story appeared in the Italian newspaper Il Giornale,
Feb., 18, 1996:
have been excused or absolved yet once again. In the wake
of the French Church, the Portuguese Church has also declared
itself in favor of the protection of sex against AIDS.
“Dutch Church” followed suit:
stand taken by the Portuguese came barely 24 hours after
the public affirmations of a prince of the Church [i.e.,
a cardinal], the present Archbishop of Utrecht, Adrianus
Simonis, who, for the first time, has admitted the licit
or lawful nature of the use of protection against AIDS.
enough of this. So many “Churches”: “French,” “Portuguese,”
“Dutch”…instead of the one true Catholic Church in France,
in Portugal, in the Netherlands, etc., together with just
as many different “morals” (which are utterly immoral).
It is no longer a question of “death rather than sin,” but,
“sin, rather than death.”
is also noteworthy that Msgr. Simonis was considered to
be “conservative” in the ranks of the Dutch episcopacy.
If such be the case with a “conservative” bishop, we can
only imagine what it must be like with those “selling out”
the Faith to the enemy.
letter addressed to SISINONO)
the occasion of Pope John Paul’s last voyage in
the Far East, and in the course of the choreographic
spectacle of Holy Mass, in the presence of one million
Philippine faithful, there was unfurled and held
on center stage, by five young “patriot” priests,
the red flag of that unspeakably vile Chinese Communist
regime universally well-known for its present persecution
of its own peaceful citizens. These young clerics
(if, indeed, they be truly such!) have simply shown
themselves to be traitors to the Faith by their
oath of fidelity to Mao’s doctrine as well as by
their repudiation of ecclesiastical unity with the
Roman Catholic Church. Surprise!
individuals were then welcomed and reinstated by
right in the Church and then admitted to concelebrate
with the Pope and the other priests who were also
taking part in that mammoth meeting.
with such a stupendous scandal, what will they say,
those courageous priests and religious who, in order
to remain faithful to Rome, have accepted imprisonment,
or condemnation to forced labor camps, or exile,
or even death itself at the hands of their Maoist
persecutors? Those true Catholics, who are indeed
the true Chinese patriots, must surely think that
they have been betrayed by the very one whose duty
it is, on the contrary, to praise and hold up as
an example those victims’ heroism. Today’s faithful
Chinese Catholics could not, of course, go to Manila,
seeing that they are forced to worship in the underground
Catholic Church at the cost of enormous sacrifices
and under the threat of never-ending dangers.
at the time of the French Revolution (1789-1799),
Pope Pius VI had also acted in this fashion with
those priests who, in order to save their lives
or to retain their freedom, recognized the “Civil
Constitution of the Clergy” by means of an oath
of loyalty to the rabidly anti-Catholic Jacobinical
government and by thus separating themselves from
Rome, would that have not constituted a solemn slap
in the face to the great number of loyal, recusant
priests who absolutely refused to utter that thereby
to exile or to certain death by the guillotine?
we can also ask ourselves other questions: By whom
were these very young Chinese priests ordained?
Obviously not by a bishop loyal to the (Roman Catholic)
Church, but rather by a “patriot” bishop, or at
best by some bishop himself ordained by yet another
“patriot” bishop. This is also, strangely enough,
the case with the schismatic Orthodox whose bishops
and priests are now recognized as legitimate by
today’s Conciliar Church, unlike others who, mind
you, have been “excommunicated” for their heroic
loyalty to the Church as well as to scared Tradition.

John Paul II and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople,
Bartholomew I, in the Vatican Basilica of St. Peter, June
29, 1995.
SISINONO, July-August 1996)
Courtesy of the Angelus
Press, Kansas City, MO 64109
translated from the Italian
Fr. Du Chalard
Via Madonna degli Angeli, 14
Italia 00049 Velletri (Roma)