Newsletter of the District
of Asia
- December 2006
of the District of Asia
June 2004 - November 2006
15 Singapore A young Buddhist lady from Thailand,
moved by the grace of God, came for one week, wanting to know more
about Catholicism. It turned out in a catechism marathon, at the
rate of 4 hours per day.
27 Singapore Don Davide Pagliarani celebrated the
10th anniversary of his priesthood by a memorable High Mass and
in the presence of many faithful.
1 Singapore The District Superior left for the
General Chapter in Ecône.
11 Ecône Bishop Bernard Fellay was re-elected
as the Superior General of the SSPX.
15 Ecône As a result of the former Superior
of the District of Italy having been elected 2nd Assistant, Bishop
Fellay decided to appoint Fr. Pagliarani as the new District Superior
of Italy. Asia’s loss will be Italy’s gain… Many
more reassignments are being discussed…
14 Singapore The visit, which will last one month,
of Fr. Hugues Bergez, SSPX, who after 5 years in New Zealand has
been re-assigned in Gabon, Africa, in the place of Fr. Salvador.
He is replaced in New Zealand by Fr. Jackson from India.
15 Singapore Fr. Emerson Salvador, a Filipino well-known
in Singapore, returned from an assignment of one year in Gabon,
Africa. Asia The Superior General confirmed that New Zealand with
its New Caledonian Mission was attached to the District of Asia.

Fr. du Chalard at Cape Comorin,
the very tip of India
20 India Important day for the Mission: Fr. Emmanuel
du Chalard SSPX, the Superior of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred
Heart arrived in Palayamkottai with two Sisters of the Community
and another Italian lady to visit and assess the Orphanage. Fr.
du Chalard will stay 2 weeks while the 3 others 2 months. The reception
by the children is wonderful from day one.
22 India Day of relief: Fr. Chazal finally received
his visa to return to the Indian Missions. He had kept us in suspense
for many long weeks. Singapore Reception into the Church of a young
Protestant lady lawyer, ‘Mary Magdalene’.
of ‘Mary Magdalene’
26 Singapore Arrival of Fr. Paul Kimball, appointed
to replace Fr. Pagliarani. Fr. Kimball thus became one of the senior
priests of the District having been ordained in 1989.
28 India The District Superior arrived at the priory
to discuss with Frs. Summers and du Chalard as well as with Swarna
and the Sisters the next steps to be taken in the foundation of
a House of the Congregation in India.
31 Singapore The young Thai lady, “as the
hart thirsts for the fount of water”, returned for more intensive
catechism classes. The priests had to take turn in these 4 hour
daily sessions…
baptised ‘Mary Jennifer’
rejoicing at the feet of her Heavenly Mother.
India His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson landed in
Bombay for a three weeks Episcopal odyssey through Asia. In India,
he came to visit Bombay, Madras and Palayamkottai.
12 Singapore ... And on the beautiful feast of
the Holy name of Mary, she was baptized ‘Mary- Jennifer’.
14 Philippines Bishop Williamson arrived in Manila.
18 Singapore Our dear Father Davide Pagliarani
left the Asian Missions for his new and difficult assignment at
the head of the Italian District. Fr. Pagliarani took extremely
well to Asia and showed his great zeal and goodness everywhere he
went. He managed to visit all the Asian countries where our priests
ministers, and he even went twice as an apostolic explorer to see
if Taiwan was ready for a Mass center. Philippines Bishop Williamson
got on the plane to visit the centers in South Mindanao, then in
Butuan, on the North coast of the same Island.

Asia! Arrivederci, Don Davide!
19 Singapore Short visit of our Canadian confrere, Fr.
Richard Vachon, who labored 5 years in Asia. Fr. Vachon is now teaching
in the SSPX’s school of Tynong, near Melbourne, in Australia.
Singapore Death of Mrs. Theresa Peterson, one of the first faithful
of the Society in Singapore.
22-23 Philippines Consecration, by Bishop Williamson,
of the church of Our Lady of Consolation and of St Joseph, in Jaro,
Iloilo. Two French ladies came explicitly to the Philippines for
the occasion.
24 Philippines Bishop Williamson went to bless
the new church on the neighboring island of Negros, in Bacolod.
7 Singapore It is indeed the season for baptisms:
on this day, the District Superior baptized a Buddhist man this
time, father of five, ‘Warren Antonio’.
New Zealand Fr. Couture went for a whole week to see the
beautiful work done in Wanganui by three of our priests and six
teaching Dominican Sisters. The parish of St Anthony is certainly
worth the detour as it boasts more than 400 people, and a growing
school of more than 100 pupils.
29 New Zealand First ever solemn public procession
of Christ the King. Thanks to the prayers of all the weather held
until a few hours after the procession. Immediately after this,
Fr. Couture inaugurated the new buildings of the school which should
be ready to be occupied by February when the academic year begins.
1 New Caledonia First visit of the District Superior
on this French Territory which is now part of the Asian District.
On this occasion, four young girls made their first Holy Communion.
5 New Caledonia In the morning, baptism of three
boys, and after the Sung Mass, the whole group went to the blessing
of a statue of St Joseph on a property which the SSPX bought some
time ago.
24-27 Sabah, Malaysia First Official Mission in
Kota Kinabalu. Two days of intense conferences for 25 people on
various aspect of the Crisis in the Church, the Holy Mass, the Society
of St Pius X. Very promising.