Communities for Women
Chapter 11:
The Disciples
of the Cenacle form a small community of sisters who, “hid with
Christ in God” (Col. 3,3), wish, as far as possible, to conform
their existence to the teaching of the Redeemer Who is “the Way,
the Truth, and the Life” (John 14,6).
Putting their
trust in Providence, they, first of all, attend to their spiritual
formation, to increase more and more their interior life, to carry
out with profit their apostolate.

Photo after a taking habit ceremony
They like to recall the sublime words of Jesus: “Fear not little
flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a Kingdom. Sell
what you possess . . . Make to yourselves bags which grow not old
. . . behold the birds of the air . . . the lilies of the field
. . . For your Father knoweth that you have need of these things”
(Matt. 7,25-34)
Their founder
Father Francesco Maria Putti, a Roman Priest, guided and formed
them for several years until his death in 1984 and chose for them
the distinguishing denomination of ‘Disciples of the Cenacle’.
Don (Father)
Putti, by this denomination, wanted with a profound theological
sense, to recall to mind the essence of Catholicism, the heart of
the Church: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, instituted together
with the priesthood, exactly in the Cenacle, where with the coming
upon of the Holy Ghost, we had also the extraordinary dawn of the
Church with the Blessed Virgin and the Apostles. Likewise, Don
Putti wanted that his sisters, as already the Women (see Acts 1,
14) with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the Apostles meditated upon,
loved and took part in the mystery of the love of Calvary, renewed
mystically but really on our altars in the celebration of the Holy
Mass; and he wanted the Disciples to sacrifice themselves for the
Holy Church, particularly for the priests under the protection of
the Prince of the Apostles, St. Peter, the First Pope. Don Putti
wanted for them a great union with the redeeming Passion of Our
Lord, like the Blessed Virgin Mary on Calvary because only in this
manner the apostolate is fruitful: “Unless the grain of wheat
falling on the ground dies, itself remaineth alone. But if it dies,
it bringeth forth much fruit” (John 12, 24-25).
A future novice
with her father
before taking the habit |
Don Putti, spiritual son of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, wanted his
sisters also to have a house at San Giovanni Rotondo, during the
first years of the community and while Padre Pio was still alive
they took advantage of the example of Padre Pio, of his confessional
and of his advice. The Disciples of the Cenacle have learned to
love the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar from Padre Pio and Don. Putti;
they attend all the Masses, besides the community one, which are
celebrated in their Chapel and they lose no occasion to multiply
their participation at the Holy Sacrifice. Following the teaching
and the directives of their founder, they are faithful to the traditional
Thus the day
of the Disciple is centered in the little Chapel before the Eucharistic
Lord, present on the Altar. In the morning after the offering of
the day, the office of Lauds is recited followed by the Meditation,
the Holy Mass; at noon there is the “Angelus” and a short personal
visit to the Blessed Sacrament; in the afternoon there is a meditation
on the Way of the Cross followed later by the Rosary and Vespers
before the Blessed Sacrament exposed for Adoration; at the end of
the day, before retiring, the office of Compline is sung and the
evening salutation to Jesus.
Sr Cecilia's
Veiling Ceremony, Rome May 2009 105 |
Sisters and postulants
collecting the olives |
During the day the Sisters have a roster system of adoration before
the Blessed Sacrament. Prayer and work alternate. The sisters
work in ‘rota’ to meet the usual needs of a Community (sacristy,
housework, cooking, kitchen, and gardening).
principal apostolate of the Disciples of the Cenacle is printing
in order to defend the orthodoxy under the guidance of the constant
Magisterium of the Church and of Tradition, and they accomplish
this apostolate through the periodical ‘Si Si No No’ well known
in Rome and in the traditional world. Besides printing, the Disciples
also dedicate their time to teaching catechism, conscious to propagate
the Catholic doctrine and to defend it against the deviations so
frequent in the present critical period. It is more than ever necessary
to study the sources of the Revelation, of the Holy Scriptures,
of the Church Fathers, of the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas and
of the documents of the ecclesiastical Magisterium.
to the Institute
must be of age; exceptions must be examined by the Council. The
Community demands neither settlement nor trousseau, each one can
bring what is possible for her use. Good health is not necessary:
however persons with nervous or contagious disease are not accepted.
At present,
besides the Italian members of the Community, the Disciples of the
Cenacle have accepted also vocations from England and Australia.
Table of the Community |
a.m. |
Rise |
6:20 |
Offering, Lauds, meditation and Holy Mass |
8:10 |
Breakfast |
12:00 |
and a short visit to the Blessed Sacrament |
p.m. |
Recreation time |
of the Cross or Second Meditation |
6:00 |
Vespers |
8:00 |
Recreation time |
9:00 |
Compline |
Mother Superior
Le Discepole del Cenacolo
Via Madonna degli Angeli 78
I-00049 Velletri, Roma
[39] (06) 963 55 68