I. a. General Admission Policies

   b. Requirements, Policies and Procedures

   c. Financial Requirements

   d. Refund of Tuition and other School Fees

   e. Dropping / Withdrawing

II. School Fees

III. Forms (downloanable on pdf file)

       Application Form

       Student Questionnaire

       Boarder Requirements








New Pupils

- Certified True Copy of  Birth Certificate
- Certified True Copy of  Baptismal Certificate
- Certified True Copy of  Marriage Contract of Parents
- Certificate of  Enrollment
- Form 138 (Report Card)
- Certificate of Good Moral Character

Old Pupils
Form 138 (Report Card)
- Clearance Form

Transferee Pupils
Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Letter of Recommendation from the Principal
- Form 138 (Report Card)
- A general weighted average of 79% or below disqualifies the pupil for

- Pupils having a general weighted average of 88% and above with no grade

  lower than 85% in any learning area are exempted from the admission

- Pupils having a general weighted average of at least 80% and no failing grades

  in every learning area will have to take the admission examination.

Foreign Pupils

-  Report card or its equivalent

- Certified true copy of passport

- Certified true copy of the Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR)

- Certificate of Eligibility for Admission from the Department of Education



Returning Pupil

 Pupils who transferred  to other schools or dropped out for some time and would like to come back are treated as new pupils in regard to admission.

-          Pupils who dropped out during the school year for valid reasons may be re-admitted the following school year without taking admission examination.

-          Pupils with academic deficiency are required to take summer remedial classes before they are re-admitted the following school year.

-          Pupils, who were suspended twice within the school year, provided that the length of each suspension is at least three days, and those committed  grave offenses shall not be re-admitted.

-          Pupils who are were not able to comply with the requirements of their probation agreement, academic or disciplinary, will not be re-admitted.

-          Pupils who had been previously dismissed shall not be re-admitted.

-          Pupils who ask for recommendation to transfer to another school shall not be re-admitted.



Pre-nursery       3.0 to 3.5 years old by June
Nursery             3.6 to 4.5 years
old by June
Kindergarten     4.6 to 5.5
years old by June and with Nursery Certificate
Preparatory       5.6 to 5.11 years old by June and with Kindergarten

Grade I             6 years old by June and with Kindergarten or Preparatory


Pre-enrollment Procedures

1. Submit complete requirements and secure Application Form from the Office

    of the Registrar.
2. Fill out the Form.
3. Proceed to the Office of the Treasurer for payment of admission fee.

4. Proceed to the Office of the Principal for preliminary interview and schedule

    of examination.
5. Take the examination on scheduled date and time.
6. Get the Admission Examination Rating Report from the Office of the

    Registrar and present it to the Principal.
7. Secure an admission slip from the Principal.
8. Proceed to the Office of the Treasurer for payment of reservation fee.

    Reservation fee is non-refundable. It is automatically deducted from the

    registration fee upon enrollment.
9. Enroll on the specified enrollment period.

Enrollment Procedures

A pupil is considered officially enrolled upon surrendering his Application Form and upon payment of school fees.
    1. Submit the admission slip to the Office of the Principal.
    2. Present filled up Form to the Committee on Assessment. Secure lists of 

        books and other requirements.
    3. Proceed to the Office of the Treasurer for payment of fees.
    4. Proceed to the library for books and other requirements.


2 Cannon Rd., New Manila, Quezon City1112

Tel.: (63)(02)721-7343

Email Address: