Newsletter of the District of Asia

 April - December 2008

Chronicle of the District of Asia
March – December 2008


25-28 Philippines Due to the sale of the house they were renting, the Bethanians had to move out of Manila into the buildings adjacent to the church in Jaro, Iloilo which have been adjusted to house Bethany.

30 Browerville, MN, USA Perpetual vows of Sr. Mary Joseph, SSPX sister, our only Korean vocation so far.


25-27 Cebu, Philippines National Congress of the Legion of Mary with guests coming from as far as the USA and New Zealand! The main guests were Fr. Helmuts Libietis, international chaplain of the Legion, Fr. Andrew Cranshaw, chaplain of the Legion in New Zealand and Mrs. Rose Hu, from the USA. About 100 participants came for the Congress in honor of the 10th anniversary of the revival of the Legion in the Philippines.

The fervent legionaries after their retreat with Fr. Libietis


1-4 Akita, Japan 2nd National Pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Akita to ask her intercession for the apostolate of the SSPX in Japan, in Asia and in the rest of the world. We were allowed to view the original cotton balls which were used to gather the tears of Our Blessed Lady. These lacrimations occurred 101 times between 1975 and 1981.

priest leading pilgrims

Fr. Onoda leading the pilgrims to the Shrine of Our Lady of Akita

101 cotton balls used to wipe the tears of Our Lady of Akita

The 101 cotton balls used to wipe the tears of Our Lady of Akita

8-11 Bohol, Philippines
6th National Pilgrimage with 250 pilgrims walking for three days from Tagbilaran to Carmen.

Three days of walking to awaken the faith of the Filipinos!

22 Sherbrooke, Canada
Sudden death of Mrs. Claire Couture, the mother of Fr. Couture. R.I.P.

The hands of the mother of a priest

The hands of the mother of a priest (here, Mrs. Couture's)
are wrapped in
the purificator which held the hands of her son at his ordination –
A passport for Heaven!


8-13 Singapore Women's retreat

22 Negombo, Sri Lanka Annual Corpus Christi Procession


3 Vigne, Italy Sr. Maria Immaculata (Swarna Vongala) made her first vows in the Congregation of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart.

A dream come true
the Indian orphanage is
now in the hands of a religious community

7 Singapore After years of search, suitable premises were finally purchased for the priory.

10 Palayamkottai, India Festive return of the foundress of the Nav Jeevan Orphanage, Sr. Maria Immaculata, now a professed sister.

16 Vasai, India The District Superior visited the St Gonsalo Garcia Orphanage, on this feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel in view of the opening of a second priory in India the following month.

Fr. Chazal and Norbert, the manager of the Vasai orphanage, North of Bombay


10-16 Alabel, Sarangani, Philippines 2nd Rosa Mystica Medical Mission, with the assistance of 13 French Volunteers, 20 doctors including Dr. Kim from Korea, 60 Filipino and Filipina nurses. 8 nationalities were represented, including a seminarian from the USA and one from Switzerland. 3000 patients were treated in this mission which surprised the authorities of Sarangani Provinces by its quality, organization and efficiency. All of Bethany with its 4 Oblates and 10 Bethanians assisted the Medical Team of the Mission.

A Bethanian, explains the Holy Shroud
to the
captivated Filipina nurses during the Medical Mission

15 Vasai, India Official Opening of the new Priory of St Bartholomew, located for the time being in the St Gonsalo Garcia Orphanage

District of Asia Launching of the Perpetual Rosary Crusade (by the Asian District): more than 1000 people united to say the rosary on a continual basis, 24 hours a day, until December 8.

17 Vasai, India Blessing of the new priory by Bishop Williamson who had just arrived for a two weeks visit of the following Indian Mass centers: Vasai, Malad, Goa, Delhi, Chennai, R.N. Kandihay, Palayamkottai

Opening of the new St. Bartholomew Priory

21 Manila, Phillipines Arrival of Bishop Tissier who came for a 3 weeks episcopal visit. He will visit during this trip, besides Our Lady of Victories in New Manila, the following centers: Tanay, Tacloban, Sogod, Dagohoy, Tagbilaran, Jaro, Santa Barbara, Bacolod.

24 Sogod, Leyte, Philippines 157 confirmations in this first ever SSPX confirmation ceremony on the island of Leyte. Dr. Tan, the ex-governor of the Province, attended the whole 4 hour event.

Bishop Williamson enjoying his grandiose welcome
in the village of R.N. Kandigai

Dagohoy, Bohol –
Bishop Tissier discussing
the crisis in the Church with the local mayor

31 Bacolod, Philippines Consecration of the Church of Immaculada Concepcion by Bishop Tissier. This is the 4th SSPX church in the country and the 3rd church consecrated.

Bishop Tissier consecrating a church

Bishop Tissier consecrating the third SSPX church in the Philippines


1-6 San Joaquin, Philippines Priests' retreat by Bishop Tissier

4 Santa Barbara, Philippines Arrival of Fr. Conrad Daniels, new prior and superior of the Brothers' Noviciate. Father Daniels, who replaces Fr. Adam Purdy, reassigned in Manila, comes with a rich priestly experience: after a few years of apostolate in the USA following his 1989 ordination, he directed Holy Cross Seminary in Australia for many years before returning to his native South Africa as superior.

15 Jaro, Philippines/ Salvan, Switzerland Perpetual vows of Sr. Maria Concepcion, and Sr. Maria Victorias, SSPX Oblates

26 - 29 Wanganui, New Zealand Visit of Bishop Tissier de Malerais


19-31 France Marian Pilgrimage of the District of Asia. A total of 108 pilgrims joined this 12-day journey to famous shrines of Our Lady and saints in France. Places visited were the following: Paris (Notre Dame Cathedral, Notre Dame des Victoires, Rue du Bac), Lisieux, Chartres, Bellaigue, Lourdes, La Salette, Ars, Parayle- Monial, Nevers. The highlight was no doubt the SSPX International Lourdes Pilgrimage with the presence of the four bishops of the SSPX, 150 priests, 100 seminarians, 150 sisters and 20,000 faithful. On Sunday October 26, Bishop Fellay renewed the consecration of the SSPX to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and launched a second Rosary Crusade, this one for the removal of the decree of excommunication, not just against the four bishops but also in reality against the whole of Tradition.

The SSPX Filipino Brothers leading the Asian pilgrims in Lourdes


1-17 Europe The 8 SSPX Filipino Brothers who partook in the above Marian Pilgrimage continued their 'European Month' by visiting Switzerland (Ecône and Menzingen) and Italy (Turin and Rome). The Brothers wish to thank wholeheartedly the benefactors who made this memorable pilgrimage possible.

10 Palayamkottai, India Launching of the publicity for the DVD on how to say the Traditional Mass.

15 Sri Lanka Launching of the publicity on the DVD on the Mass. Along with it, there is an advertisement for the newly printed colored Catechism in picture in Singhalese (edition of 1925)

24-29 Jaro, Philippines Retreat for the Oblates and Bethanians by Fr. Kimball.

29 Palayamkottai, India Blessing of the cornerstone of the new Orphanage by Fr. Emmanuel Du Chalard.


4 Palayamkottai, India Already more than 100 responses from the clergy asking for the DVD on the Mass, which is about a 10% response, so far.

8 District of Asia End of the Perpetual Rosary Crusade (by the Asian District) for the removal of the excommunication. Our District's contribution to this spiritual bouquet will have been 184,000 rosaries. Deo gratias!

16-18 Singapore Passage of Fr. Lionel Héry, SSPX, on his way to Australia. Fr. Héry used to come to Singapore in the early 1990s.

27 Holy Cross Seminary, Australia Ordination to the sacred Priesthood of Fr. Gregory Noronha, from India. Fr. Noronha has been assigned to the Brothers' Noviciate in the Philippines.

28-31 Sri Lanka Two faithful go around a number of monasteries and parishes promoting the DVD on the traditional mass. Very interesting reactions from the priests.


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