Communities for Men
Chapter 7:
Our community
has chosen the name of “The Society of the Transfiguration”.
At the outset we find here one of our goals “the mystery of Thabor”
– venerated in both the Eastern and Western Traditions – expressing
our concern to be witnesses and artisans in unity, in perfect fidelity
to Rome, yet especially in the Orthodox world.
Society of the Transfiguration is a family whose members, in common
accord, have bound themselves under total dependency on Divine Grace,
and total fidelity to Rome, for the realization of a common work,
exteriorly and interiorly: that of Christian unity.

Founder Fr Lecareux surrounded with two of his priests
In this we
continue the work undertaken before the Second World War by Archbishop
Vladimir Ghika. Born Orthodox in Rumania, Prince Ghika converted
in 1902. He was ordained priest in 1923, and Pope Pius XI accorded
to him the privilege of celebrating in both the Latin and the Oriental
rites. In 1925, he acquired the former Cistercian Abbey of Aube
in order to found the Society of St. John, open to all apostolates,
and having for its first objective charity and unity in all aspects.
Unfortunately, in 1931, the community overwhelmed by financial difficulties,
had to sell Aube, and the members were dispersed. Archbishop Ghika
died in 1954, having been imprisoned by the Communists when he returned
in Rumania.
The Society
of Transfiguration, consciously and deliberately, does not give
itself a pre-established program of apostolate, and this to remain
available to all the needs necessitated by the increase of God’s
Kingdom. This accessibility in spirit will in itself be the Rule
and Program.
The Society
is placed under the patronage of St. John the Evangelist, “the
Apostle whom Jesus loved”. Present at the Transfiguration,
St. John now at the head of the Society will help us to undertake
the “Ascension of Thabor”. By his writings on the
Heart of Jesus, and on the Holy Eucharist, Sacrifice and Real presence
of Our Lord, St. John is especially the Apostle of Christian Unity.

in practice the first of their three mottos: to adore God
are summed up in one motto: Adorare – Unire – Servire.
Adorare – personal sanctification: this is the first goal
that should have everyone, in a constant concern about living fully
the evangelical concept of charity.
2) Unire
– the search for unity: it is not a matter of adding a new spirituality
to the treasure of the Church but, on the contrary, to enable each
member to draw from the different sources of traditional spiritualities
in the Church. A special attention is brought to the Eastern spirituality
sources, in order to know better the question of the separated communities,
and so to work for their return to Roman unity. Towards this, each
member makes himself an Oblate of Unity. He offers his life, his
labors, his suffering, to hasten the hour of this unity.
3) Servire
– apostolic work: the attitude and spirit of this work is disponibility.
The Society is prepared to undertake all tasks that are entrusted
to it, provided they respect its family life, its spirit, and its
unity. In the bosom of the Society exist two kinds of members:
A) the permanent members; B) the members living in the spirit of
the Society, but in the world, called “Familiers”.
The Society
is directed by the Common Father, responsible for its good progress,
and guardian of its spirit. Then come the “Permanent” Brothers
and Sisters living in houses called “hermitages”. The hermitages,
maintained integrally for the Brothers (likewise of Sisters), must
not exceed twelve members, in order to keep a family spirit in each
of them. Next come the “Familiers”, and a third category of membership
– the “Sympathizers” who are Friends of the Society that support
the permanent members by their devotion and spirit of unity.
In short the
Society of Transfiguration is open to serve the Church all kinds
of works, wishing to labor most especially, through love of God
and of the neighbor, for the return of the separated brethren to
the unity in the Holy Catholic and Roman Church.
This state
of life, semi-contemplative, is able to respond to numerous vocations,
avid to praise God and to consecrate themselves to the salvation
of souls. Secular and theological studies are given on the premises
in order to permit all members to live their consecrations on solid
Father Superior
Le Bois
F-36220 Tournon St. Martin