Sermon delivered by His Grace,
Marcel Lefebvre
on Sunday, May 2,1976
before an association of Catholic families
in Southern France
In the name
of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
My dear brethren:
You have just
heard the Gospel of the Second Sunday after Easter, which is the
Gospel of the Good Shepherd. And indeed, if there is a problem which
torments us today, it is in asking ourselves if we really still
have good shepherds. For what, in fact, is a good shepherd, if not
he who walks before his sheep, before his lambs, and who leads them
there where they can find good food? Now Our Lord says that He is
the Good Shepherd. He is the Good Shepherd because it is He Who
gives true nourishment to our intellects, to our wills, to our hearts:
the nourishment of truth, the nourishment of charity, the nourishment
of the desire to sanctify ourselves. This is the nourishment that
Our Lord Jesus Christ came to bring us.
He Himself told
us that He is the Way. the Truth, and the Life. He is the Way: He
walks on the way to draw us after Him, like the Good Shepherd. He
is the Truth: He enlightens our intellects to show us where we are
going and what God promises us if we follow Him. And finally, He
is the Life: for He truly gives us the food of life, in giving us
Himself, particularly in the Holy Eucharist. This is what the Good
Shepherd is.
Now Our Lord
Himself warned us ... He took the trouble to warn us: There are
also mercenaries. What, then, are these mercenaries? These mercenaries
are those who assume power over the flock so as to lead it to death.
Because at the least danger, these mercenaries flee and leave the
flock abandoned. And the wolf comes and disperses the flock. Our
Lord thus warned us that there would be times when the flock would
be abandoned.. . abandoned because those who were supposed to lead
it lost their bearings or at least did not want to fulfill the role
of the true shepherd, and considering themselves as mere mercenaries,
abandoned the flock.
Do we not have
the impression today that the flock which is the Church, which is
nothing other than the Church, is somewhat abandoned? Confusion
reigns everywhere—anguish, anxiety, danger. It seems to us, in fact,
that the flock could be attacked from any side by those who wish
its destruction. And is it not he who, here below, should be the
Shepherd after Our Lord Jesus Christ, the first among shepherds,
our Holy Father the Pope, who himself has spoken of auto-demolition,
of auto-destruction, of the smoke of Satan inside the flock, inside
the Church? It is indeed nothing else. He too announced in a way
that the Church would be invaded, besieged by satanic forces which
would destroy her.
SO in the face
of this danger which hems us in, more or less, and which threatens
us every day, what should we do? What does the man do who has the
instinct of preserving his life? He defends himself against the
powers that want to destroy in him above all supernatural life,
the life of God in him, the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. That
is why you are, I should say, as a remnant of this flock which is
attacked, which is abandoned, which is dispersed; why you have found
a priest who is a shepherd, who wants to give you the truth that
Our Lord Jesus Christ has always taught us, that the Church has
always taught; who really wants to give you the grace of Our Lord,
which is desired for us and transmitted to us by Our Lord, by the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, by the Sacraments, by devotion to the
Most Blessed Virgin. So you group yourselves around him. And that
is what thousands upon thousands of Catholics are doing throughout
the world. They group themselves around a shepherd whom they feel
to be a true shepherd.
And this is
very important because we have need of the supernatural life which
God came to give us. God did not come to make us the sheep of His
flock so that He could abandon us later. This is not possible. No
doubt He foresaw extraordinary times, times in which the Church
would seem eclipsed—the time of the great apostasy. Could we not
be in a period of preparation for this great apostasy, when no one
will believe in God any longer, when no one will believe in Our
Lord Jesus Christ any longer, or in His divinity ; when men will
look only to one another.
Now that is
indeed what is happening today. They would like in a way to separate
us from God, to separate us from Our Lord Jesus Christ; to sever
us from our roots, from the sources of life, from the sources of
life which are given by Our Lord: Our Lord instituted them Himself.
We ourselves do not have the right to choose the sources of our
life. These sources Our Lord has given to us.
The principal
one is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. He gave Himself, He gave
His Blood, to sanctify the earth. His Blood was poured forth on
this earth to sanctify it. He did not only want to do it a single
time; He wanted it to continue on our altars, and that is why He
made priests. Priests have no other role. It is their principal
role, their fundamental role, their essential role to ascend to
the altar to offer the Holy Sacrifice of Our Lord and to give you
life—to you, the faithful, to you the sheep, the lambs of the flock—to
give Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is our Sanctifier, Who is our Saviour,
Who is our Salvation.
And let us firmly
believe that there is no other flock. They would like to make us
believe today that all religions save, that there are thus several
shepherds ant that there would then be several flocks. No. There
are not several shepherds; there are not several flocks. There is
only one—one shepherd and one flock. It is this that Our Lord tells
us in the Holy Gospel. Not only is there but one flock and one shepherd,
but all others must come, Our Lord says, to join this flock. Thus
it is necessary that they convert and that they separate themselves
from those shepherds who are not at all such, from those shepherds
who lead them to poisoned pastures which will bring them only death.
OUR Lord wants
there to be only one flock and one shepherd. And that the world
does not want. The world does not accept the royalty of Our Lord
Jesus Christ. The world does not accept that we have only one Saviour;
that there is only one way of salvation, which is the Cross—the
Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ; that there is only one Sacrifice
of the Mass, the Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the way of our
salvation; that there are only the seven Sacraments designated by
Our Lord Himself, instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, which
are the way to our salvation. The world wants none of this.
The world wants
liberty. The world wants to save itself as it pleases. The world
wants to give itself up to all ideologies, to all its desires; it
wants no more neither of the Law of Our Lord Jesus Christ nor of
His truth. And then we are to believe that people who refuse Our
Lord Jesus Christ can be saved! Our Lord Jesus Christ said Himself:
"No one can be saved if he does not pass by Me. To go to the
Father, I am the Way." There is no other way. And Saint Peter
said after the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ: There is no
salvation outside of the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ-no salvation.
There is no salvation outside of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
So we must keep
the faith: faith in the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This
is very important and this is why we must follow our Shepherd, who
is Our Lord Jesus Christ. And if it should happen that those who
are intermediaries between the Shepherd, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
and ourselves want to turn us away from Our Lord Jesus Christ, then
we must say no. We shall not accept it. We want to follow Our Lord.
We do not want to become protestants, of those who doubt the divinity
of Our Lord. We do not want to be of those who doubt the Resurrection
of Our Lord. We do not want to be of those who doubt the Real Presence
of Our Lord with His Body, His Blood, His Soul and His Divinity
in the Holy Eucharist. We do not want this!
"But now
theological research, but now the discoveries of science give us
to understand that those things are things of the past." No!
We shall never accept such things! We want to be faithful to Our
Lord Jesus Christ! We want to follow Him wherever He may lead us
and we want to keep His teachings. This is what we must take as
our resolution, no matter who may seek to contradict us.
For this much
is certain: If we remain faithful to our Creed; if we remain faithful
to our catechism— to our old catechism of the past, which flowed
from the Catechism of the Council of Trent, that Council which made
such a magnificent catechism, the summary of the whole Catholic
Faith—if we remain faithful to this catechism; if we remain faithful
to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as the Church has always celebrated
it, so as to be sure that Our Lord Jesus Christ is present on our
holy altars and that in the Holy Eucharist we are receiving the
Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ; if we remain faithful to
the Sacraments and to devotion to the Most Blessed Virgin, then
we are sure of being in the right. We are sure of following the
true shepherd, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
And if any shepherd—whoever
he may be, whatever may be his authority on this earth—wants to
turn us away from these truths, we must say no! Impossible! We cannot
turn away from Our Lord Jesus Christ. And this should be for us
an absolute resolution. Because that is not possible; we cannot
be wrong.
We should likewise
be mistrustful sometimes of those persons, or of those shepherds
extraordinary, I should call them, or of those other extraordinary
messengers, men and women, who come to tell us, Heaven says, Heaven
wants, Heaven has spoken to them, Heaven has given them particular
revelations. No doubt all this is possible—Our Lord can manifest
Himself to souls, as He did to Saint Francis of Assisi when Saint
Francis received the stigmata of Our Lord. He did so to Saint Catherine
of Siena who also received the stigmata of Our Lord. The Most Blessed
Virgin has appeared numerous times in the course of the history
of the Church to encourage the faithful, and especially those who
do not believe return to the faith.
But today we
must be very prudent. The devil is powerful; the devil seems unchained
today. It seems that God has given him all power to do as he wishes
on earth. And thus we risk finding ourselves in touch with persons
who believe that they are in communication with Heaven and who,
in fact, are being deceived by the devil himself.
THERE are things
in which we cannot go wrong. So why not adhere to those things which
Our Lord gave us for all time? Those will be sure until the end
of time. But if we really believe, in all sincerity, after having
carefully examined things as well as we can in our conscience, and
after having asked the advice of priests who are capable of giving
us sound information on the visions, on the messages, on the revelations
being made these days . . . perhaps if we really feel that we are
converted, that all that is doing us good, that these contacts are
doing us good, that these prayers encourage us, fine.
But we must
be very prudent. Because I could cite you actual cases of persons
who believed for a long time that they were in communication with
God and who were simply in communication with the devil. So we must
be very careful. Are we not in those times of which Our Lord said:
"A day shall come when men will say to you, 'Christ is here,
Christ is there, Christ is in the country, Christ is in the mountains.'
"? "Do not go," Our Lord said, "Do not go."
Are we not in these latter times when the devil employs every means
to disperse us, to tear us apart, to divide us, so as to reduce
the flock to nothing?
In these critical
moments, we must remain with that which is surest. We must avoid
doubtful things.
We must make
our stand on things that are certain, absolutely certain, without
a thousandth per cent of doubt: our Creed, the Holy Sacrifice of
the Mass, the Sacraments, devotion to the Most Blessed Virgin. We
cannot go wrong there. If we are firmly attached to these things
we can work out our salvation. Our Lord willed these things for
our salvation. So let us adhere to these things with all our heart.
Let us adore
Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Let us have respect
for Our Lord, our God, Our Saviour, our Creator: for Him Who is
everything for us. How should we dare to present ourselves standing
before Him Who will be our Judge at the end of time? Let us kneel
before Our Lord with profound devotion. Let us receive Him in our
hearts as the greatest treasure that we can have here below. Let
us thank God for coming into our poor bodies, into our poor souls,
sinners that we are. May God deign to reside in us for some time
in His Body and in His Blood—this is the most beautiful, the grandest
thing that God could do. And along with this respect for Our Lord
Jesus Christ, let us love Him with our whole heart. Let us serve
Him. Let us consider Him truly as our Shepherd.
Let us ask this
of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary— of the Most Blessed Virgin who
had only one name on her lips, only one name in her heart, that
of her son, Jesus. Let it be for us as it was for her. Let us have
one love only here below, one genuine love, in which we love all
other creatures—but all other creatures should bring us to this
love and not remove us from it. Let us love Our Lord Jesus Christ
with our whole heart, with our whole soul, with our whole strength.
In the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Regina Coeli House
2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109
Vol. I,
No. 11, November 1978