the Occasion of the Reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation
20 April 1986
Farmingville, Long Island, New York
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
My dear children,
my dear brethren, we must thank God today because the reception
of the Sacrament of Confirmation is a very great grace for these
children and also a grace for all who assist at the ceremony of
Confirmation. My dear children, you must know that this sacrament
has the name of Confirmation - why Confirmation? Because this sacrament
confirms the grace you received in the Sacrament of Baptism; the
same Spirit you received by the Sacrament of Baptism, the Holy Ghost
? but now you receive all the gifts of the Holy Ghost. And why did
Jesus Christ institute this Sacrament of Confirmation? Because we
need many assists, many graces, from the Holy Ghost to remain a
true Catholic, to remain a true Christian.
When you were
a baby and your sponsor brought you to the priest to receive the
Sacrament of Baptism you were not conscious that you received the
grace of baptism because you were a baby. Now you know that you
shall receive the grace of the Sacrament of Confirmation, and you
must repeat the same words that your sponsor said when you received
Baptism. And what did they say, the sponsor in your name, when the
priest asked, "Do you believe in God, the Creator?" The
sponsor said, "I believe." "Do you believe in Jesus
Christ, our Savior?" and they answered, "We believe."
"Do you believe in the Holy Ghost and in the Catholic Church?"
and they said, "Yes, we believe." And he also asked, "Do
you renounce Satan?" "Yes, we renounce Satan." "Do
you renounce all scandal of Satan in the world?" and they said,
"Yes we do renounce." But now you must say, "I believe
in God, I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in the Holy Ghost,
I renounce Satan." That is very important and so when you receive
the Sacrament of Confirmation from the Bishop, you receive especially
the Gift of Fortitude ? to fight, to fight against Satan, to fight
against the devil. Devils are now everywhere in the world and they
do everything possible to lead us into mortal sin, because they
know that if we are under the influence of Satan, they can lead
us to hell. That is their work ? the work of Satan ? and he has
much power, especially now, because you know that many priests now
don't say the Mass; priests are fewer and fewer; they don't say
the Mass and they don't pray. Many faithful abandon the Church;
no more devotion to God, no more prayers and so the devil can now
do many things that before he was not capable of doing because,
in the past, there were many priests, many prayers, many sisters,
many monasteries, many churches.
When the Bishop
gives you the Sacrament he puts his hand on your head and signs
your forehead with the Sign of the Cross, because that is our flag,
the flag of the Christian. The flag of the Catholic is the Cross.
So you receive the Sign of the Cross on your forehead with holy
oil, and the Bishop says the words of Confirmation. It is at this
time that you receive the grace of the Sacrament. When you return
to your place you can say, "I have received the grace of the
Sacrament of Confirmation. Now I am strong, strong to fight; now
I am a soldier, a soldier of Jesus Christ."
To remain a
Christian, to remain Catholic, is very, very important. You can
ask your parents, ask men who are here, if it is easy to remain
Christian, to live as a Christian. It's not so easy to keep all
the Commandments of God, to remain obedient to God. It's not easy;
it is very difficult, and we need the grace of God to fight against
the devil.
I hope that
with the prayers of your parents, of your friends, of the priests
and seminarians who are here today, that you shall receive many
graces, by the intercession of the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin
Mary, your Mother. I hope that you have a Rosary in your pocket,
and that you say, many times, "Hail Mary," to ask her
for fortitude.
My dear brethren,
I take this occasion to speak to you to encourage you to be more
Christian, more Catholic ? strong Catholics, strong Christians.
You know that the Church now has a very tragic crisis. The situation
in the Church is very sad ? sad due to the priests who have abandoned
their priesthood; sad due to the bishops who have given a bad catechism
to the children so that they no longer have the true Catholic Faith;
sad due to the bishops who promote false ecumenism, who invite Protestants
into their churches and cathedrals. That is a great scandal! It
is impossible to unite error and truth, light with darkness, Satan
with God ? but they do that when they invite all other religions.
The bishops invite false religions into the Catholic Church with
Jesus Christ Who is true God; it is a scandal! Now, we have heard
that in Rome, they have done the same thing ? even the Pope was,
last Sunday, in a synagogue! This is a scandal. What is the synagogue?
Who are these Jews in the synagogue? They are the enemies of Jesus
Christ, because they are the successors of the Jews who refused
Jesus Christ, who crucified Jesus Christ. They refused Him and said,
"He is not our Savior; He is not our God," and they crucified
Him. It is the same Jews, and they say the same thing; they refuse
Jesus Christ. They are against Jesus Christ and don't recognize
Him as the Messiah. Never! How is it possible to pray with these
men who refuse Jesus Christ. They say that Jesus Christ is not God.
We always pray in the name of Jesus Christ, always; our prayers
end with "through Jesus Christ our Lord . . ." Always,
Catholic prayer is through Jesus Christ because we know that He
is God, our Savior, and without Jesus Christ we cannot go to heaven.
Prayers without Jesus Christ have no fruit, and so it is incredible
that the man who is in the seat of Saint Peter goes to the synagogue
to pray with the Jews who refuse Jesus Christ. It is incredible!
We must pray
during this crisis in the Church and we must remain Catholic. We
must remain faithful to Jesus Christ, we must remain disciples of
Christ. It is impossible to refuse Him for Jesus Christ is our God.
He shall be our Judge when He comes in the clouds to judge all humanity.
Nobody can say, "Oh, You are not my Judge, You are not my God,"
for that is impossible. There is only one God, Jesus Christ, with
His Father, and the Holy Ghost ? the Blessed Trinity. It is impossible
to change that. He shall be our Judge. And so we must remain faithful
to tradition, to the true faith, to the true creed.
When the children
receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, they express their faith;
when they say the Creed, the Our Father, and the Hail Mary, they
express their faith. We will all say these same prayers with great
devotion: "I believe in God, my Creator, my Redemptor, my Savior.
I believe in Jesus Christ, my God. I believe in the Holy Ghost,
my God." That is the belief of Catholics and we cannot pray
to another God, we cannot pray to another divinity; it is impossible.
The times are
very sad, very tragic but in this time we have received this grace
from God, we are elected by God, you are elected by God, to remain
Catholic, to continue the Catholic Church, to be the witness of
the Catholic Faith. Where many people have abandoned the Catholic
Faith, you have received His grace to remain Catholic and to give
the Faith to your children. As St. Paul says, "I give the faith
I received myself," and we must say the same thing. I give
the same Faith that I received, and you must say the same thing
to your children; it is very important to save your soul. And so
we must pray and we must be united ? no divisions ? we must be united
in the same Faith, the same Creed, the same belief, in the same
law, the same charity to our God and to our neighbor. Unity gives
fortitude. We are more strong if we are united. It is the time for
holy Christians! We must thank God because these are occasions for
us to remain Catholic, even when we see the destruction of the Church
? the "auto?destruction" of the Church, as Pope Paul VI
said. And this auto?destruction continues, worsens, worsens. Faced
with this situation we must ask God to give us many graces. We need
many graces to remain Catholic. Do not follow the Christians who
have abandoned their faith and become Protestant, or have become
I hope that
by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God,
that we remain Catholic. That is the First Commandment of God ?
to believe that Jesus Christ is God, is the Son of God. In the whole
of Scripture we can see at each page that faith is necessary, and
that Jesus Christ Himself said that we must believe that Jesus Christ
is the Son of God. "If you believe you shall be saved; if you
do not believe you shall be condemned." That is what Jesus
Christ Himself said. And so we can accept nothing which is contrary
to the divinity of Jesus Christ ? it is impossible. We must pray
to the Blessed Virgin Mary today and ask her to give to these children
the many graces necessary to remain true Catholics, true Christians.
In the Name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109