Newsletter of the District of Asia

 October 2007 - March 2008


Dear Friends and Benefactors,

“Who is like unto … the Mother of God?” Such an inspired adaptation of St Michael’s war cry by a venerable sage of India gives the key to the on-going Fatima drama. When the Seat of Wisdom is sent to the earth and deigns to speak, it is eminently wise to listen and to execute her commands, her heavenly requests. The stewards at the marriage feast of Cana, to their great joy, discovered it the right way, by being the instruments of Our Lord’s very first miracle; the popes of the XXth century, from Pope Pius XI to the present Holy Father, to their great dismay have discovered it the wrong way, ie., by witnessing to the holocaust of more than 100 million deaths in the various communist countries, and the apostasy of Europe since 1917.

“If (my requests are not heeded), she (Russia) will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated” (Fatima, July 13).

From the best studies available of the Third Secret, it is morally certain that it announced that in the 1960s there would be an Ecumenical Council which will bring about the apostasy of Europe. Could there also be a mentioned of the change in the Mass, and of a Pope leading the Church in this true revolution? Time will tell. But one thing is sure: Our blessed Lady obviously knew what had already been plotted in the secret Masonic lodges for many years already, and it would not be surprising that at Fatima she came to forewarn the Church of this evil plot.

The infamous excommunicated Canon Roca (1830-1893), who preached revolution and Church “reform,” also predicted a future change in the liturgy: “[T]he divine cult in the form directed by the liturgy, ceremonial, ritual and regulations of the Roman Church will shortly undergo a transformation at an ecumenical council, which will restore to it the venerable simplicity of the golden age of the Apostles in accordance with the dictates of conscience and modern civilization.” (Athanasius and the Church of our Time, by. Dr. R. Graber, 1974, p.35).

By the above statement, Roca was adding details to The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita, published by order of Pope Gregory XVI and approved by Pope Pius IX in 1861. This Instruction clearly speaks of ‘a pope according to our (Masonic) needs…”, boasts of eventually having “the little finger of the successor of Peter engaged in the ploy”, and describes a  pontiff  who  “like  most  of  his contemporaries, will be necessarily more or less imbued with the (revolutionary) Italian and humanitarian principles that (they) were about to put into circulation”. (The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita, J. Vennari, TAN, pp. 7-9).

So, the enemies of the Church were aiming at preparing 1) a pope according to their ideas, 2) a General Council and 3) great changes in the Holy Mass.

Now, Br. Michael, in volume 3 of his authoritative books, The Whole Truth about Fatima, gives many texts of unimpeachable witnesses establishing with absolute certitude that the Third Secret had to be disclosed by 1960, or in 1960. Here are two of these texts.

Canon Barthas, in a book published in1952 wrote the account of his conversations with Sr. Lucy in 1946 and in 1950. He asked her:

“When will the third element of the Secret be revealed to us?” Already in 1946 Lucy and the Bishop of Leiria answered me uniformly, without hesitation and without comment: “In 1960”. And when I pushed my audacity so far as to ask why it was necessary to wait until then, the only response I received from both was: “Because the Blessed Virgin wishes it so.” (Br. Michael, op.cit. p. 472)

Cardinal Ottaviani met Sr. Lucy on May 17, 1955, and when, 12 years later, he recalled this meeting, he said he had asked Sr. Lucy “Why this date?” (1960) and she had answered, “Because then it will seem clearer” (‘mais claro’ in Portuguese). (Br. Michael, op.cit. p. 474)

As 1960 was nearing, Pope John XXIII wanted to look into this Fatima Secret. After reading it around August 17, 1959, in his summer residence of Castel Gondolfo, the pope, as Archbishop Capovila testified (see the next article on p. 6), simply asked his secretary to write on the envelope: ‘I do not express any judgment’ because the message ‘may be a Divine manifestation or may not be’. Or according to Fr. Alonso, John XXIII declared more precisely: “This does not concern the years of my pontificate”. (Br. Michael, p. 557) And he continued with the preparation of Vatican II which was already going full blast.

Paul VI read it in 1963 and in 1965, according to Archbishop Capovilla.

John Paul II read it in 1982, before his trip to Fatima. He ‘released’ it on June 26, 2000, but with the official explanation (through the mouth of Archbishop Bertone) that it only concerned the past events of the XXth century, and no longer the future, and consequently, that the message of Fatima was now a ‘fait accompli’.

Cardinal Ratzinger, now the reigning Pontiff, also read it before he became pope.

We can then say that the recent popes refused to serve, to obey the Queen of Heaven and earth, of men and of angels, on that important issue. How is it possible? Archbishop Capovilla gave a hint to the answer when he said that it was hard to discern, in the message of Fatima, what was from Our Lady and what was from the seer. In other words, the thesis of Fr. Dhanis S.J. of that is, part of the secret of Fatima was simply the fruit of Sr. Lucy’s imagination, is still very alive in the Vatican. They do not reveal it because they do not really believe it is from Our Lady.

Mysteriously, alongside the last stages for the recent liberalization of the Traditional Mass — from October 2006 to the present — Heaven seems to activate the authorities of the Church to also clarify this matter of the Third Secret of Fatima. Because it is far from being over. As the following article will show, it is now more certain than ever that there are two parts of the Third Secret, and that only one was made public in June 2000.

Another argument in favor of the conclusion that the missing part speaks of an apostasy in Europe caused by an Ecumenical Council, is the very attitude of the Holy Father towards Vatican II. Already before, but clearly since his election, Benedict XVI is constantly endeavoring to save the honor of the Council, thus to prove the Fatima message wrong. He certainly admits that there is a general apostasy in the Catholic countries – his ‘Ratzinger Report’ said as much way back in 1985 – but he still refuses to admit that the real cause was the Council itself and not just the interpretation of the Council. He claims the texts of the Councils have been misinterpreted in the name of the ‘spirit of the Council’. He stated in his Christmas address of December 22, 2005 to the Curia:

(For many the spirit of the Council meant) “(i)n a word: it would be necessary not to follow the texts of the Council but its spirit. In this way, obviously, a vast margin was left open for the question on how this spirit should subsequently be defined and room was consequently made for every whim. The nature of a Council as such is therefore basically misunderstood. (…)

(The correct attitude should be fidelity to the texts:) “However, wherever this interpretation (ie., fidelity to the texts-Ed.) guided the implementation of the Council, new life developed and new fruit ripened. Forty years after the Council, we can show that the positive is far greater and livelier than it appeared to be in the turbulent years around 1968. Today, we see that although the good seed developed slowly, it is nonetheless growing; and our deep gratitude for the work done by the Council is likewise growing.

Sadly we have to say: where is the real difference between following the ‘spirit of the Council’ and the ‘text of the Council’? Hasn’t the Holy Father continued and encouraged all the ecumenical ventures of his predecessors? Has the ‘Spirit of Assisi’ been revoked? Certainly not. As recently as Oct. 21-23, 2007, there was another inter-religious meeting in Naples, organized by the Community of Sant’ Egidio. Present were: 4 Cardinals, including two of the Roman Curia (Card. Tauran and Kasper), the great Rabbis of Rome and Israel, Buddhist monks, the Patriarchs of Moscow and Constantinople, the head of the Churches of Europe (a Protestant Pastor), etc. Just before the start of the gathering, the Holy Father himself addressed the participants:

“Today’s meeting takes us back in spirit to 1986, when my venerable Predecessor John Paul II invited important Religious Representatives to the hills of St Francis to pray for peace, stressing on that occasion the intrinsic ties that combine an authentic religious attitude with keen sensitivity to this fundamental good of humanity. (…) The Catholic Church intends to continue on the path of dialogue in order to encourage understanding between the different cultures, traditions and forms of religious wisdom. I warmly hope that this spirit will be spread increasingly, especially where tensions are strongest, where freedom and respect for others are denied and where men and women suffer the consequences of intolerance and misunderstanding.”

On one hand, we are told that we haven’t as yet seen the real Vatican II and that the ‘spirit of the Council’ is wrong, but on the other hand the Holy Father continues to promote the very ‘Spirit of Assisi’ and the New Mass, which are the deadliest fruits of Vatican II. Rightly did St Pius X write in his now centenary Encyclical Pascendi that modernists live in a constant contradiction.

It is all the more admirable then that the Mother of God steps in at this moment. She will not be silenced. “Who is like unto .. the Mother of God?” Neither God nor His Immaculate Mother can be mocked. She has promised that Her Immaculate Heart will triumph. She will keep her promise.

The timing of the two issues — Traditional Mass & Third Secret — is extremely judicious and revealing. It immediately makes one think of Don Bosco’s dream of the ship of the Church between the two columns, the Holy Eucharist and the Immaculate Madonna. And what is quite interesting as well is that the true devotees of Fatima who still had reserves about the Traditional Mass are understanding better the situation of crisis in the Church and are coming closer to the Traditional Mass. We have some beautiful and very recent examples in the Philippines in particular to prove this.

You will see further in the Chronicle the details and the fruits of the campaign for the Traditional Mass which has started soon after the Motu Proprio came out July 7th, 2007. The number of Traditional Masses having increased world­wide, let us continue to pray that it will bring about the consecration of Russia and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

God bless,
Fr. Daniel Couture

Fr. Daniel Couture
District Superior


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