dear brethren:
regret that I am unable to speak to you in your own language, but
you have an interpreter in the person of this seminarian who is
with me and who is accustomed to translating for me.
wish to thank Dr. Steinhart, who was so kind as to organize this
pilgrimage, and I should like to thank as well the Reverend Fathers
who have been so kind as to receive me. We should indeed have been
happy to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with you, but
God has asked this small sacrifice of us so that we may adore Him
in His Blessed Sacrament. We shall ask of the Most Blessed Virgin
Mary that we may adore Him with all our heart, with all our soul,
with all our strength - for if there is today a sentiment in danger
of disappearing from the hearts of men, it is indeed that of adoration.
Adore Our Lord Jesus Christ - that is what we shall do during this
hour of prayer, during this hour of adoration.
what shall we especially pray? We shall pray to the Most Blessed
Virgin Mary in this place of pilgrimage [Mariazell, the Austrian
national shrine] which you love and which is the heart of Austria,
in this place of pilgrimage where the eminent Cardinal Mindszenty
was recently buried, he who for us is an image of the Faith opposed
to all the enemies of the Church and to those who want to tear from
our hearts this Faith which is for us the promise of eternal life
and without which a Catholic Christian cannot live. Thus, we shall
also ask of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, through the intercession
of Cardinal Mindszenty, that she increase our Faith today in our
hearts and in our souls, that we may truly be among those who are
attached to the Creed of the Catholic Church and to the Catholic
MOST BLESSED VIRGIN MARY is first and above all the Mother of the
Eternal Priest.
Lord Jesus Christ was essentially Priest for eternity, Priest according
to the Order of Melchisedech. The whole life of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
His whole raison d'etre, was to offer the Sacrifice of the
Cross, to offer Himself on the Cross. This was the goal of the life
of Our Lord Jesus Christ. All His life Our Lord Jesus Christ was
haunted by this desire to ascend the Cross. How many times Our Lord
said, "My hour is not yet come." "My hour is coming."
"My hour is come." Why? Because the hour of Our Lord Jesus
Christ was the hour of His Sacrifice. When He ascended the Cross
and offered His Sacrifice, He Himself said, "All is consummated
- Consummatum est. " I have done My work. I have realized
My desire; I have accomplished that for which I came on earth -
to offer My sacrifice to God for the redemption of the sins of the
world. This is why Our Lord came, and this is what the Most Blessed
Virgin Mary teaches us. For the Virgin Mary is nothing other than
the mirror of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In her heart there is no other
name written, than the name of Jesus and of Jesus Crucified. The
Most Blessed Virgin Mary accompanied Him everywhere, even to the
Sacrifice of the Cross. She was present there as if to teach us
that she had no dearer desire than to be with Our Lord on Calvary
at the Sacrifice of the Cross.
then is what she teaches us today, as always, in a special manner:
to love the Sacrifice of the Cross; to see in Our Lord Jesus Christ
Our Lord Jesus Christ Crucified. And consequently, we, too, should
have this desire to participate in the Sacrifice of Our Lord, to
unite ourselves to the Sacrifice of the Cross, that we may truly
be Christians who offer themselves with Our Lord, who unite themselves
to Him in His Sacrifice as victims with Him. Such is the true Christian;
such is the Catholic.
seems to me that the Virgin Mary, whom we find close to the Cross,
Our Lady of Compassion, Our Lady Co-Redemptrix, invites each one
of us, each human creature born into this world - she takes us by
the hand, after a fashion, to lead us to Calvary, to give us to
participate in the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ. But how does
she give us to participate in the merits of her Divine Son for the
redemption of our sins? Through priests. Our Lord wished that we
participate in the Sacrifice of the Cross, that we receive His merits,
that our souls be washed of their sins through His Sacrifice continued
by His priests. When He said to them at the Last Supper, "Do
-Do this in memory of Me – Hoc facite in meam commemorationem"
- Our Lord did not say, Repeat the account of My Supper, recall
My sacrifice. He said "Facite" - perform this Sacrifice.
Reproduce this Sacrifice; continue My sacrifice. "Hoc facite
in meam commemorationem. "
this is the whole difference between the Catholic doctrine, which
has always been taught, and the Protestant doctrine. The Protestants
forget - they do not want to know that Our Lord said, "Hoc
facite" - Do this in memory of Me. They say only, "in
meam commemorationem." Remember Me. This they say who do
not continue the Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed Virgin Mary teaches us, with the Apostles, with Our Lord,
that we must go to the altar with the priest to offer the Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass, and that by the mouth of the priest Our Lord truly
returns on the altar as Victim present in the Holy Eucharist. It
is to the Apostles that He said, "Hoc facite. "
Thus we must ask of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary that we may have
a profound faith in the Holy Sacrifice of the altar.
CHURCH cannot do without the Sacrifice of the Altar. Look at the
beautiful churches, which have been constructed. A little while
ago - the Reverend Father Abbot was telling me that this church,
or at least the original church, dates back to the beginning of
the ninth century. How many generations have come to this Church
of Mariazell to pray and to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,
to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered by priests!
The altar is the life of the Church, the altar of the Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass.
should then have a profound faith in the action, which takes place
on the altar by the mouth of the priest. When the priest pronounces
the words of the Consecration, Our Lord, as on the Cross, returns
on the altar to offer His Sacrifice, which is continued for the
remission of our sins. This is the heart of the Mass; this is what
the Most Blessed Virgin Mary teaches us, this is what the Apostles
teach us.
learned in your catechism that the sacrifice of the altar is a true
sacrifice and that it differs from the sacrifice of the Cross only
because the sacrifice of the Cross was bloody and the sacrifice
of the Mass is unbloody. This is the only difference between the
sacrifice of the Cross and the sacrifice of the altar. That is why
we venerate the sacrifice of the altar. In Catholic doctrine, all
is there. All is gathered together in this small and this immense
reality of the Sacrifice of the Mass. For if there is a sacrifice,
the victim must be present. There is no sacrifice if there is no
victim present. Thus, Our Lord must be present because He offers
Himself in sacrifice. Let us not say, then, that the Sacrifice of
the Mass is simply a commemorative meal, a simple remembrance of
what Our Lord did at the Last Supper. All that is a blasphemy against
the doctrine of the Church, against that which Our Lord Jesus Christ
did and which He wanted to do.
that ruins the priesthood. The priest is not the president of a
commemorative meal; he is not the one who presides at a meal table.
The priest is he who performs the sacrifice. The priest is he who
causes to descend upon the altar the victim who is present, really
present on the altar. Thus you see the grandeur of the priest, who
has need of a character to offer the sacrifice, who needs to be
marked in his soul for all time - for all eternity - to offer this
sacrifice. You see that he must keep his virginity, observe celibacy,
because for him it is an extraordinary thing - to cause God to come
from heaven to earth, to cause Our Lord Jesus Christ to come in
the Holy Eucharist, by his words, by his lips. Thus one can understand
why the priest is a virgin, why the priest does not marry, why he
is a virgin like the Virgin Mary. This is why the priest is a celibate,
and not because he is too busy with the concerns of his apostolate.
WHOLE GRANDEUR of the Sacrifice of the Mass comes precisely from
the fact that it is a real sacrifice, like the sacrifice of Calvary.
This is what our ancestors always believed; this is what the Church
has always believed. We cannot vary from this faith by one iota.
If we vary, if we change the expressions, if we now say: we are
offering a Eucharist, we are having a eucharistic meal, we are having
a supper...then we are becoming Protestants. And we are losing the
whole reality of the Catholic Church, which reposes on this truth.
There is no more Catholic Church if there is no more Sacrifice of
the Mass. There is no more Catholic Church if there is no more priest
who has a character so that he may offer the Holy Sacrifice.
is why these beautiful churches were constructed. It was not for
a eucharistic meal. It is the Faith of the Catholic people, which
caused these magnificent basilicas to be constructed throughout
the world for the Sacrifice of Our Lord, which must be continued
on the altar, and for the presence of the Divine Victim in which
we participate in Holy Communion and with Whom we offer ourselves.
This is the reality of the Sacrifice of the Mass. This is the reality
of the priesthood.
is also why the Faithful owe it to themselves to have an immense
respect for the altar of God where the sacrifice is offered. And
they should have this respect for the Eucharist where the Body and
Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ are truly, really and substantially
present. We shall never be respectful enough; we shall never adore
the Holy Eucharist with a heart sufficiently respectful.
is why it has been the custom of the Church for countless centuries
to kneel down to receive the Holy Eucharist. It is prostrate on
the ground that we ought to receive the Holy Eucharist, and not
standing up. Are we the equals of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Is it not
He who will come on the clouds of heaven to judge us? When we see
Our Lord Jesus Christ, shall we not do like the Apostles of Thabor,
who prostrated themselves on the ground from fear and admiration
before the grandeur, the splendor of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Is it
not the great shame of our age that we lack respect towards Our
Lord Jesus Christ? Let us guard in our hearts and in our souls this
spirit of adoration, this spirit of profound respect for Him Who
created us, for Him Who redeemed us, for Him Who died on the Cross
for our sins.
DO WE OBSERVE in the ten years since the end of the Council? We
are obliged to observe, we cannot close our eyes, we must not close
our eyes to the sad realities of our age, when priests themselves
lose their faith in the priesthood, and no longer know what the
Sacrifice of the Mass is. When priests even abandon their priesthood.
The seminaries are empty. Why? Why are there no more vocations?
Because men no longer know what the Sacrifice of the Mass is. Consequently,
they can no longer define the priest. When the Sacrifice of the
Mass is well defined, when it is known, when it is accepted as the
Church has always taught, then vocations are numerous.
have the evidence in my own seminary. I do nothing other than reaffirm
the truths, which the Church has always affirmed. So these young
men are attracted by the altar, by the Sacrifice of the Mass. What
an extraordinary grace for a young man to ascend to the altar as
the minister of Our Lord, to be another Christ, to offer the same
sacrifice that Our Lord offered! There is nothing more beautiful,
nothing more grand here below. Then it is worth the trouble to ascend
to the altar, to abandon one's family, to leave the world to ascend
to the altar. But if all that no longer exists, there is no more
reason for vocations. And that is why the seminaries are empty.
Let there be a return to the true notions of the Faith and there
will be vocations; but if men abandon these notions of the Faith,
if they continue in the same line as the Church in the last ten
years, soon all the seminaries will be up for sale and all the religious
congregations will disappear.
what is the grandeur and the beauty of the religious, man or woman?
It is to offer himself or herself as a victim at the altar with
Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the life of the religious. If they
no longer have this intention - "I offer myself publicly in
the Church as victim with Our Lord; my whole life is offered with
Our Lord" - then the religious life has no more sense. And
that is why there are not more religious vocations. Let there be
a return to this spirit of victim, of sacrifice and of union with
Our Lord Jesus Christ at the altar, and then the vocations will
flourish once again and will become numerous. There are vocations,
the young desire to devote themselves - and they are as numerous
in our age as they have been in every other. But let them be given
true things, real things, that which the Church has always given,
and then vocations will flourish once again.
how much I should like you to understand my dear brethren, why our
seminary at Econe is filled with vocations, why these young men
come to us - to continue the Catholic Church and for no other motive.
And not to become Protestants! We refuse to become Protestants,
to be modernists, to be progressives in the degree that these things
are contrary to our Catholic truth, in the degree that these things
have been condemned by the Popes for centuries and centuries. We
refuse them! We want to remain Catholic. We want Catholic seminaries
and Catholic priests - nothing else! Now, they want to forbid us
to form Catholic priests, to have Catholic seminaries. These young
men, if I send them to other seminaries, risk losing their Faith,
and not only the Faith, but their morals as well. So I maintain
a deep faith in Divine Providence. God cannot abandon His Church.
Lord wants Catholic priests as He Himself made them. The Pope cannot
not want Catholic priests. The Church cannot not want
Catholic priests. That is why I am persuaded that we remain profoundly
united to our Holy Father the Pope and to the Church. That which
the Church has desired for twenty centuries the Pope cannot not
desire. It is impossible. Thus it is altogether false to say
that we risk becoming a sect or falling into schism. Far from it.
None are more united than we to our Holy Father and to the Catholic
ASK THE MOST BLESSED VIRGIN MARY then, to guard the Catholic priesthood
and to grant that it may continue. We shall ask that numerous graces
of vocations and of attachment to the Church be given to those young
men who desire to become priests. We shall pray in the course of
this Rosary for the Church, for our Holy Father the Pope; that the
seminaries may once again become true houses of formation of Catholic
priests; that men and women religious may find once again the way
of the truth; and that religious congregations may flourish anew
and return to the Faith of Tradition, the Faith which has been taught
for twenty centuries.
is what we shall ask of the Most Blessed Virgin during the course
of this prayer, for you need priests, many priests, holy priests.
This is certainly what you desire, and what we shall pray for today,
gathered around Our Lady of Mariazell. May God grant us the grace
ever to have priests, holy priests.
the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
by Douglas Laudenschlager