Newsletter of the District of Asia

 Apr - Sep 2002

10th Anniversary Photo Album



Sr. Maria Regina

80. In May - June we also had the great joy to have a veteran Oblate of the SSPX, Sr. Maria Regina,
who came to see our apostolate and to speak by words and actions of the Oblates to all our Bethanians.


Frs. Loschi and Vachon

81. At the end of the summer, two priests made a short stay in the Philippines:
Fr. Fabrice Loschi came to replace Fr. Vernoy,
and Fr. Richard Vachon stopped over on his way to help the Indian Missions.
Fr. Loschi is at the back of the picture the first on the right. Fr. Vachon is the 4th from the right.


Fr. Benoit Wailliez

82. Fr. Vachon was going to India to replace Fr. Benoit Wailliez
who was coming to the Philippines to replace Fr. McMahon
who was sent to England to replace another priest (such is the SSPX!).


pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag


pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag

84. October, month of the Holy Rosary, was chosen for our new pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag. Almost 300 people joined in the 12 km walk.


The Legion of Mary in the Philippines

85. The Legion of Mary also was organised among our faithful,
in the months after the arrival of the Santo Niño,
firstly in Iloilo, then in Manila, and later elsewhere.
At present there are two Curiae and about twenty Praesidia in the Philippines.


the Order of the knights of Our Lady

86. Another fruit of the Saint Niño was the arrival in the Philippines of the Order of the knights of Our Lady,
an order for men to promote the Social Kingship of Christ.


land for Brothers' Noviciate near Iloilo

87. We can neither forget the purchase, in this same year, of 12 acres of land
for our future Brothers' Noviciate near Iloilo.

land for Brothers' Noviciate near Iloilo



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