Given on the
Feast of Christ the King
October 29,1978
the Occasion of the Ordination of 28
In the name
of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
My dear friends
and my dear brethren:
As each year,
on this Feast of Christ the King, we have the joy of conferring
ordination to the diaconate on some of the seminarians, and this
year this joy is particularly great because by the grace of God
they are numerous, and in addition there are the subdeacons who
have come from Bedoin and also those of the Fraternity of the Transfiguration.
We are very happy to see to it that the diaconate, which bears so
many graces for those who are going to receive it, may always extend
itself for the greater good of souls.
My dear friends:
In a few moments you are therefore going to receive Spiritum
Sanctum ad robur, the Holy Ghost with the gift of fortitude
in particular. You are going to receive the Holy Ghost in order
to fulfill your office; that is what the bishop is going to say
in the middle of the preface by the sacramental formula. A character
more profound and still more significant of Holy Orders is going
to mark your souls; before God, before the Church, before all of
the holy angels, before the entire celestial court you shall be
henceforth deacons for eternity! And if one judges according to
the monitions which are give by the bishop to the (sub) deacons
before conferring upon them the diaconate, one sees that this function
is very important.
The function
of the deacon, says the monition, is to serve at the altar, to baptise
and to preach: Servire ad altare, baptizare et praedicare.
To serve at
the altar; but to serve at the altar in a manner which is closely
related to that of the priest. Henceforth, the deacon will be able
to carry the sacred vessels which contain the Blessed Sacrament.
Henceforth, even though it be only in an extraordinary manner, he
will be able to distribute the Holy Eucharist. He approaches therefore
in a very close manner these holy mysteries, these great mysteries
of our holy religion: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Holy Eucharist-the
great sacrament in the radiance of which the priest must live and
in the radiance of which you, my dear friends, must live in an intensified
To serve at
the altar, to baptise and to preach. The Church, in the monition
which she demands the bishop to pronounce before the ordination,
gives you Saint Stephen as an example, an admirable example. This
deacon, it is said in the Acts of the Apostles, had been chosen
because he was filled with the grace of the Holy Ghost— plenus
gratia et Spiritus Sanctus. And a bit further in these same
Acts of the Apostles— Plenus gratia et fortitudine. If there
is an example which you must follow, an example and a model, it
is certainly this Saint Stephen, since he is given to you particularly
by the Church. Indeed, Saint Stephen, filled with the grace of the
Holy Ghost, preached. The Acts of the Apostles show in a striking
manner, in a manifest manner to what point the listeners of his
preaching were stupefied—and they saw him as an angel from heaven.
He was radiating the splendor of eternity and in spite of this,
his judges did not wish to accept his words and they did not wish
to receive his preaching. Thus, in terminating his objurgations,
Saint Stephen, with force, made them understand that they were no
different from the others who had preceded them and who had killed
the prophets. "The prophets who announced the coming of the
Just, your fathers have killed; and you are similar to them for
you have killed the Just Himself." And upon hearing these words
of St. Stephen the Acts of the Apostles say that their rage was
at its height and that "they gnashed their teeth"— these
are the terms of Sacred Scripture itself—and "they rushed upon
Saint Stephen in order to stone him."
Thus, my dear
friends, I believe this is an admirable example for you today, in
particular, on the Feast of Christ the King. You must have this
contemplation, this vision in a certain sense, of the royalty of
Our Lord Jesus Christ, as St. Stephen saw it in heaven. Our Lord
present in heaven, the King of Heaven and not only the King of Heaven
but, as well, King of the Earth. This is why St. Stephen did not
fear to speak with force of the royalty of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
and of the duty to obey Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is what the
Scribes and the Pharisees, who had Our Lord put to death, refused
and this is why they stoned Saint Stephen, indeed you also with
the grace of God are going to become priests and exercise in a manner
even more complete during your priesthood, your function of deacon.
But already before receiving the priesthood you will be able to
preach when the occasion presents itself and you must prepare yourself
for this.
In this preaching,
you will preach the royalty of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for it is
not of other things that the priest has to preach.
You will preach
this royalty first of all by prayer, through the example of piety,
by the love of the altar, and by the love of the Holy Sacrifice
to which you will henceforth be attached forever. You will manifest
this attachment to the sacrifice of Our Lord by respect for sacred
things, in order to encourage the faithful to respect them also,
and to understand that these great mysteries are the source of our
sanctification. You will pray therefore for it is through prayer
and sacrifice that Our Lord saved the world, and you will not save
it other than by prayer and your sacrifice. You will preach Our
Lord Jesus Christ and His royalty by the example of your virtue,
by your priestly dress, by your attitude, by your goodness, by your
charity, by your zeal, in your conversations on all the occasions
that you will have to approach the faithful and unbelievers; you
will preach Our Lord Jesus Christ. And God knows that today the
world has need of this preaching! St. Francis of Assisi in taking
Brother Leo with him in the streets of Assisi said to him, "Let
us go preach Our Lord Jesus Christ," and Brother Leo accompanied
him. After having traversed the streets of Assisi, St. Francis,
not having pronounced a word, was asked by Brother Leo, "But
how have we preached Our Lord Jesus Christ?" "By our example
and by our habit we have preached Our Lord Jesus Christ," and
the world has need of this example, and the world has need of this
You will also
preach Our Lord Jesus Christ by your words. We must establish His
reign for He has commanded that we do so. Our Lord, in sending the
seventy-two disciples to preach the Gospel did not speak of other
things. Go! Preach the reign of God! The reign of God — Regnum
Dei. This reign of God is HIS reign for He is God. He is Our
God. We have no other God but Our Lord Jesus Christ! It is therefore
the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ which His disciples preached.
It is also the reign of God that Our Lord preached during the forty
days which followed His Resurrection before His Ascension; it is
the Gospel which says so: "He conversed with the Apostles of
the reign of God." It is thus the reign of God which preoccupied
Our Lord; definitively His own reign. Thus, as Our Lord was preoccupied
with this reign we are also, who are His disciples. We must always
be preoccupied with the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ: the reign
of Our Lord Jesus Christ for ourselves, the reign of Our Lord Jesus
Christ for individuals, for persons, the reign of Our Lord Jesus
Christ for families, the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ in societies.
But you will
not forget that opposed to the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ there
is the reign of Satan. The reign of Satan has never perhaps been
more extensive and penetrated everywhere into all domains as it
has today. It surrounds us on all sides.What is the reign of Satan?
The reign of Satan is the reign of scandal but scandal understood
in its true sense understood in the sense of that which leads us
to sin and, as a consequence, which leads us to HELL. That is scandal!
Scandal is that which leads to sin, that which draws one into sin
and indeed the reign of scandal is to be found in this world. Much
is scandal around us, much is contrary to the law of God. Henceforth,
in society, even the commandments of God are not only ignored but
they are publicly and officially attacked. Laws are passed which
are contrary to the law of God. All of this is legalized, officialized;
the magistrates, the doctors are obliged to do some things which
are contrary to the law of God, which are unjust, which are horrible,
abominable! All of this in a time when one believes that our civilization
has never been as great or as beautiful! On the contrary! This civilization
bears the mark of SATAN and it bears the mark of HELL!
You will denounce
these scandals in order to prevent them from leading souls to hell.
You will not be afraid to denounce all that which drags souk into
In order to
have this courage and this force, you will ask these graces particularly
of the Blessed Virgin Mary. You know, my dear friends, Mary is our
Mediatrix Mother. She is the Mediatrix of all graces. The grace
which you are going to receive in just a few moments by the imposition
of the hand of the bishop and by the sacramental words which are
going to be pronounced over you, this grace of the Holy Ghost is
going to be given to you by the intercession of our good mother
in heaven. Ask Mary. Ask her—your mother, to give you this grace
in abundance that you may truly be deacons according to her heart,
that later on you may be priests according to her heart as was her
Divine Son. She will aid you to be ape sties of the Kingdom of Our
Lord and of the Reign of God.
In the name
of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
by Eugene R. Berry
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109
Vol. I, No.
12, December 1978