are sent to our Australian Seminary
of Holy Cross. The following letter of Ft Peter Scott,
the seminary’s Rector, recalls a tragedy which took place
in the seminary last December concerning three of our
four Indian Seminarians. It only highlights the gravity
of the crisis not only in relation to the young men aspiring
to the priesthood but also in the Vatican, and particularly
in relation to Cardinal Hoyos’ unreliable attitude. May
it serve also to encourage the fourth seminarian to remain
faithful to his vocation as he has done so far. |
Box 417
N.S.W. 2580
May 22, 2006
Dear friends
and benefactors of Holy Cross Seminary,
I had not
mentioned in this newsletter the departure of three of our four
Indian seminarians at the end of last school year, just three
weeks after having sacrilegiously renewed their engagements in
the Society of Saint Pius X for one year, and just a few days
after having received Minor Orders under false pretenses. I call
it sacrilegious, since they admitted afterwards having secretly
planned for many months to rejoin their Novus Ordo diocese,
that is they planned all along to break their promises solemnly
made before the Blessed Sacrament and in the presence of the whole
community, and they falsely requested in writing the reception
of Minor Orders as a step towards the priesthood in the Society
of Saint Pius X with which they had evidently no intention of
continuing. It is difficult to understand the deviousness underlying
this secrecy, since they would have been most welcome to leave
at any time. One cannot help but think that this was to keep both
options open, in case they were not received back by the diocese
of Bombay, as they were.
The reason
that I bring it up now is not just that their departure was a
sword of betrayal rending the heart of our little community, united
in mutual confidence and trust, but because it has now become
a public issue, and so much so that it has even been praised by
none other than Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos himself, President of
the Ecclesia Dei Pontifical Commission, and supposed intermediary
for the Society of Saint Pius X with Pope Benedict XVI.
How, you
might think, could a Cardinal of the Church praise such deviousness?
Could they have become a pawn in the politics of the modernists?
This is what Cardinal Castrillon had to say in a letter to Cardinal
Ivan Bias, Archbishop of Bombay, dated February 24, 2006:
“I wish
to acknowledge with gratitude your kind letter to me of 5 February,
2006 regarding the return to your flock of three seminarians who
had left your Arcbdiocesan Major Seminary in 2002 to enter to
the seminary of the Society of St. Pius X in Goulburn, Australia.
I am particularly appreciative of the memoranda by these seminarians
which you have enclosed and I rejoice with you that they have
responded to the grace to return to the fullness of the Catholic
faith and life in India. lam very pleased to know that they have
found in Your Eminence a paternal welcome back to the bosom of
the Catholic Church and I pray that their experience will make
them value even more the importance of being in full communion
with the Successor of Peter. The testimony of these seminarians
gives reason for great concern about the separatist mentality
which surrounded them in the seminary in Goulburn and which they
finally had the grace to reject. I sincerely hope that it will
be possible to save their vocations...”
The accusations
made by the Cardinal are the gravest possible. He who last September
publicly stated that the Society “did not formally constitute
a schism” and on November 13 last “they are inside the
Church.... because communion exists”, apparently in an effort
to appeal to traditional Catholics, is now accusing us of nothing
less than schism in order to appeal to modernist Catholics.
What is the
“fullness of the Catholic Faith and life” that is supposedly lacking
in this Seminary. What could it be if not the intense spiritual,
disciplined life of a Seminary whose rule was praised by Rome
(February 18,1971), or perhaps the daily and even twice daily
attendance at the Mass of all time, or perhaps the thrice-daily
common prayer of the Divine Office, or perhaps the strict common
life, the Gregorian Chant and solemn ceremonies, the constantly
ongoing series of Benedictions, Processions, Ways of the Cross,
Rosaries and devotions that punctuate Seminary life? What could
it be if not the study of the philosophy and theology of St. Thomas
Aquinas, so often commanded by the Church (e.g. Leo XIII, St.
Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XII) and yet of which these young Indian
seminarians in 5 - 8 years each of Seminary life before coming
to Holy Cross had learnt nothing?
Or could
this “fullness of the Catholic Faith and life” possibly be the
following description of the Bombay Novus Ordo Seminary
made by one of three after leaving in 2002... and to which he
has now returned:
theology in the Bombay Seminary is far from being the supernatural
science as has been well defined by the Angelic Doctor. It is
completely naturalised and horizontalized, to began and end in
‘this-worldly’ experience of ‘this-life’ (with eternal life
forgotten, if not erased). And therefore the modernists talk of
‘doing theology’ and as a natural consequence of such a ‘doing’,
seminarians are sent to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s)
to get ‘in touch with reality’, to mingle with those non-Catholic
atheistic, sometimes perverse social workers who themselves have
loose morals and broken, disintegrated family life. The seminarians
are then fed with the Marxist agenda of’classless society’ with
rebellion against legislative authority in the Church as well
as in the State, sowing in them the seeds of the ‘revolution’against
God’s natural order. Peace and serenity of recollected religious
life is now replaced with agitation and dissipation of mundane
concerns of the world in the disguise of striving for social justice
and ecumenism, supposedly to create ‘communal harmony’ - another
proof of the depravity of the modernist mind. I shall provide
a few samples of modernists academics that demonstrate clearly
the complete loss of faith and movement towards the Great Apostasy...”
(Mr. D’Souza).
Or could
it be, to quote another of the three, describing the “moderator
groups” that exist in the Bombay seminary:
week the mass was said by the priest in his room. As a priest
of inculturation, he said it by squatting on the floor. A lot
of novelties were introduced at this mass, which included substituting
the prayers from the missal by spontaneous prayers, a group sharing
on a topic after the gospel, passing of the paten and the chalice
for the receiving of communion under both species individually
by each member and a replacement of the proper mass vestments
by a shawl.” (Mr. Rodrigues)
Make your
choice. There seems to be no doubt as to where the “fullness of
Catholic Faith and life” lies, and yet Holy Cross Seminary is
condemned out of hand, precisely for living up to its mission
as received from the Church. Cardinal Castrillon’s letter further
accuses Holy Cross Seminary of not being in “the bosom of the
Catholic Church”, of not “being in full communion with the Successor
of Peter”, on account of its “separatist mentality”. These false
accusations derive from the statements of these seminarians of
a “practical sedevacantism” and of a “critical reaction towards
the Papacy”. The further accusation of a “separatist mentality”
stems from the Rector’s decision not to allow the Seminary to
public participate in a Eucharistic adoration in a local Novus
Ordo church.
Yet these
seminarians all know full well that there is no practical sedevacantism
here, and that Pope Benedict XVI is prayed for publicly and by
name at every Mass, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Rogation
days and whenever the liturgy calls for it. They also know very
well that the Society lays no claim to ordinary jurisdiction,
which can only come from the Sovereign Pontiff, who has by divine
institution the fullness of the power of government over the universal
Church. Accusations of not being in full communion are consequently
based in part on the imaginary “excommunication” of Archbishop
Lefebvre and in part on our 35 year old refusal to accept the
modernist spirit of the post-conciliar Popes.
Yes, we are
obliged to have a critical reaction towards such Popes, and to
separate ourselves from those of their guidelines that undermine
and destroy the “fullness of Catholic Faith and life”, such as
the post-conciliar liturgy and ecumenism. Yes, we are bound to
separate ourselves from the Novus Ordo Missae, which is
insulting to God Our Lord and undermines the Faith. Yes, we owe
it to God to be logical with ourselves, and we must refuse the
fruits of this Mass - namely Holy Communion from hosts consecrated
at such Masses and public participation in the adoration of these
hosts. Indeed, if we were to do these things, we would thereby
participate in a protestantizing, modernist worship and show our
approval of it. If this is what is meant by having a “separatist
spirit”, then we make no apologies for it. We want to be separate
from the Novus Ordo and to have no part in it. It is the
whole reason for our combat. However, this does not in the least
mean that we deny the validity of such Masses, or that we judge
the intentions of those who perform or participate in such ceremonies,
or that we fall into a critical bitterness. Having understood
by a special grace of God what is required to maintain and live
the Faith, we have the obligation to state so, loud and clear,
without ambiguity of any kind. This precludes even a distant participation
in the New Mass.
Castrillon Hoyos has clearly not understood the principles, and
is fact committed to undermining them. Hence his blistering attack
on the Seminary. It is difficult to understand how he can be an
effective intermediary with the Pope, given that he believes that
all these compromises are necessary “to save their vocations”,
whereas in fact these principles are the guarantee of perseverance
in our holy vocation as Catholic priests.
Allow me
to quote also from the public statement of Cardinal Ivan Bias,
Archbishop of Bombay, dated March 25, 2006. He has this to say
of the three seminarians:
were sent to a seminary in Goulburn (Australia), where they were
systematically indoctrinated against the Second Vatican Council,
the’modernist’Popes John XXIII and his successors, including Pope
Benedict XVI (Pope John Paul II being accused of silmt apostasy’),
the New Mass introduced by Pope Paul VI, the Divine Mercy devotion,
the Catholic Church’s ecumenical and interreligious diubgue etc...
They were further told that the Holy See is vacant...”
The most
preposterous aspect of this mixture of truth and falsehood was
the use of the emotive term “systematically indoctrinated”. These
young men would not have been accepted in the Seminary if they
had not already shared our convictions, as they most assuredly
did, and as the following passages demonstrate amply. One of the
three wrote this in his Seminary application:
my sadness, I found, once again by God’s grace that the mission
of the Novus Ordo Church was for the glory of’man’. Divine Providence,
once again through our Blessed Mother, led me to the Sacred Tradition
of the True Priesthood”. (Mr. D’Souza)
The same
seminarian had this to say, describing his meeting with Cardinal
Bias on December 7, 2001, and is included in his testimony of
why he had turned to Tradition and left the post-conciliar Seminary:
Eminence, the Cardinal, welcomed me warmly and then disclosed
to me his plan. He intended to give me a Jesuit priest as a
counselor to clash down all my funny ideas (of faith) and during
this period of one or two years, I would have to work and ‘rub
shoulders with Hindus, Moslems, and all types of people of various
religions and then realize that they too possess the truth’.
In this way I would be purified of all old and outdated ideas
of faith, and accept Vatican II with all its ecumenical orientations.
He demanded complete obedience to his authority. He himself
would then come to my parish and lay his hands on me and so
that I would climb up the ladder’. – This phrase demonstrates
the Masonic technique of luring souls to the vanity of this
world. Here is was as though I came face to face with
the devil who was saying to me “I will give you all this, if
you bow down and worship me.” I went back home with
a heavy heart, only trusting in God’s providence....The next
day... a friend... introduced me to the Society of St. Pius
X. Thanks be to God, for at last after a long journey through
heresy and so many traps of the devil, He led me to the Truth.”
(underlining & bold in original text).
It seems
to me that any objective person can see that these are not men
who have been indoctrinated or forced in any way to adopt traditional
positions. The very fact that they chose to abandon Holy Cross
Seminary is proof enough of this. It is not the Society of Saint
Pius X that has changed - but these three seminarians - and I
fear greatly lest they discover that Cardinal Bias has not changed
either. This leaves the curious question of how three young men,
who were fully aware of the evil and destruction being wrought
in the post-conciliar church, and who had the advantage of nearly
four years formation in a traditional pre-Seminary and Seminary,
four years daily attendance at the true Mass, four years intense
prayer life, including a 30 day Ignatian retreat, four years study
of traditional spirituality and philosophy, would return to the
humanist, indifferentist, inculturationist confusion of the post-conciliar
The only
answer is a spiritual one. The devil attacks the priest and the
priest-to-be on every side, fully aware that if he can destroy
any one of us, he can cause many hundreds and thousands of souls
to be lost. In the midst of the abundance of spiritual treasures
of a traditional Seminary, it is very easy to start taking graces
for granted. Presumption sets in, then the critical spirit, then
a naturalistic attitude, and finally the vanity of this world,
the devil saying: “I will give you all this, if you bow down and
worship me”. Such departures are, alas, not uncommon in the Society.
You cannot
begin to understand how entirely dependent we are on your prayers
and sacrifices. The Seminary is not just a training ground; it
is a spiritual battlefield, and every soul must be fought for
and won. Nor is this battle a one time event, but rather a constantly
recurring struggle. The fight is against indifference, luke warmness,
intellectual pride, self-centeredness, abandonment of the spirit
of mortification. God has sent us some very good and extraordinary
men, but we need to always be on the lookout, for the devil, like
a lion seeking whom he may devour, is already to catch us out
on a curved ball. In our inadequacy, we commend ourselves to your
prayers, and beg that you would think of offering up at least
a decade of the Rosary every day for the perseverance of priests
and seminarians, and for vocations, as well as reciting these
prayers requested by our Superior General: 0 Lord, grant us
priests; 0 Lord, grant us holy priests; 0 Lord grant us many holy
priests; 0 Lord grant us many holy religious vocations; St. Pius
X, pray for us.
Yours faithfully
in the Immaculate Heart of our Heavenly Queen,
Peter R. Scott

Mission in Sabah, East Malaysia, June 6-9, 2006.
Fr. D. Pagliarani imposing the brown scapular after Mass.