Guérard des Lauriers was a Dominican theologian asked
by Anchbishop Lefevre to be one of the professors at Ecône
in the early 70’s. In the mid-70’s, he developed his theory
distinguishing between “a material pope and a formal pope.”
Archbishop Lefebvre strictly forbade him to teach this theory.
In a retreat which he preached to the seminarians at Ecône
(Sept., 1977) he defied the Archbishop and taught it anyway.
Archbishop Lefebvre expelled him as a professor at Ecône.
1981, he was dubiously consecrated "bishop" by
the aging Bishop Ngo Di Thuc in a secret ceremony, and has
since died.
Olivier De Blignières and Fr. Bernard
Lucien were seminarians at Ecône in the early
de Blignières left the Society of Saint Pius X as a seminarian
and was ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1977 under the
condition of remaining under obedience to Dom Gérard (of
Le Barroux), who at the time was both fully traditional
and supportive of the Society of Saint Pius X. But he later
violated this condition, and in 1979 started a religious
community on his own, modeled after the Dominican life.
This community was openly sedevacantist from the beginning.
For that reason, Archbishop Lefebvre always refused to ordain
the members of that community, even though it celebrated
the Latin Mass.
de Blignières pretended to "prove" that the Pope
was not Pope because of the "contradiction" between
the teachings of Vatican II (especially on the issue of
religious liberty) and the encyclical Quanta Cura
of Pope Pius IX. In 1987, Fr. de Blignières made a flip-flop,
and announced that there was no direct contradiction between
the two and therefore the Pope was Pope, that one was not
entitled to resist him, and Archbishop Lefebvre should not
perform the consecrations of bishops (1988).
the issuance of the motu proprio Ecclesia Dei following
upon those consecrations, Fr. de Blignières sought to put
himself under the Ecclesia Dei commission. His community
was officially recognized under the name of the Society
of St. Vincent Ferrer. Numbering about a dozen members (1979)
when Fr. de Blignières started his group, they have not
grown either before or after his flip-flop. Fr. de Blignières
has published an essay defending the Religious Liberty of
Vatican II.
Lucien was ordained in 1978 in the Society of Saint Pius
X but in 1979 he was forced to quit the Society because
of his sedevacantism, and became "vagus"
[a wandering priest]. He too made a flip-flop a few years
after Fr. De, and is now a member of the Priests of Christ
the King of Mgr. Wach, essentially an "Indult"
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Kansas City, MO 64109
translated from the Italian
Fr. Du Chalard
Via Madonna degli Angeli, 14
Italia 00049 Velletri (Roma)