Newsletter of the District
of Asia
- Sep 2002
Anniversary Photo Album

March 1997 saw another Filipino bishop visiting our church
on the occasion of Fr. Piñon's 51st priestly anniversary,
Bishop Fortitch, from Negros, a former classmate of Fr. Piñon.
On the photo, Fr. Piñon is seen in a wheel chair, Bishop
Fortitch, is immediately to his right next to Bishop Lazo.

Thanks to a zealous faithful, Lt. Col. Etis, Fr. Couture was privileged
to address a group
of 250 trainee officers at a military base not far from Manila.
More apostolate was scheduled with them but the local Conciliar
authorities interfered and blocked the plan.

August 11:
Father Morgan, visibly homesick for the Philippines, seen here on
a visit at Attorney Dominguez's home.
Standing on the left is Father Joseph Rajadurai, SSPX Indian priest,
who was stationed in Manila for a short while.

Divine Providence was putting us to a special work with the arrival
of two ex Sisters
who had left their convent in the previous months to protect their
faith and who then came to us.
This obliged us to do something for our feminine vocations: it led
to the opening of the House of Bethany,
a kind of general pre-postulate. Posing with Frs. Onoda (1st
Chaplain) and newly arrived Fr. Marc Vernoy, are the first four
Bethanians. (October)