Friends and Benefactors,
have without doubt heard of the decease of our dear Father Barrielle
in the early hours of the first day of March. St.
Joseph, for whom he had great devotion, came
to take him. He was in his 86th year. He held a large place in the
hearts of all the members of the Fraternity, and so his parting
has left us all orphans. But his earthly remains are at Ecône and
we are certain that he will obtain many graces for all those who
continue to ask his assistance. We recommend to your prayers the
soul of this valiant servant of God.
there anything new concerning relations with Rome?"
This question has been continually put to me in the course of my
think one can say in fact that an important situation has arrived,
all the more important because it concerns not only ourselves but
also the priests of Campos
in Brazil.
It is the first time since the talks with Rome
that the Vatican
has spoken of leaving priests the freedom of celebrating the Mass
as it was before the Council. Until the present time, without affirming
that the Mass of St. Pius V was forbidden, Rome wanted to oblige
us to adopt the new Mass, affirming ‑ as Cardinal Baggio did
to the priests of the diocese of Campos ‑ that it was impossible
to return to the old Mass and therefore the new Mass had to be adopted
and the old one discontinued.
have been accused of disobedience, and dividing the Church. Now,
not only the priests of Campos but also the Fraternity, and even
the Universal Church, would be given the freedom to celebrate the
old Mass provided that we recognize the new Mass as being legitimate
and Catholic, and that we do not deter the faithful from participation.
is obviously a new attitude, much more conciliatory, but with an
added condition which the priests of the diocese of Campos
have done well to reject. If we have to consider the new Mass as
having the same titles as the old, why have we not adopted it and
why continue to celebrate the old Mass? The reasons which have made
us suffer a hard and unjust persecution would therefore be futile!
A sentimental attachment to the past!…We, on the other hand, do
not cease to affirm: the new Mass has been made in collaboration
with the Protestants in order to please them; it still has a Protestant
definition and produces Protestants. These reasons are more than
sufficient for not giving it the titles reserved to the Catholic
Mass of all time in its various rites.
remains for us to persevere in prayer so that this condition may
be suppressed, and that as Rome
calls for a return to the catechism of the Council of Trent, so
may She also encourage the return to the Mass of the Council of
Trent. This is the only way to stop the destruction of the Church
and the Catholic Faith.
second question is now being put to us: "What do you think of the
new Canon Law?"
are unfortunately obliged to answer that despite certain useful
modifications, the spirit which has presided over this general reform
is the same as that which inspired the changing of liturgical books,
catechisms, and the Bible. The Apostolic Constitution introducing
the new Canon Law explicitly says on page xi of the Vatican
edition: "The work, namely the Code, is in perfect accord with the
nature of the Church, especially as has been proposed by the II
Vatican Council. Moreover, this new Code can be conceived as an
effort to expose in canonical language this doctrine, i.e., conciliar
Ecclesiology. The elements of this Ecclesiology are the following:
Church = people of God; hierarchical authority = collegial service;
Church = communion; and lastly the Church with Her duty to ecumenism.
one of these notions is ambiguous and will allow Protestant and
Modernist errors to inspire from now on the legislation of the Church.
It is the authority of the Pope and of the Bishops which is going
to suffer; the distinction between the clergy and the laity will
also diminish; the absolute and necessary character of the Catholic
will also be extenuated to the profit of heresy and schism; and
the fundamental realities of sin and grace will be worn down.
are all dangerous for the doctrine of the Church and the salvation
of souls.
us pray that this new Code will never come into force.
the last letter, six young deacons have been ordained priests and
fifty‑five young men have entered our four seminaries. South
America is making considerable progress, hence the necessity
of pursuing the construction of the seminary.
are counting on thirteen new young priests for 29th June, without
counting those not of the Fraternity. However, twice or even three
times as many would have to be ordained in order to answer all the
God come to our help and bless you through the intercession of the
Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph.
Marcel Lefebvre
7 March 1983
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109