is a new document, which is absolutely revealing and characteristic
in its whole representation that is the new Catechism of the Catholic
Church. You will see that it is more the Catechism of the Conciliar
three functions of the Catholic Church have now finally all been
"codified" by the Conciliar Church with the publication
of this new Catechism. For the sanctification of souls we have
the novus ordo missae; for the governance of souls we have the
New Code of Canon Law; for the teaching of souls we have the New
Catechism. We can expect that this Catechism is in the same line
as the Second Vatican Council, and it is.
I have to remark that there are excellent texts in this Catechism,
and there are some exposals, for example, they speak once again
about the Real Presence, Transubstantiation, etc. Well, astonishing
things. But, this Catechism first of all is not a Catechism in
question and answer form. It gives no definitions. It describes,
it exposes, it gives sources, but there are no definitions, which
is absolutely characteristic for the modernists who do not want
clear notions. They hate the scholastic system. That's the first
thing, which is very characteristic. The second point is that
we find all the directives and ideals of the Vatican Council in
this Catechism. So, for example, ecumenism (#819). It is said
that the text here is taken word for word from the Council (Unitatis
Redintegratio), where it is said that the Spirit of Christ has
deigned other ecclesiastical communities to be means of salvation...you
find the same spirit regarding mixed marriages (#1636): "So
there is no insurmountable obstacle if either of the two partners
in the mixed marriage brings it what he has received in his own
community. The one must learn from the other the manner in which
he lives his fidelity to Christ." So, you see the spirit
of relativism.
same question appears regarding religious liberty (#2104), which
is taken from Dignitatis Humanae, which says that man has a natural
right not to be hindered in publicly exercising his false religion.
This was proclaimed by Vatican II and this we find exactly, once
again, in the new Catechism.
Catechism has humanistic aspects, for example, the dignity of
the human person. I never read before in a Catechism a chapter
on this. In this Catechism too, we read in the beginning the first
chapter, "Man is capable of God." If you look at a traditional
Catechism it will begin with the Creed; it explains what is the
Faith; and then it is "Credo in unum Deum. " God is
first. But the new Catechism speaks first of all about the psychological
and philosophical qualities of man. The first aspect is man, not
marriage, the Catechism echoes Gaudium et Spes of Vatican II.
It inverts the proper ends of marriage citing first mutual love
of the spouses, then, procreation and education, instead of the
astonishing thing is its treatment of the Mass as a sacrifice
of adoration, praise, and thanksgiving, but practically no word
about the Mass as a sacrifice of propitiation. And, that is precisely
the line between Catholic and heretic.
the new Catechism an infallible act of the Ordinary Magisterium
of the Church? Well, it's the same as the Second Vatican Council.
If it is the Magisterium Ordinarium of the Church, it is infallible
as long as it is in conformity with Tradition. And since we see
that there are deviations in doctrine, we must say that in these
points they are not infallible. So we have to criticize by interior
criterion this Catechism as we do for the second Vatican Council.
It is exactly the same. The Magisterium Ordinarium is infallible
in so far as it is in conformity with Tradition, and concerning
Traditional doctrines. If there is a deviation it cannot be infallible.
And, so, it is not an infallible act of the Ordinary Magisterium.