Newsletter of the District
of Asia
- December 2006
Friends and Benefactors,
 |
Lady of SSPX |
I am writing these lines, the crisis in the Church seems to have
entered a new and perhaps, God willing, decisive phase. The real
issues at the heart of the crisis in the Church have come up in
the clear day light and as a result, the Two Standards, the two
opposite armies, who were all mixed up until now for or against
the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, are in the process of lining
up their troops in battle array, in a way we may not have seen so
What has triggered this reaction? It is simply the news which came
out on October 11 last (Our Blessed Lady’s Divine Motherhood
day) that a Motu Proprio, a short papal document, was finally
about to be published giving, it appeal, full freedom, to all priests,
to offer the Holy Mass according to the Tridentine Missal.
Some observations can be made immediately: firstly, since the Holy
Roman Church is built upon the Rock of Peter, only a Pope will be
able to restore the Church to its normal status as the One, Holy,
Catholic and Apostolic Church. The Conciliar Church is quickly loosing
these Four Marks. Everyone of us, though he be a child, a parent,
a priest or an Archbishop Lefebvre, have indeed to do our utmost
according to the will of God, in our duty of state, for the well-being
of the Church. But only the actions of a Pope will succeed in re-capitulating
all things, in the whole Church, in Christ. It is the story of Easter
Sunday again: when Peter doubted, all the disciples doubted. When
Peter finally believed, everyone believed. “The Lord is risen
indeed! He has appeared to Simon!” (Lk. 24, 34) If the calamities
affecting the Church and the papacy are a dramatic result of the
negligence of certain popes in fulfilling their duties and fulfilling
heaven’s requests, similarly, the triumph of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary will be the result of the action of a pope, that is,
the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart.
Secondly, it is now explicitly stated, by Conciliar bishops and
Cardinals, that there is a contradiction, an opposition between
the old Mass and Vatican II.
bishops are afraid that the generalization of the Roman missal of
1962 would attenuate the guidelines of Vatican Council II. Such
a decision would also risk endangering the unity among the priests,
and among the faithful as well.” (a statement by Three French
Bishops, Oct. 25, 2006)
bishops expect from these (traditionalists) faithful, a
gesture of acceptance, without ambiguity, to the teaching of the
Authentic Magisterium of the Church (i.e. Vatican II).
(…) The bishops restate the attachment to the liturgical renovation
willed by Vatican II Council…” (Declaration of the French
Bishops, Nov. 9, 2006)
After having been told ad nauseam that the “New Mass was the
same as the Old,” that “Don’t worry, nothing is
changed!”, now the truth is coming out. These bishops are
now admitting that the issue is far deeper than the liturgical one.
It is a question of faith. And that the faith expressed in all these
liturgical reforms of the last 40 years is different than that expressed
by the Traditional Mass.
disputes with the faithful who have followed Archbishop Lefebvre
in his ‘no’ to Rome are not, in the first place, liturgical,
but theological, concerning religious freedom, ecumenism, interreligious
hope to proceed with welcoming those who retain an attachment to
the ‘Mass of Saint Pius V’. Diversity is possible –
but it must be regulated. It must go together with the unity of
the liturgy and the unity of the Church. One must not leave the
choice of one of the forms of the Roman rite – the Mass of
Saint Pius V or the Mass of Paul VI – to subjectivity alone.”
How dare they raise the flag of disunity? “The cheek of them!”
as the Irish would say. The Catholic Church has been indeed One
in its liturgy in the Latin Rite for most of 1200 years especially
since Charlemagne imposed throughout his Empire the Roman Rite back
in the 800s. All attest that Latin has been a major source of the
unity of worship over the centuries. On the other hand, the French
Bishops, echoing the voice of so many others, claim implicitly that
the New Liturgy is One! How can they pretend that when not even
two neighboring parishes in the same village have the same Sunday
Mass? It is all up to the creative mood of the local parochial committee.
Incredible. Actually, not really. The devil is the father of lies,
said Our Blessed Lord, he is the supreme expert in deception. Now
we are told all of a sudden that the Old Mass divides, when it was
the great source of unity for centuries; now we are told that the
liturgy must not be left to “subjectivity alone”, when
“subjectivity alone” has practically guided all the
liturgical reforms of Vatican II of the last 40 years…
We sense a great worry on their part. In this meeting of the French
Episcopate, Cardinal Ricard, its president, repeatedly said to his
fellow French Bishops not to fear…
All this reveals also another major deception: who is really in
schism? If by schism, one means to cut oneself from the Communion
of the Church, not just that of today, but that of all times, by
clearly refusing to question the orientations of the Council —
that it clearly broke with the past — are they not showing
a true schismatic mentality?
to the intentions that some attribute to him, Pope Benedict XVI
does not intend to double back along the path that Vatican Council
II set for the Church. He is solemnly engaged in following it.”
I could quote here from another document of the Federation of Asian
Bishops’ Conference, of October 2006 giving the same idea,
from an Asian point of view. It deals with the reception of Vatican
II in Asia and how Vatican II has changed the face of Roman Catholicism
in Asia. We, in Asia, are now in an Asian Catholic Church,
less and less Roman.
reception of Vatican II’s liturgical reforms in Asia, however,
went far beyond the translation of the liturgical books composed
by the Roman authorities into vernaculars. It included also an explicit
effort of liturgical inculturation by bringing elements of the local
cultures into sacramental and liturgical celebrations. This inculturation
occurs at many levels. On a more superficial level, it includes
the use of local music and songs, vestments, gestures, rituals,
sacred objects, architecture. On a deeper level, it involves the
composition of new sacramental rituals for significant events in
a person life such as marriage and funerals. It sometimes includes
the use of sacred writings in addition to the Christian Scriptures.
In some countries, sacred rituals such as the cult of ancestors
are incorporated into the liturgy. Because of their academic resources
and favorable political conditions, two countries have made significant
contributions to the reception of Vatican II’s liturgical
reform in general, that is, India and the Philippines.
Liturgical inculturation is only an aspect of the larger enterprise
which Vatican II has spawned in Asia, perhaps more extensively than
anywhere else in the Catholic world. Whereas the Catholic Church
in Latin America has been more concerned with the socio-economic
oppression of the poor and marginalized, and hence was more focused
on liberation, Asian Christians, while also concerned with the issues
of justice, have been more engaged the inculturation of the Christian
faith. In light of these efforts at inculturation, it is clear that
by implementing Vatican II’s teaching, the Asian Churches
have decisively moved away from the dominant model of mission as
the plantatio ecclesiae of the pre-Vatican II era.” (FABC
Papers no. 117, G)
When have Popes and Bishops in the past rejected all that took place
before a Council? Never. The Church is precisely Apostolic, it goes
through time unchanged, one Council reiterating what the previous
Councils taught, one Pope always referring to his predecessors showing
that faith doesn’t change with time.
Let us look at another aspect not yet mentioned in all this turmoil:
the priesthood, and linked with this, the heroic wisdom of Archbishop
Archbishop Lefebvre once said that he could not conceive how a seminary
which had the New Mass could properly train priests, because there
was a contradiction between the two. Why? It is because the priest
is the man of the sacrifice, firstly of the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass, and secondly he is the minister of the “Religion of
the Cross”, as the Catholic Church has often been called.
He must live and preach the spirit of the Cross. On the contrary,
the New Mass has practically eliminated the mystery of the Cross,
both as to its rites and as to its spirit. The traditional liturgy
clearly shows the opposition between the teaching of Our Lord Jesus
Christ and the world. Expressions such as “to despise the
things of this world, to love the heavenly things”, are a
regular occurrence in the prayers of the traditional Missal. The
New Mass is the liturgical expression of a Council which sought
to be open to the world, to modern time, and consequently, as Pope
John XXIII said at the beginning of the Council, not only does it
seek to avoid clashes (eg. the refusal to condemn communism) but
it is always trying to incorporate the spirit of the world. Cardinal
Ratzinger stated in a famous interview in 1984 that the Council
had made its own two centuries of liberal culture.
So, all this touches the very definition of the priesthood, and
consequently of the bishops! Modern bishops can no longer identify
themselves with the old definition of the priesthood… We often
witness an identity crisis when we bring the Traditional Mass to
priests and bishops who have more or less lost the link of their
priesthood with the Cross of Christ.
There are many priests who have received the grace and had the humility
to offer the traditional Mass for the first time after 10, 20 years
of priesthood. They later openly confessed: “I am discovering
what a priest is! It is like saying Mass for the first time!”
Another stratagem to try to block this papal Motu Proprio is the
assertion that apparently nobody, especially among the priests,
is really showing an interest for the Old Mass. Such statements
are coming repeatedly from Germany. Well, the Society of St Pius
X thinks otherwise, proof in hand. Recently, that is since August
last, a leaflet was sent to 7,000 of the 16,500 priests in Germany,
informing them that a professional DVD had been made on how to celebrate
the Traditional Mass, and that it would be theirs for free just
by asking for it. The reply? 1,000 requests out of 7,000…
And we are told there is no interest? The same DVD will be available
shortly in French, English, Italian and Spanish.
And here we touch the heart and the extraordinary wisdom of Archbishop
Lefebvre. He was a man of the Church all his life and never wanted
to work just for the Society of St Pius X. He wanted to work for
the Church, the worldwide, universal Roman Catholic Church. By saving
the traditional manner of training priests, by his small Priestly
Society which seeks to help all priests — be they young or
old, sickly, or fallen away — to be priests as much as possible
according to what Our Lord had in mind when He instituted the Sacred
Priesthood, Archbishop Lefebvre was truly saving the sacrament which
is the most necessary for the survival of the whole Church: the
sacrament of Holy Orders.
all the Sacraments possess a divine and admirable efficacy, it is
well worthy of special remark that all are not of equal necessity
or of equal dignity, nor is the signification of all the same. Among
them, three are said to be necessary beyond the rest, although in
all three this necessity is not of the same kind.The universal and
absolute necessity of Baptism, our Savior has declared in these
words: ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost,
he cannot enter into the kingdom of God’. Penance, on the
other hand, is necessary for those only who have stained themselves
after Baptism by any mortal guilt. Without sincere repentance, their
eternal ruin is inevitable. Orders, too, although not necessary
to each of the faithful, are of absolute necessity to the Church
as a whole.” (Catechism of the Council of Trent, The sacraments
in general)
Perhaps, God willing, in the near future, the providential role
of the Society of St Pius X will become clearer than before. The
interest in the Traditional Mass of the 1000 priests in Germany,
of the 500 others in the USA and of how many others in the months
to come, already makes manifest the Catholic mind and heart of Archbishop
Let me finish this rather long editorial with some Asian news.
Many have heard of the Indian Orphanage that has joined Tradition.
You will find the story in Fr.
Chazal’s Letter. In mid-January 2006, the orphanage moved
500 miles south to be near the Traditional Mass, sacraments and
priests. Now, it is opening a new chapter with the Foundress of
the orphanage, Miss Swarna Vongala, about to join a traditional
community of Italian Sisters, the Consolers of the Sacred Heart.
As Fr. Chazal justly wrote, “the coming of the orphans is
really a turning point for the mission of India; God gives us the
opportunity to stoop a little bit better on the misery of India,
to extend hopefully the victory of Faith through that of Charity”.
The presence of Traditional Sisters will certainly be an extra boost
for this victory.
After one year of trial, Bishop Fellay has confirmed last August
that New Zealand, with its New Caledonian Mission, has been attached
to the District of Asia. This is the reason of various reports and
photos you will find from now on in our Newsletter.
Last summer, the District of Asia saw many of its priests moving
around, changing assignments. Four priests left the District for
other skies, and were replaced accordingly. As we thank all those
who left for their generous work, and heartily welcome the fresh
troops, a special mention must be made of Fr. Davide Pagliarani
who has left Singapore, after a short three years of intensive work
and travels, to take the difficult responsibility of the District
of Italy. We assure him of our prayers for the delicate role he
will play in the vicinity of Rome.
Finally, this coming Christmas, two deacons of the District will
receive, God willing, the grace of the Sacred Priesthood: Rev. Fidel
Ferrer, a native of Manila, Philippines, who will be ordained on
Dec. 23, in the seminary of Our Lady Co- Redemptrix, in La Reja,
Argentina, and Rev. Michael Lavin, from Wanganui, New Zealand who
will receive the same grace in our Holy Cross Seminary, in Goulburn,
in Australia on Dec. 27.
With the assurance of my prayers for a fruitful season of Advent
and a blessed Christmas, I remain yours truly in the service of
Our Blessed Lord and of His Holy Roman Catholic Church.
Fr. Daniel Couture
District Superior
the little children come to me!”
Fr. Pagliarani with some Singaporean children
Fr. Davide Pagliarani’s farewell speech to the Asian Missions,
Singapore, Sept. 17, 2006